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Vietnamese Anti-China Activists get brutally beaten by anti-Vietnamese Activists

This is fighting of bedrunken people. It is not related to policy.
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Chaos in Vietnam...first they anti-China, then anti-VCP ... another color revolution indeed.

to whom do you doubt relate? CIA ??

As I read, Nguyen Chi Tuyen belong to a group called No-U
Vietnamese Anti-China Activists get brutally beaten by anti-Vietnamese Activists

Well, I must to say: stupid was never has limit in this forum ... :lol::lol::lol:
I doubt idiots were ever read all that stupid article but mere title. :D

Chinese member call WantChinatimes was worst shjt, but believe another shjt is smell good and inhale so much of it to get some orgasms ... :rofl:
At 2012/2013 we set ADIZ over DiaoYu island and took Scarborough Shoal from PH.
US did nothing to help its allies/pets.

Now, you are saying US will risk its whole population to protect its allies/pets?
Have a good dream, American Dream.:usflag:
So you said PRC can nuke Japan and USA will do nothing !?
Yeah they could support anyone. It's their right.

Indeed they could, however there is just the minor matter about the fact that they have always been acting on "specific" purpose ever since first founding day, which means up to this day they have always been supporting / targeting "specific" groups without exception. More importantly is the fact that they have always been standing consistently on "their own side" which in most cases stands in conflict with the interest of vietnam(among others) - the official "Vietnam" that is.
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He might as well join the VCP, and see whether he can change the view inside.
In one-party state, a lot of decisions are made inside the party, not outside.

In two-party state, a lot of decision are made inside two party, not outside.
In Islamic country, no matter how many party, decision are made by MUSLIMS.
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