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Vietnam Defence Forum

So far this year, China have threatened of war 3 countries (Philippines, Viet Nam and India) and the year 2017 is not over yet..LOL ! Average Joe like @terranMarine like to believe that China scare other nations to submission but reality is a lot differents . Behind close door, the negociations and deals are done in lot less threatening manner. China just want to win a war of face, coming out with her head up and making people believe it’s because of military threats. At the end of the day we are all go back to square uno, nothing change.
I'm sure this will make some good bed time story so you can sleep very well at night.

Nobody said VN army is strong, I said a capable force with a rich military tradition.
capable army is not strong but weak? Interesting

Viet Nam already receive modest military donations (US, Japan, ect) and other aids. Now imagine short sighted @ that PLA attack Viet Nam on one of those rocks or whatever in SCS, don’t you think Viet Nam enjoy a lot more military donations, aids, credit lines, discount military equipments, ect? And do you think Viet Nam defence budget will get a nice boost too after the attack? After the Chinese attack, do you think the Vietnamese people are lack of nationalism ? Imagine how many people will want to join the military and contribute financially to the build of VN army (remember the riots with the Haiyang Shiyou 981 incident?). This is best scenario any army in the world want, an enthusiast youth ready contribute to the national defence… It a Pandora box with no one can predict, so let PLA attack

So you think after a PLA attack, China would end up with no political and economic sanctions? So let PLA attack
VN received AB destroyers (for free) ? :o: i'm starting to sweat now.
So if China and VN are waging war, your massive population will join the army to fight China? :woot:
VN's defence budget will skyrocket too?

Yes Viet Nam was ruled 1000 years by a huge empire (100 times it size) when Viet Nam was just a tiny newborn kingdom with tiny population and a tiny land and that was 1000 years ago, but most nations of today was conquered and ruled by other big empires back then, what is so unusual? Gosh get over this, you keep repeating it all the time but seriously I am proud that China ruled Vietnam for the first 1000 years, it made what Vn is today (learn from your master and then beat him up). Now the big question, how a huge empire can’t even swallow a tiny kingdom forever but managed instead to lost Viet Nam and get humiliated in multiples of military defeats by a tiny opponent?
Always good to know our past tribute state still consider us as her master. The big question is how come after getting independence from China you guys became French slaves? Even more stunning is how your Ho Chi Min even begged his former master for help when Viets should have capable army, very nationalistic with skyrocketing defence budget.
Last week visited vietnam .had a chance to visit the saigon war museum and cu chi tunnels.it was astonishing.will upload pics soon. UI
@Viet hats off to viets foe keeping history alive

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I'm sure this will make some good bed time story so you can sleep very well at night.

capable army is not strong but weak? Interesting

VN received AB destroyers (for free) ? :o: i'm starting to sweat now.
So if China and VN are waging war, your massive population will join the army to fight China? :woot:
VN's defence budget will skyrocket too?

Always good to know our past tribute state still consider us as her master. The big question is how come after getting independence from China you guys became French slaves? Even more stunning is how your Ho Chi Min even begged his former master for help when Viets should have capable army, very nationalistic with skyrocketing defence budget.

Hey warmonger @terranMarine you are running out of gas and arguments? stop putting silly comments, put some interesting facts. By the way, did China got mangled and occupied by few nations not long ago, uh 72 years ago exactly and got saved by others nations…Can you imagine if Japan didn’t enter WW2, what will happen to China? Saved by the bell, luck never come twice
Hey warmonger @terranMarine you are running out of gas and arguments? stop putting silly comments, put some interesting facts. By the way, did China got mangled and occupied by few nations not long ago, uh 72 years ago exactly and got saved by others nations…Can you imagine if Japan didn’t enter WW2, what will happen to China? Saved by the bell, luck never come twice

You and that Viet is so funny, when running out of arguments always diverting my questions. Nice try losers but it ain't gonna work. As for historical facts people can always grab some books and do some research on whether China was ever occupied. You do know what occupation means don't ya? As for WW2 we are not the kind of cowards as you monkeys. China was responsible for slaughtering 30-40% of Japanese forces, literally a large chunk was slashed off. But what did you supa stronk Viet monkeys do when Japs occupied VN? NOTHING
You and that Viet is so funny, when running out of arguments always diverting my questions. Nice try losers but it ain't gonna work. As for historical facts people can always grab some books and do some research on whether China was ever occupied. You do know what occupation means don't ya? As for WW2 we are not the kind of cowards as you monkeys. China was responsible for slaughtering 30-40% of Japanese forces, literally a large chunk was slashed off. But what did you supa stronk Viet monkeys do when Japs occupied VN? NOTHING
Monkey is a smart animal. Why should VN do anything against Japan? Considering the Japanese handed over the sovereignty from the French back to Vietnam. Plus maybe a part of China too as gift. As part of JP/VN treaty. Look, the US had not lifted a finger when the Japanese looted China but pushed Japan to a war when the Japanese attacked the French in Vietnam. You see the US considers Vietnam more important than China. Sorry you are too unimportant. Ok today the story is different. The yuan has some value I know.

Vietnamese emperor Bao Dai in Japanese army uniform
You and that Viet is so funny, when running out of arguments always diverting my questions. Nice try losers but it ain't gonna work. As for historical facts people can always grab some books and do some research on whether China was ever occupied. You do know what occupation means don't ya? As for WW2 we are not the kind of cowards as you monkeys. China was responsible for slaughtering 30-40% of Japanese forces, literally a large chunk was slashed off. But what did you supa stronk Viet monkeys do when Japs occupied VN? NOTHING
The Vietnamese resistance groups worked with the OSS, that was how the US learned of Ho Chi Minh. So you are wrong about the Viets did nothing in WW II.
The Vietnamese resistance groups worked with the OSS, that was how the US learned of Ho Chi Minh. So you are wrong about the Viets did nothing in WW II.
Various factions in VN cooperated with all major powers from America to Japan in WW 2 just Chinese trollers are too uneducated hence don't know. They brag about Chinese contribution but in reality it was the KMT troops that fought the Japanese while the PLA near to nothing.

Anyway Chinese contribution regardless KMT or PLA is almost non-existent in history books, kids only know the US as victor. the battles of Midway, Saipan or Philippines.

If even the major offensive of the Soviet Union against Japan in the Manchuria is forgotten, how can the people remember of any contribution of China?
Understanding Chinese Mindset

You and that Viet is so funny, when running out of arguments always diverting my questions. Nice try losers but it ain't gonna work. As for historical facts people can always grab some books and do some research on whether China was ever occupied. You do know what occupation means don't ya? As for WW2 we are not the kind of cowards as you monkeys. China was responsible for slaughtering 30-40% of Japanese forces, literally a large chunk was slashed off. But what did you supa stronk Viet monkeys do when Japs occupied VN? NOTHING

terranMarine? or shall I call you terranMarine the cry baby? I see your insecurities written all over this forum and this website. Do Chinese Marines like you go on forums and harassing people? Does it make you feel special and superior? I bet it does. I laughs so hard at you and the Chinese army who go online and behave like a 10 years old thinking you own the world when in fact your country, China, is struggling to save face from centuries of humiliation. You call yourself a marine? Is that a joke? I don't think anyone is scared of you for behaving like a 10 years old all over the internet. You are humiliating yourself and the Chinese army which you don't even know. Your arrogance is so strong that it prevents you from thinking logically. You're a stupid fool.
Understanding Chinese Mindset

terranMarine? or shall I call you terranMarine the cry baby? I see your insecurities written all over this forum and this website. Do Chinese Marines like you go on forums and harassing people? Does it make you feel special and superior? I bet it does. I laughs so hard at you and the Chinese army who go online and behave like a 10 years old thinking you own the world when in fact your country, China, is struggling to save face from centuries of humiliation. You call yourself a marine? Is that a joke? I don't think anyone is scared of you for behaving like a 10 years old all over the internet. You are humiliating yourself and the Chinese army which you don't even know. Your arrogance is so strong that it prevents you from thinking logically. You're a stupid fool.

Insecurity? Own the world? What the heck are you talking about?
Care to explain to us what i said showed China owns the world? As i have previously said whenever you guys cannot argue any longer you switch to other topics. Such pathetic tactic. Take it as a man and leave the discussion or better yet don't even start talking crap. The only sensible Viet here is old man Gambit, learn from him instead of constant bragging or distorting history all the time to proof Vietnamese superiority, now that's the definition of a stupid fool.
What a clown! Talking of sensibility when every sentence contains the monkey word. Ok whatever. What can't be changed should not be changed. congrats to Nguyễn Thị Ngoan. She makes history by winning the first place in free karate fighting in Germany in 61kg female category.


Insecurity? Own the world? What the heck are you talking about?
Care to explain to us what i said showed China owns the world? As i have previously said whenever you guys cannot argue any longer you switch to other topics. Such pathetic tactic. Take it as a man and leave the discussion or better yet don't even start talking crap. The only sensible Viet here is old man Gambit, learn from him instead of constant bragging or distorting history all the time to proof Vietnamese superiority, now that's the definition of a stupid fool.

How stupid can you be? You don't read your own comments? Are you that stupid? The reason why people don't even want to talk to you about anything is because you're too narrow-minded to even look at the subject in a different angle. You think your opinions are better and far more superior than anyone else just because you use WIKIPEDIA for information. You think Wikipedia is 100% accurate information. Only idiots think that way. Why the fk should someone waste their time talking to an idiot like you? You're too stubborn and forcing yourself to believe only in your point of views and reject anything else that doesn't fit your narrative. All you do is whine and complain about others when in fact you're the one who behave like a little brat. No one on the right mind is stupid enough to talk to you. Look at the negative ratings you are getting. It is an obvious sign that you're a fked up person. I could be sitting here, wasting my life and keep explaining myself to an idiot like you. Points given and now I'm going to move on.

There's a word that we used to name people like you. A sociopath is someone who exhibits an antisocial personality disorder, along with antisocial behaviours, little understanding of social norms, and lack of conscience.

Psychopath or Sociopath
  • Superficial charm and glibness.
  • Inflated sense of self-worth.
  • Constant need for stimulation.
  • Lying pathologically.
  • Conning others; being manipulative.
  • Lack of remorse or guilt.
  • Shallow emotions.
  • Callousness; lack of empathy.
Go see a Doctor.
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How stupid can you be? You don't read your own comments? Are you that stupid? The reason why people don't even want to talk to you about anything is because you're too narrow-minded to even look at the subject in a different angle. You think your opinions are better and far more superior than anyone else just because you use WIKIPEDIA for information. You think Wikipedia is 100% accurate information. Only idiots think that way. Why the fk should someone waste their time talking to an idiot like you? You're too stubborn and forcing yourself to believe only in your point of views and reject anything else that doesn't fit your narrative. All you do is whine and complain about others when in fact you're the one who behave like a little brat. No one on the right mind is stupid enough to talk to you. Look at the negative ratings you are getting. It is an obvious sign that you're a fked up person. I could be sitting here, wasting my life and keep explaining myself to an idiot like you. Points given and now I'm going to move on.

There's a word that we used to name people like you. A sociopath is someone who exhibits an antisocial personality disorder, along with antisocial behaviours, little understanding of social norms, and lack of conscience.

Psychopath or Sociopath
  • Superficial charm and glibness.
  • Inflated sense of self-worth.
  • Constant need for stimulation.
  • Lying pathologically.
  • Conning others; being manipulative.
  • Lack of remorse or guilt.
  • Shallow emotions.
  • Callousness; lack of empathy.
Go see a Doctor.

I already have, and i'm cleared to go :tup: , you still sitting in the basement waging propaganda and psychological warfare? Time to send a shrink your way so he can help you out of your troubled mind.
I already have, and i'm cleared to go :tup: , you still sitting in the basement waging propaganda and psychological warfare? Time to send a shrink your way so he can help you out of your troubled mind.
Stop playing the innocent because you aren't, otherwise people believe Japan is a country full of young men being asexual, while China full of young men being retarded.
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