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Vietnam visit: Anti-American exhibits abound, but people are friendly

Closure from what? What traumas have you gone through vis-a-vis the Vietnam War experience? So if you want to call out 'EASY LIPS', look at yours.

Talking to you is like talking to a dog, when the dog if full he can only go to serve his master.
^^^ Redfox, don't let gambit's racism get to you.

The best thing to do is to ignore it. :tup:
And Americans back home are told that this is all for a good cause--Americans are so selfless that they send the flowers of their youth to foreign lands to fight for the ideals of democracy and capitalism.
Guess that is no different than the communist propaganda that China 'liberated' Viet Nam that you mindlessly swallowed. If any of your ancestors were in North Viet Nam, abusing the Vietnamese peasantry, manning the anti-aircraft guns, or even killed by American bombs, do you still believe that they were there for a good communist cause?
Talking to you is like talking to a dog, when the dog if full he can only go to serve his master.
Closure from what? It is a simple question enough. I survived the 1968 Tet Offensive and a Viet Cong assault on my school in Thủ Đức. I have on my left upper chest a scar from a grenade shrapnel thrown by a VC fighter at a pack of children. Half of us kids were killed. Am not here crying about any 'closure' but only to challenge falsehoods. So what 'closure' about the Vietnam War are you seeking?
I love it when people of a certain race justify genocide on their own race.

It makes things so interesting.

There were Jews that collaborated with the Nazis, blacks that sold other blacks to slavery in order to become a house slave, and Indians that sold India to the British just for a cheap governor's secretary post.

We might talk about Ho's relationship with the French but it is fact that as the leader of a small, weak and new nation he had to make compromises and reduce the number of enemies he fought. Jiang even tried to negotiate with Japan, Ho talking with France is nothing. The end result is still the same: USA used strategic bombers and chemical weapons on helpless Vietnamese civilians, killing millions. Vietnam, with the help of China and Russia, fought the US back and turned 8000 of their planes into free iron ore.
There were Jews that collaborated with the Nazis, blacks that sold other blacks to slavery in order to become a house slave, and Indians that sold India to the British just for a cheap governor's secretary post.
Correct...And there were Vietnamese who sold the country out to first to France and later to China.
Correct...And there were Vietnamese who sold the country out to first to France and later to China.

Who sold anyone out to China and France? Vietnam today hates everyone. It is a completely independent nation called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam led by the Communist Party of Vietnam.
We might talk about Ho's relationship with the French but it is fact that as the leader of a small, weak and new nation he had to make compromises and reduce the number of enemies he fought. Jiang even tried to negotiate with Japan, Ho talking with France is nothing. The end result is still the same: USA used strategic bombers and chemical weapons on helpless Vietnamese civilians, killing millions. Vietnam, with the help of China and Russia, fought the US back and turned 8000 of their planes into free iron ore.
And if Ho did not talk with France, there would have been no Vietnam War and no Chinese involvement.
Who sold anyone out to China and France? Vietnam today hates everyone. It is a completely independent nation called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam led by the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Who? How about Ho Chi Minh? Are you that obtuse on purpose despite historical evidences?
The fact is, the end result is still the same. Vietnam is now totally independent. It was not that way in 1950. The end result is all that matters.
Soooo...The typical 'end justified the means' communist argument. China co-instigated the Vietnam War, imposed land reform program in North Viet Nam that resulted in famine, abused the peasantry even to crimes of rapes and murders, but it is all good because now Viet Nam is independent.
Soooo...The typical 'end justified the means' communist argument. China co-instigated the Vietnam War, imposed land reform program in North Viet Nam that resulted in famine, abused the peasantry even to crimes of rapes and murders, but it is all good because now Viet Nam is independent.

You really have no shame do you. It wasn't China that sprayed biological agents in Vietnam. It wasn't China that killed 2 million civilians in collateral damage. Rape? It still happens in American bases in Japan today and you think Americans didn't do far worse in Vietnam. Murder? I guess dropping bombs on innocent civilians in your mind don't count as murder.

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