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Vietnam fooling no one in maritime dispute

Getting to hear from many viewpoints, and making up your own mind, is a great freedom. Seeing and hearing only what your government wants you to is not a system that belongs in the 21st Century.

If the US president says something that isn't true, there will be 10,000 articles and blog posts calling him out on it in the US alone. Propaganda isn't the problem, since you are correct, it exists in every country. The problem is not having the access to the outside information that lets the population know what is propaganda and what isn't.
I met an American Doctor with PHD degree in Beijing. Who asked some weird questions:" Where I can buy the Red Books?". "Why there are no the Red Guards on street?" I can see he is totally brain washed by US propaganda. He knows nothing about the current China. Believe me, Chinese know much more than you expected. And Americans know much less than you expected.
when Chinese crossed and fished in SCS again and again, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. How could explorers had vaguer facts than indoormen?
funny that they post the French record here, it is wasting time to argue with vietnamese,
For them the word from their current government is bullsh!t and invalid, how can you believe in the discreditable country? I can't

I met an American Doctor with PHD degree in Beijing. Who asked some weird questions:" Where I can buy the Red Books?". "Why there are no the Red Guards on street?" I can see he is totally brain washed by US propaganda. He knows nothing about the current China. Believe me, Chinese know much more than you expected. And Americans know much less than you expected.
While the western say Chinese are ignorant on the world, they don't know they are ignorant on China.
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when Chinese crossed and fished in SCS again and again, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. How could explorers had vaguer facts than indoormen?
It's true that ancient China is the only nation in East Asia with enough wealth, man power and ambitions to perform long distance sea travel. But travelling from Vietnam to Paracels and Spartly does not require the same level of ship technology. With a wooden boat and a crew of 10, Vietnamese fishermen can fish for month before return to the land. Why couldn't ancient Vietnamese go to Paracels and Spartly to fish? There were no Chinese coast guards and Marine Surveillance at that time, weren't there? And Paracels and Spartly are closer to Vietnam, so the chance of Vietnamese fishermen used to fish there is higher.

I met an American Doctor with PHD degree in Beijing. Who asked some weird questions:" Where I can buy the Red Books?". "Why there are no the Red Guards on street?" I can see he is totally brain washed by US propaganda. He knows nothing about the current China. Believe me, Chinese know much more than you expected. And Americans know much less than you expected.
I don't think you should take an American for example. No offense to OCguy but the net joke about American stupidity all the time. Like the majority of American don't know the Earth is round, or the sun is a star, or commonly known capitals of Europe countries.
No offense to OCguy but the net joke about American stupidity all the time. Like the majority of American don't know the Earth is round, or the sun is a star, or commonly known capitals of Europe countries.
On the contrary, OCguy's view is fair. If you just don't have any other sources than from your own government and also refuse to accept anything else, then it is called "brainwashed".
It's true that ancient China is the only nation in East Asia with enough wealth, man power and ambitions to perform long distance sea travel. But travelling from Vietnam to Paracels and Spartly does not require the same level of ship technology. With a wooden boat and a crew of 10, Vietnamese fishermen can fish for month before return to the land. Why couldn't ancient Vietnamese go to Paracels and Spartly to fish? There were no Chinese coast guards and Marine Surveillance at that time, weren't there? And Paracels and Spartly are closer to Vietnam, so the chance of Vietnamese fishermen used to fish there is higher.
You have no CLEAR FACT to prove what you said. If your ancestors could travel a long distance on SCS, there must be a certain number of Vietnamese fishermen's descendants all along the SCS coasts, in Philippine islands, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. Just like there are many Chinese descendants in these countries now.
I met an American Doctor with PHD degree in Beijing. Who asked some weird questions:" Where I can buy the Red Books?". "Why there are no the Red Guards on street?" I can see he is totally brain washed by US propaganda. He knows nothing about the current China. Believe me, Chinese know much more than you expected. And Americans know much less than you expected.

I met a Chinese businessman in Southern California who asked where my cowboy hat and six-shooter was.

The human brain tends to give extra weight to personal experience when it comes to forming opinions. However, as taught very early on in school, one data point is hardly a large enough sample to draw a conclusion from.

I don't think you should take an American for example. No offense to OCguy but the net joke about American stupidity all the time. Like the majority of American don't know the Earth is round, or the sun is a star, or commonly known capitals of Europe countries.

No offense taken. I am aware of the stereotypes of Americans, but find them as laughable as any others. The US has its share of average intelligence, but even those giggling at a questionable survey and calling Americans in general "dumb" don't actually believe that.
Original link doesn't seem to work for me.

But the Chinese PR machine is running overtime these days. I wish the Chinese people had full access to non-government propaganda information from around the world.

KIng of propangada trying to accuse other of.. Everybody shall remember Snowden incident, A full white US cititzen of CIA contractor agent provide full evidence of CIA hacking mercilessly of Chinese website while US smear China as biggest hacker. Laughable, isn't it?
KIng of propangada trying to accuse other of.. Everybody shall remember Snowden incident, A full white US cititzen provide full evidence of CIA hacking mercilessly of Chinese website while US smear China as biggest hacker. Laughable, isn't it?

What would happen to a blogger in China, were they to post information about Chinese government programs, and then criticize the government for implementing them, as is constantly done in the US?
The Japanese just manage to appear as clown in front of whole international communities by trying to smear Chinese aircraft dangerously close to their while their own act was in video was released by CNTN which show Japanese double standard of handling matters.

I believe China will soon make Vietnam a clown with more evidence show.
I met a Chinese businessman in Southern California who asked where my cowboy hat and six-shooter was.

The human brain tends to give extra weight to personal experience when it comes to forming opinions. However, as taught very early on in school, one data point is hardly a large enough sample to draw a conclusion from.

No offense taken. I am aware of the stereotypes of Americans, but find them as laughable as any others. The US has its share of average intelligence, but even those giggling at a questionable survey and calling Americans in general "dumb" don't actually believe that.
It's not easy to become a Doctor in USA. But very easy to become a businessman in China. The Chinese businessman has bias on your daily life. The USA Doctor has bias on Chinese political system. China's government has no interest in brainwashing ppl on your life style.
What would happen to a blogger in China, were they to post information about Chinese government programs, and then criticize the government for implementing them, as is constantly done in the US?

How does it related to US applying double standard and make false accusation in world communities? Or you want to say Snowden is actually a Chinese having face lift and sneak into CIA as white man to do the damage? :lol: Desperate American trying hide your hypocrisy.
It's not easy to become a Doctor in USA. But very easy to become a businessman in China. The Chinese businessman has bias on your daily life. The USA Doctor has bias on Chinese political system. China's government has no interest in brainwashing ppl on your life style.

My point was that it would be just as silly for me to broad-brush all Chinese off of one interaction as it would be for you to do the same to Americans.

I also think you are confusing ignorance with brainwashing. Not everyone can be up to date on every subject. Nothing in what was asked looks malicious. I actually interact with Chinese investors who are in the US for the first time about once every two months. They ask a ton of questions, and I enjoy answering them. I don't see any of it as them being brainwashed.

How does it related to US applying double standard and make false accusation in world communities? Or you want to say Snowden is actually a Chinese having face lift and sneak into CIA as white man to do the damage? :lol: Desperate American trying hide your hypocrisy.

That is avoiding the question by using logical fallacies. If I appear "desperate" to you, I can't do much about it. I don't see a need to bring skin color into an otherwise interesting conversation.
I don't know when china controlled the islands as they claim, they say it is from thousands years ago like as they claim today. Evidences? They can't show any evidence.

But I know surely that all chinese maps before 193x which did not show any claim the two islands of Paracels and Spratlys.


map of china in 1904
That is avoiding the question by using logical fallacies. If I appear "desperate" to you, I can't do much about it. I don't see a need to bring skin color into an otherwise interesting conversation.

You mean you by avoiding my question of why US falsely accuse and hide behind the mask? :lol:
You have no CLEAR FACT to prove what you said. If your ancestors could travel a long distance on SCS, there must be a certain number of Vietnamese fishermen's descendants all along the SCS coasts, in Philippine islands, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. Just like there are many Chinese descendants in these countries now.
Like I said ancient Vietnamese fishermen worked there. There are many Chinese all around ASEAN, due to the fact ancient Chinese fled to the south when northen barbarians invaded or Chinese dynasties changed (insert boat people joke here). Ancient Vietnamese on the other hands often fled to Cambodia, South Vietnam (Vietnam just expanded to South Vietnam in 17th century) or even to China. Few Vietnamese took the sea as an escape route because Vietnam didn't have the ship technology to travel long distances.

As of proof I have the order of Vietnamese Emperor Ming Mang in 19th century sending his navy unit to Paracels to set up landmarks there.

And here another documents of him sending troops to help a French merchant ship stuck at Paracels.

Not sure if you can read it. I heard ancient Vietnamese writing was based on Hanzi, but different.
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