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Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

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Was Soviet Union close to collapse in 1979 too? How about 1984? They did not help you in either cases. You were expendable, and always were.

We have complete military superiority over you. Without your air force and navy, you're essentially a toothless dog that can be easily contained. Also, it's doubtful whether Laos and Cambodia would join you, seeing they're heavily dependent on Chinese investments and loans. Ever wonder why your defence minister ran to Beijing for talks two weeks ago? At least he knows he's scared after what we did to your Su-30s.

They can certainly send their carrier groups across. After all, China supports the right of innocent passage within our territorial water. In about a decade or two we'll do the same in Hawaii.
1. Why Soviet need to help VN when CHina was not so strong ??even during VN war, we never need Soviet or CHina sending men to help, don't exaggerate your power in 1979, 1984.

2. military superirity than VN ??so, we will seek support from US , what can you do if US's carrier patroling SCS(east sea )??

3. you can doubt Laos and Cambodia will join with VN, your choice, but thanks again for your money sending to Lao-Viet bank :cheers:
I have heard about the news, is that true!? :what:

In Vietnamese papers they conclude because of birds!!!??? :whistle:
Yes, it was revealed by an air force officer. Four weeks ago, Chinese J-10s encountered 4 Vietnamese Su-30MK2s based out of Hanoi. Our J-10s jammed their radar and locked on to them more than a dozen times. Also, Vietnamese pilots could not communicate with their ground control due to our electronic warfare aircraft interfering with their radio. Basically, we turned their best fighter jets into helpless sitting ducks easily. Our pilots had a good time toying with them.

One week later their defence minister went to Beijing to talk.
1. Why Soviet need to help VN when CHina was not so strong ??even during VN war, we never need Soviet or CHina sending men to help, don't exaggerate your power in 1979, 1984.
Joke of the century. China and Soviet Union sent hundres of advisors to assist Vietnam against Americans. We lost several hundred men there. Here you are claiming you didn't need help, and won't need it in the future.

2. military superirity than VN ??so, we will seek support from US , what can you do if US's carrier patroling SCS(east sea )??
In case you live in a cave, United States is cutting back in all areas of spending, defence included. You expect United States will fight China on your behalf and give up the entire Chinese market? Anymore jokes?

3. you can doubt Laos and Cambodia will join with VN, your choice, but thanks again for your money sending to Lao-Viet bank :cheers:
It's okay. With Vietnam so poor, we don't mind sparing a few cents. Maybe you'll use that money to build a fence so your illegal immigrants stop coming to China.
Yes, it was revealed by an air force officer. Four weeks ago, Chinese J-10s encountered 4 Vietnamese Su-30MK2s based out of Hanoi. Our J-10s jammed their radar and locked on to them more than a dozen times. Also, Vietnamese pilots could not communicate with their ground control due to our electronic warfare aircraft interfering with their radio. Basically, we turned their best fighter jets into helpless sitting ducks easily. Our pilots had a good time toying with them.

One week later their defence minister went to Beijing to talk.
it's just a normal patrol only, VNAF won't fight fa to face with PLAAF, we will use ambush tactic to deal with your pilot, that the way we shot down B-52, destroy US warships of Seven fleet. pls don't said : US had no Radar to detect our Mig during VN war :smokin:
Yes, it was revealed by an air force officer. Four weeks ago, Chinese J-10s encountered 4 Vietnamese Su-30MK2s based out of Hanoi. Our J-10s jammed their radar and locked on to them more than a dozen times. Also, Vietnamese pilots could not communicate with their ground control due to our electronic warfare aircraft interfering with their radio. Basically, we turned their best fighter jets into helpless sitting ducks easily. Our pilots had a good time toying with them.

One week later their defence minister went to Beijing to talk.

Maybe the story you are telling me is a new one, I was talking about the Vietnamese Su-30 which its right wing got burned after 15 minutes take off and made an emergency landing. The plane was flying near the dispute water. Did your Chinese shoot them down? :what:
it's just a normal patrol only, VNAF won't fight fa to face with PLAAF, we will use ambush tactic to deal with your pilot, that the way we shot down B-52, destroy US warships of Seven fleet. pls don't said : US had no Radar to detect our Mig during VN war :smokin:
Same old crap from you, completely devoid of any understanding of modern air combat. Learn about force multipliers before talking. It was a normal patrol for us too.

Maybe the story you are telling me is a new one, I was talking about the Vietnamese Su-30 that its right wing got burned after 15 minutes take off and made an emergency landing. The plane was flying near the dispute water. Did your Chinese shot them down? :what:
Nope. That's just Viets crashing their own jet.
Joke of the century. China and Soviet Union sent hundres of advisors to assist Vietnam against Americans. We lost several hundred men there. Here you are claiming you didn't need help, and won't need it in the future.

In case you live in a cave, United States is cutting back in all areas of spending, defence included. You expect United States will fight China on your behalf and give up the entire Chinese market? Anymore jokes?

It's okay. With Vietnam so poor, we don't mind sparing a few cents. Maybe you'll use that money to build a fence so your illegal immigrants stop coming to China.

1. hey bro, If Soviet and CHina support weapon without any advice on how to use, so how could we use it ??

2.whatever, US wanna stay in SCS(east sea), so let see their action first. btw: we jsut need US's weapon and trainning, that's enough for VN to deal with enemy :smokin:

3. Thanks for your money, so we have cash to buy US weapon :cheers:
Same old crap from you, completely devoid of any understanding of modern air combat. Learn about force multipliers before talking.

Nope. That's just Viets crashing their own jet.

yep, their air force blame for the birds and Viet gossipers blame for the Chinese!? :whistle:
yep, their air force blame for the birds and Viet gossipers blame for the Chinese!? :whistle:

Why we need to blame China ?? China will send some more money to Lao-Vietbank, and we can buy the new one for VNAF.:cheers:
1. hey bro, If Soviet and CHina support weapon without any advice on how to use, so how could we use it ??
Our advisors were directly involved in combat. They were active in front line in the areas of field artillery, intelligence and air defence.

[quote[2.whatever, US wanna stay in SCS(east sea), so let see their action first. btw: we jsut need US's weapon and trainning, that's enough for VN to deal with enemy :smokin:[/quote]
South Vietnam had tons of American weapons and training too.

3. Thanks for your money, so we have cash to buy US weapon :cheers:
Those amounts are peanuts compared to our defence budget. and your trade deficit with us. It's like we earn 10 dollars and return 2 to you. Despite any foreign aid or loan you might receive, you're still poorer than some of China's poorest provinces.
Our advisors were directly involved in combat. They were active in front line in the areas of field artillery, intelligence and air defence.

South Vietnam had tons of American weapons and training too.

Those amounts are peanuts compared to our defence budget. and your trade deficit with us. It's like we earn 10 dollars and return 2 to you. Despite any foreign aid or loan you might receive, you're still poorer than some of China's poorest provinces.

1.they wanna involved coz they wanna learn some real experience, we did not beg them to fight, North Korea also sent pilots to learn some experience and got killed , we did not beg N.Korean to fight also bro

2.Oh, now you hope we fight like S.VN men ??Oki,keep on hoping :cheers:

3. Yep, we poor, so we highly appreciate your money send to Lao-Viet bank, so we affort to buy some cheap US stuff like M-4 :cheers:[
so we affort to buy some cheap US stuff like M-4 :cheers:[

sure sure, so you can use M-4s to shoot down some planes just like how it was in your vietcon ludicrous propaganda
sure sure, so you can use M-4s to shoot down some planes just like how it was in your vietcon ludicrous propaganda

M-4 indeed has sharp kill man, the accuracy is very excellent, China should duplicate this version and make it more advantaged than the Vietnam ones so the Viets will just pissed off!!!
M-4 indeed has sharp kill man, the accuracy is very excellent, China should duplicate this version and make it more advantaged than the Vietnam ones so the Viets will just pissed off!!!

China copy it also, can CHinese bro tell us about its accuracy ?

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