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Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters

The associated press is Chinese propaganda? I am absolutely FLATTERED! What are you guys capable of except personal attacks?

I am still waiting for a brave "warrior" to address the topic of this thread.

I'm talking about how you guys "prove" your sovereignty over Paracel and Spartly, not about associated press.

Something relate to the topic of the thread? Here
Anyway, diplomacy is governments' job. We are citizen so we should care about the relationship between Vietnamese and Chinese.
I think they break protester just because of some political problems. Can't say that it's what China want. They may to be scary of Anti-Communist's movement in the protest which are usually happened
You are one textbook example of a "dirty" viet. racist.

No, I'm ultra-nationalist, just like most of you guys here.
Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters
The Associated Press
Published: Sunday, Jul. 10, 2011 - 1:13 am
Last Modified: Sunday, Jul. 10, 2011 - 4:43 am
HANOI, Vietnam -- Security forces in Vietnam quashed an anti-China rally in the capital by detaining protesters along with journalists covering the event for foreign news agencies, including The Associated Press.

More than a dozen demonstrators who gathered near the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi were herded onto buses by police when they tried to assemble for the sixth straight Sunday to express outrage over an ongoing spat with China involving disputed territory in the South China Sea.

your vietnamese government is selling out your own people:lol:

Are you kidding? More than a dozen people and it could be called a "demonstration"?
So what about thousands of demonstrators in Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, could it be called a "general uprising"?
I even don't bother if those "more than a dozen" were hired by Vietnamese gov to play a "show-off game" with China.
Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters

HANOI, Vietnam -- Security forces in Vietnam quashed an anti-China rally in the capital by detaining protesters along with journalists covering the event for foreign news agencies, including The Associated Press.

More than a dozen demonstrators who gathered near the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi were herded onto buses by police when they tried to assemble for the sixth straight Sunday to express outrage over an ongoing spat with China involving disputed territory in the South China Sea.

Associated Press Television News assistant Hau Dinh was filming the protest when he was also forced onto a bus with armed police. Two other Vietnamese journalists - a cameraman from Japanese public broadcaster NHK and a news assistant from Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun - were also detained, police said.

Dinh, the other journalists and the protesters - including a mother and her 5-year-old son - were released after being held and questioned for about three hours.

Demonstrations are rare in Vietnam, where the Communist government maintains tight controls, but Hanoi has permitted groups of up to about 200 protesters to gather for the past five weeks and march through the streets shouting anti-China messages. Journalists have been allowed to photograph and film the rallies despite a heavy security presence.

But officials from Vietnam and China met in Beijing two weeks ago and issued a joint statement saying they had agreed to negotiate to peacefully resolve the issue.

Vietnam claims Chinese boats hindered oil exploration activities within its exclusive economic zone, 200 nautical miles off the coast. China accuses Vietnam of endangering Chinese fishermen in a contested area near the resource-rich Spratly Islands, which are claimed in all or in part by both countries and several other Asian nations.

Read more: Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

your vietnamese government is selling out your own people:lol:

It does show the immense resentment that Vietnamese have for the Chinese.

It is unfortunate since the Chinese claim that the Vietnamese are basically Chinese people!

But it is correct of the Vietnam Govt to ensure law and order and not allow people to upset the 'cordial and historic' ties of the Vietnamese and Chinese people.

Of course the journalists should not have been detained, but then there are countries which do not allow journalists to even come to the scene of disturbances, let alone report or photograph such demonstrations.

Such countries are draconian in suppressing dissent.

It takes all types to make the world!
You are one textbook example of a "dirty" viet. racist.

It is unfortunate that there are textbooks for children who grow up on hatred for people.

Calling a people as 'dirty', in my opinion, is the worst mode to promote jingoism.

Personally, I see it as a sign of inner fear and abject insecurity that prompts building jingoism or call it nationalism, if you will, on a staple of hate!
china showing who is boss once again.

when china speaks, the world listens.

you know why?

because this is china's world, everybody else just lives in it!

No playing big comedy, dear sir Chinese century, it's like yoker.
china showing who is boss once again.

when china speaks, the world listens.

you know why?


Yep, every body will listen, coz every body love to hear what Mr.Clown say. CHina should show up on Disney Channel, my favourite movie is Jack and Cody series, I love to see CHina's clown and Kungfu Panda also :yahoo:
Dr. PuPu is like Mr. A.Q or someone else ?

Mr pupu the very guy leaked J-20 and other new chinese weapon projects years before the official diclassify of those weapon develipments``so he knows very well what he is talking about,

but unlike some clowns posting nonsensial propaganda and just been sold by their own 'glorious' party`:D
Dr. PuPu is like Mr. A.Q or someone else ?

Mr. A.Q is some one who won't even dare posting something bad about the government even when it is selling out its own citizens. I think the Vietnamese should stop imitating the Chinese government. Now you've even got your own 50 cent party :D.
Mr. A.Q is some one who won't even dare posting something bad about the government even when it is selling out its own citizens. I think the Vietnamese should stop imitating the Chinese government. Now you've even got your own 50 cent party :D.
That was a good point, I like it.
How about China's xx party? Are there any different?
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