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Vietnam’s economy grows at fastest pace since a decade


That is a student blog, sites.miis.edu. She is quoting from VCP propaganda piece. It's always easier to blame others. Malaysia was literate too before British colonization destroyed it :lol:

Any academic source will reveal it was French colonization and the introduction of Latin script that left an impact on Vietnam literacy. But the widespread use of Quốc Ngữ took off only in 1945 when Ho Chin Minh's implemented Bình Dân Học Vụ progam. Primarily reason was that phonetic Quốc Ngữ based on alphabet is easier to master than Chinese characters. During French rule, Latin script was mainly for official usage. The population 95% do not read Latin alphabet nor Chinese characters.

The source you quoted Factsanddetails.com stated the same.
• Romanized script, "Quoc ngu," developed in the 17th century by missionaries to write Vietnamese language, is made official; literacy rate increases.

I don't toe anybody's line, I don't have a Vietnamese wife nor am I anti-Vietnam or China. The central argument is Chinese characters had little relevance on Vietnamese identity, I proved my case.
You conveniently left off your STUPID 99% illiterate.
I too is not anti-Vietnam, but I don't just FART OUT FACTS.

I find it difficult to accept the Vietnamese being intelligent and hardworking with Confucius ethics would fare so badly at education, i.e. 99% illiterate before French colonization.
Yes I too find Chinese characters are difficult, the Koreans too, but don't just spout incredible statistics unless you have sources to back it up.
I believe that the difficult Chinese script helped in some way to build memory capacity and spacial intelligence of East Asians.
You conveniently left off your STUPID 99% illiterate.
I too is not anti-Vietnam, but I don't just FART OUT FACTS.

I find it difficult to accept the Vietnamese being intelligent and hardworking with Confucius ethics would fare so badly at education, i.e. 99% illiterate before French colonization.
Yes I too find Chinese characters are difficult, the Koreans too, but don't just spout incredible statistics unless you have sources to back it up.
I believe that the difficult Chinese script helped in some way to build memory capacity and spacial intelligence of East Asians.

@sinait, Ancient literacy anywhere is lower than postmodern. Confucius stuff had little impact among the commoners, festival and celebration of Chinese origin like Tet matter to them more. Yup, so intelligent and hardworking that Chinese dominated academia and industry in Vietnam until they were persecuted. So intelligent and hardworking that they switched to easy to learn alphabet. Confucius work ethic! Korean and Japanese should learn from it, you would be the best ambassador for the program. Many Singaporean and Malaysian with imported Vietnamese partners would join too.
I really want to visit Vietnam once. Is it safe for an overseas Chinese to go to Vietnam for a vacation?
@Viet @AViet
@sinait, Ancient literacy anywhere is lower than postmodern. Confucius stuff had little impact among the commoners, festival and celebration of Chinese origin like Tet matter to them more. Yup, so intelligent and hardworking that Chinese dominated academia and industry in Vietnam until they were persecuted. So intelligent and hardworking that they switched to easy to learn alphabet. Confucius work ethic! Korean and Japanese should learn from it, you would be the best ambassador for the program. Many Singaporean and Malaysian with imported Vietnamese partners would join too.
You see persecution of the successful by the backward locals throughout history in many countries, looking for a scapegoat for their misfortune.
The Koreans and the Japanese don't deny Confucius influence on their societies or maybe you can elaborate.
There is the massacre of the Chinese in Indonesia by the economically backward not too long ago in 1998.

Now lets have more details on your 99% illiterate Vietnamese.
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Sinait, backward? but earlier you said they are intelligent and hardworking, LOL. 95% in postmodern period, one can do his maths or look at the number of scholar officials. Don't bore me with straws!
I really want to visit Vietnam once. Is it safe for an overseas Chinese to go to Vietnam for a vacation?
@Viet @AViet

I think their country is relatively safe for tourist from China, as they are the largest contributor for tourists inbound toward Vietnam
You see persecution of the successful by the backward locals throughout history in many countries, looking for a scapegoat for their misfortune.
The Koreans and the Japanese don't deny Confucius influence on their societies or maybe you can elaborate.
There is the massacre of the Chinese in Indonesia by the economically backward not too long ago in 1998.

Now lets have more details on your 99% illiterate Vietnamese.

Glitch, repost.

Sinait, backward? but earlier you said they are intelligent and hardworking, LOL. 95% in postmodern period, one can do his maths or look at the number of scholar officials. Don't bore me with straws!
Sinait, backward? but earlier you said they are intelligent and hardworking, LOL. 95% in postmodern period, one can do his maths or look at the number of scholar officials. Don't bore me with straws!
Something is wrong with you.
Where did you see I put backward and Vietnam in a single sentence?
The Vietnamese rank high in PISA test so no questions about their intelligence and hardwork.
Hopefully no more whataboutery.
Relations between the Chinese and Vietnamese are complex but I believe more to do with colonization angst.

Just come out with the details on 99% of Vietnamese are illiterate before French colonization or admit you got it from your behind.
I am not Vietnamese.
I would not put the Vietnamese above the Chinese but to say 99% of them have problem learning Chinese characters and therefore the Chinese have little influence in Vietnam after 1000 years is illogical and unrealistic.
Sinait, backward? but earlier you said they are intelligent and hardworking, LOL. 95% in postmodern period, one can do his maths or look at the number of scholar officials. Don't bore me with straws!
Vietnamese primary school in a small village 100 years ago


@sinait, LOL, you keep shifting the post after proven wrong, then changed topic and do the twist. Don't try flipping roti with me. Start a bride agency already!

@Viet Thanks. Vinh Long's commercial centre where French embassy is located. Tong Phuoc Hiep from 1949.
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@sinait, LOL, you keep shifting the post after proven wrong, then changed topic and do the twist. Don't try flipping roti with me. Start a bride agency already!
You have serious problem with English comprehension.
What post did I shift?
You come up with what constitute 99% Vietnamese were illiterate before French colonization and lets get over it with.
I don't want to delay you go flip roti(pratha?) anymore.
Or your bride agency(Vietnamese girls?).
@Viet Thanks. Vinh Long's commercial centre where French embassy is located. Tong Phuoc Hiep from 1949.
Yes Vinh Long, but pictures were made about 1920, so nearly 100 years ago. Scenes of market place, repair workshop, city hall, river front, pagoda and court house.

All white uniform.
How are they going to play without getting dirty?
White dress is traditionally required for pupils and students. school girls in ao dai. Schools are a serious thing in Vietnam. Not a place to play to get dirty. I remembered of the days when I was young. Teachers were sometimes like prison guards. Ha ha.

Yes Vinh Long, but pictures were made about 1920, so nearly 100 years ago. Scenes of market place, repair workshop, city hall, river front, pagoda and court house.

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@Viet, Vinh Long was a bustling commercial centre back in old days before Saigon and Cholon merged into one big city. It wasn't a village. Big Chinese community lived there, endured many conflicts. The school is Tong Phuoc Hiep from 1949.
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