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Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters

Dr. PuPu is like Mr. A.Q or someone else ?

PuPu is probably one of the most reliable insider source for Chinese military weapons. You are basically trashing your credibility by saying such silly things.

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

Star√ation;1933862 said:
That was a good point, I like it.
How about China's xx party? Are there any different?

could you please stop using your Chinese Jinju avatar? I feel it is pretty offensive when you use it for anti-China purpose.
PuPu is probably one of the most reliable insider source for Chinese military weapons. You are basically trashing your credibility by saying such silly things.

He had none to start with.
Star√ation;1933862 said:
That was a good point, I like it.
How about China's xx party? Are there any different?

I think the major difference here is that I am willing to acknowledge the shortcomings of both the Chinese and U.S. government while some of you are desperately trying to cover them up. This makes me question their backgrounds/motives.
I think the major difference here is that I am willing to acknowledge the shortcomings of both the Chinese and U.S. government while some of you are desperately trying to cover them up. This makes me question their backgrounds/motives.

simple they on the vietcon's payroll``they all showed up around the same time``they all sound ridiculously naive and lack of basic knowledge of economy, history and defence. its easy to figure out their level and true purpose`
Mr. A.Q is some one who won't even dare posting something bad about the government even when it is selling out its own citizens. I think the Vietnamese should stop imitating the Chinese government. Now you've even got your own 50 cent party :D.

China and Vietnam, both govs are imitating the Stalin model with some modification, no more.
China and Vietnam, both govs are imitating the Stalin model with some modification, no more.

This shows that you don't understand what the Stalinist model is. Both China and Vietnam ceased being true Command economies following the economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively. Saying that China and Vietnam are both imitations of the Stalinist model with some modification is the same as saying that the American Republican form of government is a imitation of the Roman Republic with some modifications.
Looks like our Vietnamese friends have escaped to the neighbouring thread again. I am disappointed that the only response that we received was a shallow repeat of the same dull propaganda that forum goers were forced to hear for the past month and half. I am once again disappointed, but not surprised, that a shallow minded racist like ao33 was able to produce a deeper response than the only Vietnamese member who even dared to venture into this thread.

I presume they have been subjected to the Chinese human wave tactics.

Propaganda has been honed into a fine art by the Chinese, if I may add.
This shows that you don't understand what the Stalinist model is. Both China and Vietnam ceased being true Command economies following the economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively. Saying that China and Vietnam are both imitations of the Stalinist model with some modification is the same as saying that the American Republican form of government is a imitation of the Roman Republic with some modifications.

you must to read something from USSR, it related to Lenin in time of "New policy-line for economy" 1920s when he was alive. The reform made by Lenin was stopped when he died. Stalin had applied the center control economy system in USSR, which was symbol for China and Vietnam.
I presume they have been subjected to the Chinese human wave tactics.

Propaganda has been honed into a fine art by the Chinese, if I may add.

Human wave attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "human wave attack" was often misused[11] to describe the Chinese short attack — a combination of infiltration and the shock tactics employed by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) during the Korean War.[12] A typical Chinese short attack was carried out at night by small fireteams on a narrow front against the weakest point in enemy defenses.[12] The Chinese assault team would approach undetected within grenade range, then launch surprise attacks against the defenders in order to create a penetration and to achieve maximum shock and confusion.[12]

If the enemy defenses failed to give way after the initial shock, additional fireteams would press on and attack the same point until a wedge was created in the enemy's defense.[12] Once a penetration was achieved, the bulk of the Chinese forces would move into the enemy rear and attack from behind.[13] During the attacks, the Chinese assault teams would disperse while masking themselves using the terrain, and this made it difficult for UN defenders to target a large number of Chinese troops over a short period of time.[7] The attacks by the successive Chinese fireteams were also carefully timed to minimize casualties.[14] Due to the primitive communication systems and the tight political controls within the Chinese army, short attacks were often repeated indefinitely until the defenses were penetrated or the attackers were exhausted.[12]

This persistent attack pattern left a strong impression on UN forces that fought in Korea, thus the description of "human wave" was born.[8] US Army historian Roy Edgar Appleman observed that the term "human wave" was later used by journalists and military officials to convey the idea that the American soldiers were assaulted by overwhelming numbers of enemies, but it had no relation to the real Chinese infantry tactics of the same period.[1] S.L.A. Marshall also commented that the word "mass" was indiscriminately used by the media to describe Chinese infantry tactics, and it is very rare for the Chinese to actually use densely concentrated infantry formations to absorb enemy firepower.[15] In response to the media stereotype, a joke that circulated among the US servicemen was "how many hordes in a platoon?"[12][16]

Competent propaganda department has higher credence than actual soldiers who served during the conflict.
you must to read something from USSR, it related to Lenin in time of "New policy-line for economy" 1920s when he was alive. The reform made by Lenin was stopped when he died. Stalin had applied the center control economy system in USSR, which was symbol for China and Vietnam.

Learn the difference between "was" and "is" first. I know that tenses are none-existent in East Asian languages and I myself had problems mastering it.
It does show the immense resentment that Vietnamese have for the Chinese.

It is unfortunate since the Chinese claim that the Vietnamese are basically Chinese people!

It might not totally incorrect, however. Under influence of Chineses for thousand of years, Viets were mixed, international/intercultural marriages with Chineses thus nowadays Vietnameses are not pure Viets anymore. :laugh:
They did it again!!!

Vietnamese Police Arrest More Than a Dozen Anti-China Protesters | Asia | English

Vietnamese Police Arrest More Than a Dozen Anti-China Protesters

Police in Vietnam's capital, Hanoi, on Sunday arrested more than a dozen protesters denouncing Beijing's actions in the South China Sea.

The demonstrators were hauled away on buses after a brief demonstration near the Chinese embassy. Another group of protesters later gathered there, but police in riot gear dispersed them.

Demonstrators accuse China of violating Vietnam's territorial waters and harassing Vietnamese fishermen.

This was the latest in a series of Sunday protests against China in Vietnam's capital. The communist authorities do not normally permit street demonstrations.

The first few anti-China protests ended peacefully. But on Sunday July 10, authorities briefly detained several people, including journalists.

Rights groups have criticized Vietnam for arresting the protesters.

Last month, officials from Vietnam and China met in Beijing to discuss the maritime dispute and said they had agreed resolve their differences peacefully.

Vietnam says Chinese boats have hindered oil exploration within its economic exclusive zone, 300 kilometers off the coast.

Beijing accuses Vietnam of endangering Chinese fishermen in a contested area near the Spratly islands, which are claimed all or in part by both countries. The Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan also have territorial claims in the area, which is believed to be rich in natural resources, including gas and oil.
your vietnamese government had betrayed your own people again:azn:
It's seventh times already, all protesters in Six times was released, some promised to keep on protesting for the seventh, so they'we arrested again, that all bro .
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