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Vietnamese Anti-China Activists get brutally beaten by anti-Vietnamese Activists

How many color revolution was happen when we see this kind of news !? :lol:
I know your desire, Chinese buddy, but you shall nuke us, it will faster and more favour for many Chinese warriors on net. :rofl: :sick:

China has a strict no first use policy. As for that particular matter, you must be more scared from your new found sugar daddy, the US, whose track record is sort of blood-soaked.
don´t bullshit. our subs are equipped by balistic missiles klub-s. instead of carrying a conventional 450kg warhead, it can have a nuclear one.

We know this missile very very well.:-)
Yes, if don't know the software and hardware of it.:-)
you dream your dream. unless you can tell me why should russia risk the historic relationship to vietnam for a handful of yuan?

China has a strict no first use policy. As for that particular matter, you must be more scared from your new found sugar daddy, the US, whose track record is sort of blood-soaked.
you failed to understand the big picture. has the vietnamese government stopped refuelling russian strategic bombers as the US demands it? No. we play a game you don´t know.
you dream your dream. unless you can tell me why should russia risk the historic relationship to vietnam for a handful of yuan?

you failed to understand the big picture. has the vietnamese government stopped refuelling russian strategic bombers as the US demands it?

Then kudos to your government although playing two sides often ends up in disaster for the minion. Libya tried that. VCP comrades better choose their side. You cannot side with the thesis and antithesis at the same time. Do not take Obama and Putin as fools.
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you dream your dream. unless you can tell me why should russia risk the historic relationship to vietnam for a handful of yuan?

I dont think we need russian help to disable the missile.We had the same missile for a long time.

We know all its parts' working frequence , limits and what kind of signal can damage them.:-)
Then kudos to your government although playing two sides often ends up in disaster for the minion. Libya tried that. VCP comrades better choose their side. You cannot side with the thesis and antithesis at the same time. Do not take Obama and Putin as fools.
first, vietnam is a non-aligned country. still. we are free to make business with partners we want. be in economic or defence matter.

second, strategically speaking it is not wise to align with the US now, unless China fires the first shot and starts the war. Russia is neutral in the dispute between VN and CN, so it is not an option for us. what we see today is just a shadow of the old bond between Vietnam and USSR yesterday. aligning with the US and JP is a VERY realistic scenario, that can be put in place should the dispute get out of control. that should you have in mind, next time if you decide to put another oil rig into our EEZ waters.

last, neither Obama nor Putin is a fool. they know the game we play.
first, vietnam is a non-aligned country. still. we are free to make business with partners we want. be in economic or defence matter.

second, strategically speaking it is not wise to align with the US now, unless China fires the first shot and starts the war. Russia is neutral in the dispute between VN and CN, so it is not an option for us. what we see today is just a shadow of the old bond between Vietnam and USSR yesterday.

last, neither Obama nor Putin is fool. they know the game we play.

1. You can do business. But you cannot play geopolitical tricks. The two are different.

2. I agree. It is not wise to align with the US. Let's see how much carrot and stick China can extend to VCP.

3. Agreed. You won't fool them. Your country is not really significant beyond the significance those countries attribute to you.
I dont think we need russian help to disable the missile.We had the same missile for a long time.

We know all its parts' working frequence , limits and what kind of signal can damage them.:-)
klub-s is a balistic missile that heads to land target by using GPS or Glonass coordinates. are you sure you have access and control the satelitttes of US led GPS system and russia controlled Glonass?

a submerged kilo (not vietnam) firing a klub-s.
klub-s is a balistic missile that heads to land target by using GPS or Glonass coordinates. are you sure you have access and control the satelitttes of US led GPS system and russia controlled Glonass?

a submerged kilo (not vietnam) firing a klub-s.
View attachment 220964

klub-s is a balistic missile that heads to land target by using GPS or Glonass coordinates. are you sure you have access and control the satelitttes of US led GPS system and russia controlled Glonass?

a submerged kilo (not vietnam) firing a klub-s.
View attachment 220964

The missile will approach our ship,right?
Our ships already has a record of this missiles signal characteristics. So, we will noticed the missile at a long distance.
Next, is to sent the signal that march the working frequency of the missile to disturb the missile.

Those process will be done by computer in a few seconds.
China has a strict no first use policy. As for that particular matter, you must be more scared from your new found sugar daddy, the US, whose track record is sort of blood-soaked.
If you want USA become your daddy, so come to lick his boots like you did in past, we're not, our relation is fair.
Vietnamese getting beaten for anti-China, LOL. You can no longer hide the truth, North Vietnamese simply love China. Many of them are Chinese Bridge champion.

Chinese Bridge Champion MS.TRINH THUY HANG Vietnam National University, Hanoi.


"Why I choose Chinese learning as the stepping stone to my life journey lies in my deep affection to the profound and extensive Chinese culture. I'd never regret no matter how hard it is to learn. I feel so rejoiced for my choice because Chinese culture is going to bring me so much."
Vietnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term




Vietnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term


Well-known anti-China activist and government critic Le Thi Phuong Anh was released from a prison in Vietnam on Friday after serving a 12-month sentence for anti-state activity, she said, calling her experience in jail “the most horrible year of my life.”

Speaking to RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Friday, the mother of three and member of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights expressed thanks to her supporters who greeted her on her release.

“It was the most horrible year of my life—I don’t know how to describe it, other than truly horrible,” she said of her time in jail.

“I am touched by everybody’s warm welcome and I am happy now. Thank you so much to everyone.”

Phuong Anh was arrested in May 2014 along with two other activists and accused of disrupting traffic in southern Vietnam’s Dong Nai province after stopping to take pictures of anti-China protests sparked by Beijing’s deployment of an oil rig into contested waters in the South China Sea.

The trio was subsequently charged under Article 258 of the penal code for “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state” and Phuong Anh was sentenced in early February to 12 months in prison, which included her time in detention awaiting trial.

The Vietnamese government has sought to silence criticism of how it has dealt with the issue of anti-China protests in Vietnam and arresting their organizers.

Scores of bloggers and dissidents have been charged under Article 258 in recent years, which rights groups say is deliberately vague and used to prosecute critics of Vietnam’s one-party communist government.

Prior to her arrest, Phuong Anh and her husband, Le Anh Hung, had repeatedly sent letters to members of the National Assembly accusing Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai of operating a drug smuggling ring.

Both Phuong Anh and her husband say they have been subjected to repeated harassment at the hands of undercover police, including beatings.

The U.S. has long criticized Vietnam for its abysmal human rights record, marked by the suppression of basic freedoms, media censorship, and repression of workers’ rights as well as its worsening record of arresting and imprisoning dissidents, bloggers and religious leaders.

According to New York-based Human Rights Watch, approximately 150 to 200 activists and bloggers are serving prison time in Vietnam simply for exercising their basic rights.

Reported by Mac Lam for RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Translated by Ninh Pham. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.

Vietnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term

What is this Chinese Bridge Champion ?

VCP traitors to the people and lap dogs of CCP:mad:
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