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Vietnam: Trial Over Falun Gong

falun gong = terrorist organisation.

its similar to al qaeda.
No, they are not that extreme and they have no guts to take up arms.

I would compare them to a less sophisticated version of Scientology, with heavy emphasis on politics.
No, they are not that extreme and they have no guts to take up arms.

I would compare them to a less sophisticated version of Scientology, with heavy emphasis on politics.

My picture of them is a bunch of superstitious older women, probably because that's what they mainly are composed of in Toronto.
My picture of them is a bunch of superstitious older women, probably because that's what they mainly are composed of in Toronto.
Overwhelmingly working/poor class, which very little formal education. However, FLG itself runs a global scale newspaper as well as a television station. I doubt that level of sophisticated organization can be achieved by their followers without foreign funding and support.
Confucianism also had foot binding.
Old Chinese morality also had frying criminals in boiling oil.
High consideration of virtue meant that girls who were victims of rape had to kill themselves.

You mean, you want to bring those back? Maybe we can specifically bring them back to deal with Falun Gong?

I'm not saying that all was perfect at the time.

You are forbidden to kill living things, but you have no problem eating animals who were brutally killed with machines.

You preach tolerance, yet you hate homosexuals.

You say that Falun Gong is an apolitical movement yet:

"Outside China, Falun Gong practitioners have set up international media organizations to gain wider exposure for their cause and challenge narratives of the Chinese state-run media. These include The Epoch Times newspaper, New Tang Dynasty Television, and Sound of Hope radio station. According to Zhao, through The Epoch Times it can be discerned how Falun Gong is building a "de facto media alliance" with China's democracy movements in exile, as demonstrated by its frequent printing of articles by prominent overseas Chinese critics of the PRC government.[35] In 2007, Falun Gong adherents in the United States formed Shen Yun Performing Arts, a dance and music company that tours internationally. Falun Gong software developers in the United States are also responsible for the creation of several popular censorship-circumvention tools employed by internet users in China.[168]"

I think that the suppression of Falun Gong is right, and whats more: there is nothing you can do to stop it, because the majority of Chinese disagree with Falun Gong.

If Falun Gong was truly an attractive ideology, then it will naturally win. But fortunately, its a self contradictory and hateful ideology.

Eating is not killing. We don't hate homosexuals, we just think that it's immoral. Like luxury.

That things aren't politic. We don't have a "party", we are just spreading the truth about PCC and we're trying to promote virtue among the people. Of course we're helping the practitioners in China in order to stop the persecution. This is not politic, they're called human rights.
I'm not saying that all was perfect at the time.

Eating is not killing. We don't hate homosexuals, we just think that it's immoral. Like luxury.

That things aren't politic. We don't have a "party", we are just spreading the truth about PCC and we're trying to promote virtue among the people. Of course we're helping the practitioners in China in order to stop the persecution. This is not politic, they're called human rights.

What is truth? Do you get to define truth? Truth objectively exists, but all humans do not report the truth, they report their interpretations of the truth. Your interpretation differs from others. If your ideology was so great, then why is it unable to compete with socialism? This is a very basic question and it is easy to answer. Why can Falun Gong not defeat socialism, the way socialism defeated nationalism 62 years ago?

Why has Falun Gong not increased the material well being of a single person? Why has it not fed a single starving child, cured a single sick person, or educated a single illiterate?

The answer is clear.
We don't want to defeat socialism, it's not our purpose o_O
We don't absolutely care about which form of governement you have, and Falun Gong is not the
opposite of socialism °_°"

Ok, they can be interpretation of the truth. Anyway, the persecution exist and it's brutal.
It's a violation of human rights, and human morality. Some of you said that this persecution is
good. I suppose that you'll said the same thing if you were there at the nazism time.

We are not an hospital or an University. Why should we heal or "educate" persons?
But there are MILIONS people that are no more affected by sickness, that feel very
very good in their life, either physically and psicologically. There are milions people in China that,
until 1998, were considered good workers, which went to work early and leave late, which done
what the boss at the office said and were gentle with their associates.
A lot of persons considered a good thing to have Falun Dafa practitioners in their office.

How can you say that nobody benefits from Falun Dafa? Do you know any Falun Dafa practitioners? Of course you don't, it's clear. Almost EVERY SINGLE Falun Dafa practitioner has improved his health and now feels better.

You just have to search "Falun Dafa healed me" on google and read, for example.
We don't want to defeat socialism, it's not our purpose o_O
We don't absolutely care about which form of governement you have, and Falun Gong is not the
opposite of socialism °_°"

Ok, they can be interpretation of the truth. Anyway, the persecution exist and it's brutal.
It's a violation of human rights, and human morality. Some of you said that this persecution is
good. I suppose that you'll said the same thing if you were there at the nazism time.

We are not an hospital or an University. Why should we heal or "educate" persons?
But there are MILIONS people that are no more affected by sickness, that feel very
very good in their life, either physically and psicologically. There are milions people in China that,
until 1998, were considered good workers, which went to work early and leave late, which done
what the boss at the office said and were gentle with their associates.
A lot of persons considered a good thing to have Falun Dafa practitioners in their office.

How can you say that nobody benefits from Falun Dafa? Do you know any Falun Dafa practitioners? Of course you don't, it's clear. Almost EVERY SINGLE Falun Dafa practitioner has improved his health and now feels better.

You just have to search "Falun Dafa healed me" on google and read, for example.
There are still loyal followers of Scientology despite being scammed out of their life savings. That's what cults do, and FLG is no different. It started as a predatory cult by the con man Li Hong Zhi, and ended up as a political entity controlled by foreign powers. Now I do believe that you should be able to practice whatever you believe in, but you have to right to engage in criminal actions or interfere in politics. Your cult did it and was banned for it, thus I have no sympathy for you.

Actually, I know quite a few FLG practioners. All of them are lower class with limited education. They got bat sh&t crazy when talking about the communist party. In fact, recently one of your fellow cultists told me 200 million people quit the CPC, which I laughed right in front of his face for the sheer stupidity of his statement.

Even as someone strongly opposed to CPC, I support their decision to ban your cult.
The advocacy group Reporters Without Borders says that the Chinese government has “successfully pressured” Vietnam to arrest two Falun Gong members who operated an unauthorized short wave station out of that country.“

The organization is worried by this latest evidence of Chinese influence over its Asian neighbors in matters concerning media freedom, and urges the Vietnamese government to give Trung and Thanh a fair trial regardless of China’s pressure,” the RWB statement says.

According to the group, Vu Duc Trung and Le Van Thanh have been charged with unlicensed broadcasting. Specifically, they’re accused of streaming their program, The Sound of Hope Radio Network, to China. They operated on a farm about 800 km from that country.

One question is whether Trung and Thanh are facing a criminal or an administrative charge. Reporters Without Borders says it’s been upgraded to a criminal matter. Radio Free Asia quotes a Vietnamese public interest lawyer who insists it’s administrative.

“The maximum sentence requires a fine, not imprisonment and not confiscation of equipment,” he told RFA. “Using a radio to help other members of Falun Gong is something forbidden in China, but not in Vietnam yet.”

The Falun Gong Buddhism-based religion is banned in China. Several weeks ago Reporters Without Borders criticized the arrest of the manager of a Falun Gong supporting radio station in Indonesia. The defendant in that case faces a six-year jail sentence.

Vietnam cracks down on Falun Gong pirate radio | Radio Survivor

wow what credible News coming from a Western Source. The West is known for being anti-China.

let me just ask you 1 question:

i am getting interested in telling my cousin to quit the CPC, because i've been very convinced by your great and truthful message.

can you show me a copy of what the application form to quit the CPC looks like, so i can print it out for him? or can you tell me where to get a copy of such an application form?
I've neither got any idea of what Falun Gong is nor do care about it. But on almost every Vietnamese forums that I register a nickname, there would be a private message which invite me to practise Falun Gong.
I have to say, it should not be the way of spreading your religion but it's the way of annoying people, really really annoying:argh:
Leaving the CCP is a simbolical act. Chinese people (in China or tourists / citiziens of other countries)
simbolically leave the CCP to say "I don't like the persecution". By the way I don't know how to application form looks like.

LOL, I quit the Chinese Communist Party about 6 times on your website, eventhough I was never a member. You cultists make some of the greatest jokes there are.

Where did you find that in the site? o_O
Maybe you're talking about another petition.
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