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Vietnam provocation and what should China reaction?

Whatever the way to solve the SCS affair, Military must be prepared for it, And it is must be the NO.1!
Solving the SCS problem is not easy, But the point is CHINA-USA strength balance, China should and must develop her force power to exclude USA from the SCS, that's the point. If China success, the dispute will be solved. Many countries have or will involved in it, Whatever what their intention. But china should not fall into disarray, just do it as the plan. If we don't admit any claim from the countries surround SCS. They can't get it permanently!!
And In fact, I hope there will be a war In SCS, we must do it, we don't fight in last 30 years, PLA need a war to prove itself!!
And we want war too, we will use scud-D missile to send all Southern China regions(Guangdong, Hongkong,Macau etc) back to poor fishing village and make China's economy collapse:coffee:

When China collapse, then we will be the Boss in East and South east Asian with Mallacca straight falling in our hand :lol:
Right, anything if it is a positive views on China will be viewed as a propaganda to your failed-ego indian! :angel:

I think you want to have a genuine discussion. I will give it a shot once to explain my position. I haven't exhibited ego in my post. In fact i admire China on so many aspects and definitely feel that India should catch up and improve on those aspects. But just look at this article. Is there somewhere, the author has even considered something right about the people in Vietnam? It would be utmost stupidity to villify a whole nation.

So obviously, as a person, who entered the discussion with some curiosity found it disappointing. I hope you understand my point of view.
Vietnam is the major advocate of inviting the US into the South China Sea as a "balance."
And India and Russia too. Soon Vietnam would try to drag Japan into the area with oil and gas drilling deals too.

So the South China Sea would be crowded, with all the Chinese, American, Indian, Russian, and Japanese warships patrolling in the area similar to Somali water.
??????????????????????_??_??? (outline this anyone?)

China has repatriated more than 30,000 of her worker and citizens from Philippines, perhaps, in preparation for war?


When you live with bad neighbour, big, aggressive, greedy ... and don't respect to law, you can understand.
In any case we have to protect ourself.
Without China the don't make trouble for us.

YOU are the most greedy and the most trouble maker in the region....STOP that blatant whining as if you are so pitiful!!! :hitwall:

vietnam is never rest to achieve its wet dream of becoming an only big boss of ASEAN and the whole region.

90% of SCS isalands now are under greedy vietnamese control and you still want to grab more people' properties to become yours!!! :hitwall:

Khmer Kingdom has lost 3/4 of her ancestors lands and is now still living under the aggressive and bullying by vietnamese.

Thailand is no new but too known about your viet "true face" for thousand years.

It is absolute unfortunately for your neighbors who risk their live living with a greedy wolf like you.
Whatever the way to solve the SCS affair, Military must be prepared for it, And it is must be the NO.1!
Solving the SCS problem is not easy, But the point is CHINA-USA strength balance, China should and must develop her force power to exclude USA from the SCS, that's the point. If China success, the dispute will be solved. Many countries have or will involved in it, Whatever what their intention. But china should not fall into disarray, just do it as the plan. If we don't admit any claim from the countries surround SCS. They can't get it permanently!!
And In fact, I hope there will be a war In SCS, we must do it, we don't fight in last 30 years, PLA need a war to prove itself!!

Why will not we resolve disputes based on international law first (No.1)? Everybody in modern human society must obey the laws of the state where he lives, it is the means to bring justice to society. Broadly more, each country must also comply with international laws, which has been internationally recognized.
Here you thought your state could use force to trample law and international justice? That is not it the action of thug aggressive and bullying?

You are expecting a war in the East Sea (south china sea) because China does not have legal basis for its claims greed and absurd?
Unfortunately for you, when Chinese is more aggressive, the world is more attention to the East Sea. Remember, the East Sea (south china sea) is one of the busiest route commercial in the world. It is not a lake-dream of China.

What joke is that. I only ask my fellow member questions because I don't read simplified China that well. I didn't state my opinion on the matter.

If you will think rationally you will find that WAR with any south east country would bring uncle SAM into the action.
Bringing some of the workers back is nothing but to pressurize and to bring own status UP on diplomatic table.
YOU are the most greedy and the most trouble maker in the region....STOP that blatant whining as if you are so pitiful!!! :hitwall:

vietnam is never rest to achieve its wet dream of becoming an only big boss of ASEAN and the whole region.

90% of SCS isalands now are under greedy vietnamese control and you still want to grab more people' properties to become yours!!! :hitwall:

Khmer Kingdom has lost 3/4 of her ancestors lands and is now still living under the aggressive and bullying by vietnamese.

Thailand is no new but too known about your viet "true face" for thousand years.

It is absolute unfortunately for your neighbors who risk their live living with a greedy wolf like you.

Without Chinese Viet is still living in North Viet to Southern China. Without Chinese backing idiot Champa's Emperor couldn't attack Viet in the past, (he asked Chinese King to rule Viet). Champa occupied ThangLong (Hanoi today) 3 time and later on was collapsed. Without Chinese supports, with weapons and advisers, Polpot shouldn't attack Viet from 1976 -1978. You know as well what was happened.
Thailand attacked Viet first on 20/1/1785, lost and run away. Recently in Vietnam war Thailand permitted USA used Airbases to attack Vietnam.
It's history.
We have to look forward for future and protect peace for region. I would like to say: to be cool, aware, don't go to dye for other interest.
(I belive you can't understand what does it means, hey :smokin:)
Typical Asian Conflict. Asian countries should also follow strategies followed by European Union to solve their disputes and conflicts. for instance the river Danube passes through several countries in Europe, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania. But one can say Europe and Asia are not similar as many of EU are developed countries but Asian countries are huge and developing . Ocean disputes can similarly be handled like river conflicts. But lot of challenges here in Asia.

Vietnamese are growing very ambitious and indigenous in all fields of socio Economic development ever since the US-Vietnam war. Really nice to see them

And India and Russia too. Soon Vietnam would try to drag Japan into the area with oil and gas drilling deals too.

So the South China Sea would be crowded, with all the Chinese, American, Indian, Russian, and Japanese warships patrolling in the area similar to Somali water.

Money and Petroleum makes them to do anything dear...
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