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Vietnam officially labels pro-democracy group Viet Tan a terrorist organization

Oppose to what?

one should know unlike other immigrant groups such as Latinos, our people in America are politically very active. We go to poll when other ethnic show no interest of election process. Let take this guy. His name is Bao Nguyen, the mayor of Garden Grove, a city in California populated by many Asian descent. He has a very liberal immigration policy. He now runs for a seat in Congress.

It is not always about Vietnam. Nor communism or capitalism but local politics.

I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about if you think Latinos are not active in communities. They are some of the loudest voices (whether right or wrong) and hold a ton of positions in public office.

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I live in Southern California (Diamond Bar) and I can tell you Garden Grove is NOT populated by many Asian ethnicities (at least not numbers wise). Garden Grove/Westminister is the biggest concentration of Vietnamese/Vietnamese-Americans in Southern California and only second to San Jose in all of the US. There is a Korean presence in Garden Grove, but they are a very small minority and they have representatives in public office as well.

For your reference, the Asian demographic breakdown:

Asian 51078 30.92%
Asian indian 793 0.48%
Chinese 2216 1.34%
Filipino 2767 1.67%
Japanese 1084 0.66%
Korean 6240 3.78%
Vietnamese 35406 21.43%
Other Asian 2572 1.56%
I have nothing against Democracy or Communism. But I do have everything against people running the country like a bunch of Mafias.

Democracy allows free thinking and expression so you don't get murder or jail for it. People are free to think freely and allowed to be more creative on their own to benefit themselves.

Vietnam Communism is more rewarding when your father or grandfather is the Chief of Police or someone with a lot of power (which makes people more stupid because they never have to try to be more creative when they got power to harass anyone). They control State media so corruptions committed by the people in power never get broadcast to civilian.

When they make life harder for the people, they deserve to die. Simple.
this is best way now a days . you did not agree with someone label him terrorist
I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about if you think Latinos are not active in communities. They are some of the loudest voices (whether right or wrong) and hold a ton of positions in public office.

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I live in Southern California (Diamond Bar) and I can tell you Garden Grove is NOT populated by many Asian ethnicities (at least not numbers wise). Garden Grove/Westminister is the biggest concentration of Vietnamese/Vietnamese-Americans in Southern California and only second to San Jose in all of the US. There is a Korean presence in Garden Grove, but they are a very small minority and they have representatives in public office as well.

For your reference, the Asian demographic breakdown:

Asian 51078 30.92%
Asian indian 793 0.48%
Chinese 2216 1.34%
Filipino 2767 1.67%
Japanese 1084 0.66%
Korean 6240 3.78%
Vietnamese 35406 21.43%
Other Asian 2572 1.56%
bro, I said Garden Grove is populated by many Asian descent, but you denied and posted the figure: 30,92 %. so nearly thirty one per cent is not many? what is for you many? 51 per cent? have I said majority?

that is not a secret the Hispanics constitute the largest ethnics in America but don´t use their voting rights as it should be. otherwise Donald Trump would never resort to Hispanics bashing, calling them criminals, rapists, illegal immigrants, wanting to build a high wall along the border to Mexico. because Trump knows only minority of Hispanics go to polls.
bro, I said Garden Grove is populated by many Asian descent, but you denied and posted the figure: 30,92 %. so nearly thirty one per cent is not many? what is for you many? 51 per cent? have I said majority?

that is not a secret the Hispanics constitute the largest ethnics in America but don´t use their voting rights as it should be. otherwise Donald Trump would never resort to Hispanics bashing, calling them criminals, rapists, illegal immigrants, wanting to build a high wall along the border to Mexico. because Trump knows only minority of Hispanics go to polls.
viet and latino which one is welcome by white more?
viet and latino which one is welcome by white more?
I don´t know, but resentment against non-white exists in white America since centuries. that is something nobody should be surprised of. we know, many white dislike viet kieu or Asians in general but actually we don´t care of. we compete with them as well as with other immigrants for influence, for good paid jobs in business and politics. so some of them may dislike us for the reason.

Westminster deputy police chief Leutnant Tim Vũ (middle)

I don´t know, but resentment against non-white exists in white America since centuries. that is something nobody should be surprised of. we know, many white dislike viet kieu or Asians in general but actually we don´t care of. we compete with them as well as with other immigrants for influence, for good paid jobs in business and politics. so some of them may dislike us for the reason.

Westminster deputy police chief Leutnant Tim Vũ (middle)

What do overseas Viets react to Viet government's crackdown on anti-VCP terrorist NGOs?

THE Vietnamese government has officially declared Viet Tan, a California-based anti-Communist group, a terrorist organization, and warned that anyone involved would be considered accomplices to terrorism.

The Ministry of Public Security made the official designation in a statement, saying the Viet Tan, also known as the Vietnam Reform Party, has been carrying out terrorist activities.

The government has long been wary of Viet Tan’s presence and considered them a terrorist group before, labeling the group as “reactionary”, but this is the first time it has been officially given the designation.

The ministry, which is run by the police, accused Viet Tan of training its members in “militant activities”, reports Reuters, and has allegedly had operatives sneak into the country to incite violence and organize protests.

In a statement on their website published on Friday, Viet Tan said the ministry was merely “regurgitating baseless propaganda” and that the Hanoi regime was afraid of opposing voices to its system.

“To justify its human rights abuses, Hanoi has often portrayed critics as engaging in terrorism, subversion and social unrest,” the organization said, adding it is committed to non-violent struggle to end Communist rule.

The U.S. government has said it has seen no evidence that the group is engaged in terrorism. The group was formed in 1982 by a vice admiral in the former U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government, and has been described by the United Nations as a “peaceful organization advocating for democratic reform”.

Additional reporting by Associated Press

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Good thing.

Vietnam is doing well under their single-party government.

Western style democracy will only weaken them further.

And yes I am not a fanboy of democracy. Especially after what it has done to India, giving equal freedom to enemies of my country from within.
Good thing.

Vietnam is doing well under their single-party government.

Western style democracy will only weaken them further.

And yes I am not a fanboy of democracy. Especially after what it has done to India, giving equal freedom to enemies of my country from within.
I will go for democracy if democracy does not have a populist voting process...:disagree:
What do overseas Viets react to Viet government's crackdown on anti-VCP terrorist NGOs?
as everyone of us have families in Vietnam and America, such thing is discussed in private conservations. not in public.
I will go for democracy if democracy does not have a populist voting process...:disagree:

There can be a system in built to hear people's grievances but populist form of governance doesn't yield long term results.

That's what I've learnt in my country.

But India is less populist now and more streamlined. I like the fine balance between authoritative decision making and allowing freedom to self-proclaimed liberals (they are usually the ultra western style leftist, NGO variety, like the ousted Congress party).
There can be a system in built to hear people's grievances but populist form of governance doesn't yield long term results.

That's what I've learnt in my country.

But India is less populist now and more streamlined. I like the fine balance between authoritative decision making and allowing freedom to self-proclaimed liberals (they are usually the ultra western style leftist, NGO variety, like the ousted Congress party).
Until now, I will go for Chinese style of meritocracy....
VCP = VN democracy Party + Vietnam Labour Party + Vietnam Socialist Party = Ho Chi Minh Idealism.:-).
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