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Vietnam’s economy grows at fastest pace since a decade

Those islands are undisputed, China shall not drop her demands. If Vietnam remains stubborn, we shall be forced to kill those mofo in the future. Vietnam already received a red alert from China when those chimps dare to tell the Spanish to come over and drill in the disputed area. After China threaten them with war, Vietnam was crapping in her pants and recently they cancelled another cooperation with the Spanish again. Vietnam understands very well a war with China means the DEATH of Vietnam.

You don't understand the meaning of those 40 warships?
Unless you resort to nuclear weapons China isn’t strong enough to beat Vietnam in a conventional war. Not in a land war, nor in an all-out aerial assault. Our most vulnerability lies in open sea battle. That is not new since centuries. It’s not wise to underestimate Vietnam military strength. I suggest you study the war between Vietnam and China during the Ming. Back in the time emperial China was the most powerful military power in the Far East, both on land and at the highsea. The imbalance of power between two nations war bigger than today between VN and CN.

Our strength is intelligent not military hardware.

Backing down but hitting back whenever necessary belong to the strategy. It’s worthless to go to war over a gas field. We can’t drill. You can’t drill, neither.

It’s better if both countries cooperate seeking a middle way.

The sea is the lifeline of VN. Without access to it, we are dying. We can’t back down.
The chimp can only dream about the collapse of China. Must have been completely brainwashed by Gordan Chang's extensive literature. Hard landing, crashing, ghost town while TPP is supposed to be Vietnam's savior. I hope to get another laugh if TPP gets thrown into the dustbin for the 2nd time.
Shhhh...Chang is our boy. Don't spoil the monkey's wet dream:enjoy:
Unless you resort to nuclear weapons China isn’t strong enough to beat Vietnam in a conventional war. Not in a land war, nor in an all-out aerial assault. Our most vulnerability lies in open sea battle. That is not new since centuries. It’s not wise to underestimate Vietnam military strength. I suggest you study the war between Vietnam and China during the Ming. Back in the time emperial China was the most powerful military power in the Far East, both on land and at the highsea. The imbalance of power between two nations war bigger than today between VN and CN. Our strength is intelligent not military hardware.
Backing down but hitting back whenever necessary belong to the strategy. It’s worthless to go to war over a gas field. We can’t drill. You can’t drill, neither.It’s better if both countries cooperate seeking a middle way.The sea is the lifeline of VN. Without access to it, we are dying. We can’t back down.

Vietnamese cannot fight any real war. It was the PLA advisors who taught the Vietnamese how to defeat the Colonialist as well as Americans. :coffee:

In 1979 the Vietnamese defenders were decimated by superior firepower and the city of Langson was flattened.
China only committed 80,000 border guards and this was confirmed by USA satellite pictures.

PLA stay on for another month as they announced with NO resistance from the Vietnamese Army.

So STOP boasting when the truth is already OUT in the open.
PLA merely stated that the war was NOT easy as they had to fight against the adversarial army in mountainous terrance. PLA send their border guards who can speaks in Vietnamese and that confused the Vietnamese defenders.

This is an earnest and interesting comment written by a Vietnamese which I received via my WhatsApp recently. I will like to share this with everyone esp. Vietnamese. Let them reflects on it.


Learning Mandarin changes the way I see my motherland - Vietnam. It changes the way I define what it means to be Vietnamese. It changes my understanding of Vietnamese culture and language, especially what we lost by using Latin characters.

If you don’t know Hanzi (Chinese characters), then you cannot differentiate the homophones (different characters - same pronunciations) in Vietnamese, which means you basically do not understand a lot of words in Vietnamese. In a lot of cases, people do not understand their own names (which 99% are all written in Hanzi.) Or may I say, if you do not know Hanzi, you cannot deeply understand Vietnamese language.

If you do not understand the language, you cannot understand the culture and the history. If you know Chinese, then you will understand that Vietnam is a part of the SINOSPHERE. I also realize that it’s such a shame since we cannot read the all documents that dated just more than 100 years ago. You claim to be Vietnamese and understand this culture, but you cannot read what your great-grandparents wrote - such a joke. You don’t know what the hell is written in every single temple and pagoda, or maybe just your own family’s ancestor shrines.

Language decides mentality. Vietnamese people’s mentality is getting more and more swallow partly because of the language they use. Imaging Chinese people only use pinyin to communicate. That’s the problem of Vietnamese’s Latin characters. Vocabulary variety is limited and vocabulary usage gets confusing. Simply, you just do not have enough words to think deeper or discuss more complex concepts. At this point I feel pretty desperate, because I know this stupidity is not gonna disappear in my lifetime. **** the French.

I feel proud and happy, as for the first time in my life, I got to understand the characters that my family used to name me (yeah I was lucky, my family really understand the characters they gave the kids.) It’s just beautiful. I feel proud to be a part of the Sinosphere culture. I feel MORE CONFIDENT too, as in finally you understand more about your ROOT and HERITAGE, or I may say, where you come from. Feeling smarter because I know another language, plus I understand my own language better. Learning Mandarin really gave me a sense of security, not just because I felt more convenient, but it did clear my mind and my vision.

As a language, Chinese changes the way I see the current geopolitical situation of the world. Just TOO STUPID to be anti-China, in all terms and from all kinds of perspectives.

This is an earnest and interesting comment written by a Vietnamese which I received via my WhatsApp recently. I will like to share this with everyone esp. Vietnamese. Let them reflects on it.


Learning Mandarin changes the way I see my motherland - Vietnam. It changes the way I define what it means to be Vietnamese. It changes my understanding of Vietnamese culture and language, especially what we lost by using Latin characters.

If you don’t know Hanzi (Chinese characters), then you cannot differentiate the homophones (different characters - same pronunciations) in Vietnamese, which means you basically do not understand a lot of words in Vietnamese. In a lot of cases, people do not understand their own names (which 99% are all written in Hanzi.) Or may I say, if you do not know Hanzi, you cannot deeply understand Vietnamese language.

If you do not understand the language, you cannot understand the culture and the history. If you know Chinese, then you will understand that Vietnam is a part of the SINOSPHERE. I also realize that it’s such a shame since we cannot read the all documents that dated just more than 100 years ago. You claim to be Vietnamese and understand this culture, but you cannot read what your great-grandparents wrote - such a joke. You don’t know what the hell is written in every single temple and pagoda, or maybe just your own family’s ancestor shrines.

Language decides mentality. Vietnamese people’s mentality is getting more and more swallow partly because of the language they use. Imaging Chinese people only use pinyin to communicate. That’s the problem of Vietnamese’s Latin characters. Vocabulary variety is limited and vocabulary usage gets confusing. Simply, you just do not have enough words to think deeper or discuss more complex concepts. At this point I feel pretty desperate, because I know this stupidity is not gonna disappear in my lifetime. **** the French.

I feel proud and happy, as for the first time in my life, I got to understand the characters that my family used to name me (yeah I was lucky, my family really understand the characters they gave the kids.) It’s just beautiful. I feel proud to be a part of the Sinosphere culture. I feel MORE CONFIDENT too, as in finally you understand more about your ROOT and HERITAGE, or I may say, where you come from. Feeling smarter because I know another language, plus I understand my own language better. Learning Mandarin really gave me a sense of security, not just because I felt more convenient, but it did clear my mind and my vision.

As a language, Chinese changes the way I see the current geopolitical situation of the world. Just TOO STUPID to be anti-China, in all terms and from all kinds of perspectives.


In ancient Vietnam, 99% of the people do not know Chinese characters, only the scholars. People-to-people communication were in spoken Vietnamese which is an Austroasiatic language, different from Chinese. It makes no different to Vietnamese's identity and heritage whether a person read Chinese characters or not. Even as late as 1900's before adoption of Latin, 95% Vietnamese couldn't read or write. Chinese characters were as incomprehensible to them as Latin alphabet.

With the rise of China, many Vietnamese began to romanticize a special affinity with Chinese characters, even among those who despise China. And Chinese would use it as bragging rights to put down Vietnamese. Well, nothing couldn't be further from the truth.
In ancient Vietnam, 99% of the people do not know Chinese characters, only the scholars. People-to-people communication were in spoken Vietnamese which is an Austroasiatic language, different from Chinese. It makes no different to Vietnamese's identity and heritage whether a person read Chinese characters or not. Even as late as 1900's before adoption of Latin, 95% Vietnamese couldn't read or write. Chinese characters were as incomprehensible to them as Latin alphabet.

With the rise of China, many Vietnamese began to romanticize a special affinity with Chinese characters, even among those who despise China. And Chinese would use it as bragging rights to put down Vietnamese. Well, nothing couldn't be further from the truth.

:cheesy: So what are you?
A reincarnated ANNAMESE or just a fake, a disbeliever of FACTS!

Well, for one, Malaysia is a nation where LIES and half truths prevail from TOP to bottom at this point of time in history. So I do not wish to be drag into the local politics for one but that is a fact that is confronting every Malaysian I met and spoke to so far.
So coming from another one like you is hardly surprising.

:coffee: Romaniced Vietnamese is the legacy of an act of enslavement by the French Colonialists.
There is NOTHING ancient or romantic about it like the West try to portray.
To them it is much like an innovative inscribed tattoo on prisoners that will marked them for life.
The cultural rituals and way of life we found in Vietnam is similar to those from China. It has always been a part of China and it existed as a quasi-states whose King served at the pleasure of the Emperor who ruled from the ancient Capital.

The Malacca's Sultanate was different, it was a tributary states much like the Sulu Sultanate or the Kingdom of Ryuku now annexed by Meiji Japan.

That is why way back in 1979, China used the word "PUNISHED" meaning a mother punishing her mischievous child. Motherland China PUNISHED its child Vietnam.

That is why I constantly warned Vietnamese to BE CAREFUL WHAT THEY WISH FOR.

Vietnamese who landed up in Hong Kong prefered regarded themselves as oversea Chinese.
All temples, tombstones, etc even the King's Palace at Hue were inscribed with Huge Chinese character.
Are you denying it or perhaps you have NEVER been to Vietnam.
I am being threaten with a BAN for posting a message which I received on my WhatsApp message.

IMO the message is neither offensive nor did the writer used profany in his language to insult other.

It is his personal opinion and IMO a very coherent and logical one.

AS for me, I normally do NOT engage in debate with trolls, I simply ignore them as always and as wisely adviced by Tai Shang and Martian 2. That is why I withdraw myself and do not participate in many of the threads in here nowadays.
@Viet : can u complain to Mod that Chinese here make CN&Far east section become so boring and stupid when they keep spamming and spoiling around ??

VN's growth is steady and firmly while CN's growth s based on borrowing cheap Yen due to Deng's @zz licking policy since 1978.

Cnese should questions themselves why 'mighty' CN economy can not grow before begging help from daddy Jap-US 1978 ?? Why CN is just a country of 500 hungry peasants quacking for food everyday in 1978 ??

Also where is 'mighty' PLA,where r Cnese' wolf warriors' when thousand Cnese worker were beaten and killed in VN and also CN big oil rig must withdraw shamefully from the conflict in 2014?? Why coward 'wolf warriors' didnt come and save those Cnese and 'Punish' VN like in 1979 ???

At least 21 dead in Vietnam anti-China protests over oil rig
Riots spread from south the central part of Vietnam as crowds set fire to industrial parks, sparked by rig in disputed territory

Kate Hodal in Bangkok and Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing

Thu 15 May 2014 15.05 EDTFirst published on Thu 15 May 2014 15.05 EDT

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At least 21 people were killed and nearly 100 injured in Vietnam on Thursday during violent protests against China in one of the deadliest confrontations between the two neighbours since 1979.

And stop poking nose to the growth of VN. Cnese is coward like rats, coward PLA corrupted to the core in real life. 2014 incident proved that.

I will put all Cnese on ignore list till @MOD can stop Cnese spamming in VN's threads.dont quote my post.
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@Viet : can u complain to Mod that Chinese here make CN&Far east section become so boring and stupid when they keep spamming and spoiling around ??

VN's growth is steady and firmly while CN's growth s based on borrowing cheap Yen due to Deng's @zz licking policy since 1978.

Cnese should questions themselves why 'mighty' CN economy can not grow before begging help from daddy Jap-US 1978 ?? Why CN is just a country of 500 hungry peasants quacking for food everyday in 1978 ??

Also where is 'mighty' PLA,where r Cnese' wolf warriors' when thousand Cnese worker were beaten and killed in VN and also CN big oil rig must withdraw shamefully from the conflict in 2014?? Why coward 'wolf warriors' didnt come and save those Cnese and 'Punish' VN like in 1979 ???

And stop poking nose to the growth of VN. Cnese is coward like rats, coward PLA corrupted to the core in real life. 2014 incident proved that.

I will put all Cnese on ignore list till @MOD can stop Cnese spamming in VN's threads.dont quote my post.

LMAO you're the one keep repeat the same over and over with "Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy" and keep complaining that we keep spamming, anyway it's fun to have you here around to keep us entertain. :lol:
LMAO you're the one keep repeat the same over and over with "Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy" and keep complaining that we keep spamming, anyway it's fun to have you here around to keep us entertain. :lol:
@Viet : can u complain to Mod that Chinese here make CN&Far east section become so boring and stupid when they keep spamming and spoiling around ??

VN's growth is steady and firmly while CN's growth s based on borrowing cheap Yen due to Deng's @zz licking policy since 1978.

Cnese should questions themselves why 'mighty' CN economy can not grow before begging help from daddy Jap-US 1978 ?? Why CN is just a country of 500 hungry peasants quacking for food everyday in 1978 ??

Also where is 'mighty' PLA,where r Cnese' wolf warriors' when thousand Cnese worker were beaten and killed in VN and also CN big oil rig must withdraw shamefully from the conflict in 2014?? Why coward 'wolf warriors' didnt come and save those Cnese and 'Punish' VN like in 1979 ???

And stop poking nose to the growth of VN. Cnese is coward like rats, coward PLA corrupted to the core in real life. 2014 incident proved that.

I will put all Cnese on ignore list till @MOD can stop Cnese spamming in VN's threads.dont quote my post.
This false flag Indian is simply trying to sow discord among Chinese and Vietnamese members.
No need to pay too much attention to this troll's low IQ rants.

All developing nations need funds from loans or direct investments to kick start their economy.
This low IQ troll from Gangadesh apparently don't know that.

Vietnam will belatedly claim its place among East Asian Tigers club, no doubt.
Full speed ahead Vietnam, with help from China.
:cheesy: So what are you?
A reincarnated ANNAMESE or just a fake, a disbeliever of FACTS!

Well, for one, Malaysia is a nation where LIES and half truths prevail from TOP to bottom at this point of time in history. So I do not wish to be drag into the local politics for one but that is a fact that is confronting every Malaysian I met and spoke to so far.
So coming from another one like you is hardly surprising.

:coffee: Romaniced Vietnamese is the legacy of an act of enslavement by the French Colonialists.
There is NOTHING ancient or romantic about it like the West try to portray.
To them it is much like an innovative inscribed tattoo on prisoners that will marked them for life.
The cultural rituals and way of life we found in Vietnam is similar to those from China. It has always been a part of China and it existed as a quasi-states whose King served at the pleasure of the Emperor who ruled from the ancient Capital.

The Malacca's Sultanate was different, it was a tributary states much like the Sulu Sultanate or the Kingdom of Ryuku now annexed by Meiji Japan.

That is why way back in 1979, China used the word "PUNISHED" meaning a mother punishing her mischievous child. Motherland China PUNISHED its child Vietnam.

That is why I constantly warned Vietnamese to BE CAREFUL WHAT THEY WISH FOR.

Vietnamese who landed up in Hong Kong prefered regarded themselves as oversea Chinese.
All temples, tombstones, etc even the King's Palace at Hue were inscribed with Huge Chinese character.
Are you denying it or perhaps you have NEVER been to Vietnam.

Going off topic is a sign of grasping at straws.

The point is, specifically, the relevance of Chinese character in Vietnamese people identity. Any history text will tell you only scholars and government were versed in Chinese characters. That's like 1% of the total population. To the vast majority, Chinese characters have little relevance, most people do not read or write Chinese. They speak in various Vietnamese tongues which are incompatible with Chinese-Tibetan language. The WhatsApp message you posted is factually wrong.

"....but one level of a deeper problem as the character readings and grammar of classical Chinese did not match the vernacular language spoken by everyday Vietnamese. - (Lo BIANCO, Joseph. (2001). “Viet Nam: Quoc Ngu, Colonialism and Language Policy.”)

As late as 1945, 95% of Vietnamese were still illiterate. Chinese characters were incomprehensible to the people as Latin. https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bình_dân_học_vụ

These are facts. Don't bore with your off-topic straws!
Going off topic is a sign of grasping at straws.

The point is, specifically, the relevance of Chinese character in Vietnamese people identity. Any history text will tell you only scholars and government were versed in Chinese characters. That's like 1% of the total population. To the vast majority, Chinese characters have little relevance, most people do not read or write Chinese. They speak in various Vietnamese tongues which are incompatible with Chinese-Tibetan language. The WhatsApp message you posted is factually wrong.

"....but one level of a deeper problem as the character readings and grammar of classical Chinese did not match the vernacular language spoken by everyday Vietnamese. - (Lo BIANCO, Joseph. (2001). “Viet Nam: Quoc Ngu, Colonialism and Language Policy.”)

As late as 1945, 95% of Vietnamese were still illiterate. Chinese characters were incomprehensible to the people as Latin. https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bình_dân_học_vụ

These are facts. Don't bore with your off-topic straws!
These are facts. Don't bore with your off-topic straws!
These are facts (ACCORDING TO ME, ME, ME).

There, I made it sound better for you.
Wonder where you got your 99% Vietnamese were illiterate from.
Most probably from your behind.

As for that 95%, it has to do with the French according to this site.
French Colonization(late 19th- mid-20th century):
As indicated in the 2010 WorldBank report, the French colonized Vietnam in the late 19th century. With this change in power, the Confucian-oreiented education that had been built and maintained by the Vietnamese was replaced with French-Vietnamese education, with the goal of training people to serve the colonial system. The French built elementary schools, primary schools, primary colleges, secondary schools, and three universities, all with French as the dominant language of instruction. However there were not very many schools built, so there was extremely limited access to education during this period in Vietnam’s history. “With such an education system, 95% of Vietnamese people were illiterate” (WorldBank, part 1. paragraph 6, 2010). Growing frustration led to the country’s independence in the mid-20th century.

So it is NOT 95% of Vietnamese still illiterate as of 1945.
It is 95% of Vietnamese were illiterate because of FRENCH colonization.

The Vietnamese have a high respect for learning, inherited in part from their long domination by the Chinese.
Under Confucianism, education was essential for admission to the ruling class of scholar-officials, the mandarinate.
Vietnamese cannot fight any real war. It was the PLA advisors who taught the Vietnamese how to defeat the Colonialist as well as Americans. :coffee:

In 1979 the Vietnamese defenders were decimated by superior firepower and the city of Langson was flattened.
China only committed 80,000 border guards and this was confirmed by USA satellite pictures.

PLA stay on for another month as they announced with NO resistance from the Vietnamese Army.

So STOP boasting when the truth is already OUT in the open.
PLA merely stated that the war was NOT easy as they had to fight against the adversarial army in mountainous terrance. PLA send their border guards who can speaks in Vietnamese and that confused the Vietnamese defenders.

This is an earnest and interesting comment written by a Vietnamese which I received via my WhatsApp recently. I will like to share this with everyone esp. Vietnamese. Let them reflects on it.


Learning Mandarin changes the way I see my motherland - Vietnam. It changes the way I define what it means to be Vietnamese. It changes my understanding of Vietnamese culture and language, especially what we lost by using Latin characters.

If you don’t know Hanzi (Chinese characters), then you cannot differentiate the homophones (different characters - same pronunciations) in Vietnamese, which means you basically do not understand a lot of words in Vietnamese. In a lot of cases, people do not understand their own names (which 99% are all written in Hanzi.) Or may I say, if you do not know Hanzi, you cannot deeply understand Vietnamese language.

If you do not understand the language, you cannot understand the culture and the history. If you know Chinese, then you will understand that Vietnam is a part of the SINOSPHERE. I also realize that it’s such a shame since we cannot read the all documents that dated just more than 100 years ago. You claim to be Vietnamese and understand this culture, but you cannot read what your great-grandparents wrote - such a joke. You don’t know what the hell is written in every single temple and pagoda, or maybe just your own family’s ancestor shrines.

Language decides mentality. Vietnamese people’s mentality is getting more and more swallow partly because of the language they use. Imaging Chinese people only use pinyin to communicate. That’s the problem of Vietnamese’s Latin characters. Vocabulary variety is limited and vocabulary usage gets confusing. Simply, you just do not have enough words to think deeper or discuss more complex concepts. At this point I feel pretty desperate, because I know this stupidity is not gonna disappear in my lifetime. **** the French.

I feel proud and happy, as for the first time in my life, I got to understand the characters that my family used to name me (yeah I was lucky, my family really understand the characters they gave the kids.) It’s just beautiful. I feel proud to be a part of the Sinosphere culture. I feel MORE CONFIDENT too, as in finally you understand more about your ROOT and HERITAGE, or I may say, where you come from. Feeling smarter because I know another language, plus I understand my own language better. Learning Mandarin really gave me a sense of security, not just because I felt more convenient, but it did clear my mind and my vision.

As a language, Chinese changes the way I see the current geopolitical situation of the world. Just TOO STUPID to be anti-China, in all terms and from all kinds of perspectives.

Pls stop your idiot fairytale. If Vietnam military commanders had listened to Chinese advisers, Vietnam would have lost all the wars, and we today were still occupied by the French.
These are facts (ACCORDING TO ME, ME, ME).

There, I made it sound better for you.
Wonder where you got your 99% Vietnamese were illiterate from.
Most probably from your behind.

As for that 95%, it has to do with the French according to this site.
French Colonization(late 19th- mid-20th century):
As indicated in the 2010 WorldBank report, the French colonized Vietnam in the late 19th century. With this change in power, the Confucian-oreiented education that had been built and maintained by the Vietnamese was replaced with French-Vietnamese education, with the goal of training people to serve the colonial system. The French built elementary schools, primary schools, primary colleges, secondary schools, and three universities, all with French as the dominant language of instruction. However there were not very many schools built, so there was extremely limited access to education during this period in Vietnam’s history. “With such an education system, 95% of Vietnamese people were illiterate” (WorldBank, part 1. paragraph 6, 2010). Growing frustration led to the country’s independence in the mid-20th century.So it is NOT 95% of Vietnamese still illiterate as of 1945. It is 95% of Vietnamese were illiterate because of FRENCH colonization.http://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Vietnam/sub5_9f/entry-3457.html
The Vietnamese have a high respect for learning, inherited in part from their long domination by the Chinese.
Under Confucianism, education was essential for admission to the ruling class of scholar-officials, the mandarinate.


That is a student blog, sites.miis.edu. She is quoting from VCP propaganda piece. It's always easier to blame others. Malaysia was literate too before British colonization destroyed it :lol:

Any academic source will reveal it was French colonization and the introduction of Latin script that left an impact on Vietnam literacy. But the widespread use of Quốc Ngữ took off only in 1945 when Ho Chin Minh's implemented Bình Dân Học Vụ progam. Primarily reason was that phonetic Quốc Ngữ based on alphabet is easier to master than Chinese characters. During French rule, Latin script was mainly for official usage. The population 95% do not read Latin alphabet nor Chinese characters.

The source you quoted Factsanddetails.com stated the same.
• Romanized script, "Quoc ngu," developed in the 17th century by missionaries to write Vietnamese language, is made official; literacy rate increases.

I don't toe anybody's line, I don't have a Vietnamese wife nor am I anti-Vietnam or China. The central argument is Chinese characters had little relevance on Vietnamese identity, I proved my case.
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