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Vietnam Defence Forum

However, within minutes of the speech he appeared to sow some confusion over his promise. In a question-and-answer session he said: “We haven’t yet quite decided to do that. OK?” He went on: “I don’t want you to to go out and start scanning the horizons. But they are coming, they are coming. Don’t expect them tomorrow.”:coffee:
Both UK aircraft carriers are coming. As certain as China peaceful rise. A British real estate company wants to invest $6.6 billion in southern Vietnam, they need to protect their assets. Who knows when you run amok.



Vietnam, Myanmar boost realisation of defence cooperation MoU
Friday, 2017-07-28 15:07:58
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The meeting between Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh and Than Htut Thein, deputy head of Myanmar’s security-military general department, in Hanoi on July 28 (Photo: qdnd.vn)
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NDO/VNA – Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh had a meeting in Hanoi on July 28 with Than Htut Thein, Deputy Head of Myanmar’s Security-Military General Department, who is currently on a working visit to Vietnam.

Sen. Lieut. Gen. Vinh and his guest shared the view that to realise the two countries’ memorandum of understanding on bilateral defence cooperation signed in 2011, both sides need to set up a defence policy dialogue mechanism at the deputy ministerial level while enhancing ties in training, defence industry and military medicine.

They should increase coordination in humanitarian aid, the settlement of war consequences and United Nations peacekeeping operations. It is also necessary to boost the sharing of experience in border management and crime prevention and control, they said.

The officials added Vietnam and Myanmar need to further consultation and mutual support at multilateral forums, especially within the framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting and the ASEAN Defence Minister’s Meeting Plus.
yes PLAN is so useless VN immediately OBEYED

Lol no you idiot. This was chinas plan: wait for storm, issue threat--Vietnam halt for storm, china claim credit. Its the chinese way. You're chinese, you of all people should know this tactic inside out.
Leave the Chinese with their wet dream. After getting owned by the UK and the Japanese so severly, they are trying hard to relive their Ancient Time when they thought they were kings. They even willing to go after every scraps of news or sights then "try to feel good" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: Throw that guy back into WW2 Pacific Front and we will see how many balls he has with all the obidience and shiet :rofl:

To return to the thread, a review of the Navy arsenal and equipment


Torpedoes for Kilo and Petya


Kh-35 for Gepard and Molniya


RBU 6000 anti submarine rocket for Petya


Ak-230 for the old Osa class which is now more like a patrol vessel


And this.............Actually i dont know what it is though. Some kind of bombs ?
That's right. The vietnamese should get their brains checked based on what you just said.
It is your brain that needs a checkup. You are the one who repeats the shit over and over again with historic sovereignty. I am pretty sure modern medicine today can cure it. Let me know if you need to find a good doctor.
It is your brain that needs a checkup. You are the one who repeats the shit over and over again with historic sovereignty. I am pretty sure modern medicine today can cure it. Let me know if you need to find a good doctor.

Read what I said again. Obviously you are oblivious to what I said. Medicine will not help in your case.
Interior Minister: Slovakia is ready to help Vietnam with security
Slovak security technology experts may head to Vietnam.

Robert Kaliňák and To Lam (Source: SITA)

Slovakia is prepared to send experts in security technologies to Vietnam in the following weeks, as Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák stated after meeting with the Vietnamese Minister for Public Security, To Lam, in Bratislava.

In March Slovakia and Vietnam signed an agreement of cooperation in the field of prevention and fighting against such crimes as multinational organized crime, human-trafficking, migrant smuggling, terrorism and its financing, corruption, money forging and the illegal gun trade.

Vietnam is building a technology park in Hanoi where it plans to develop and make products designated for the security services. Slovakia is ready to help the country with experts and know-how.

“We see big potential here. A common company could help the security services to supply other countries in the region with security technologies that could be interesting for Vietnam in view of export,” said Kaliňák as quoted by the TASR newswire.

The Vietnamese side has to prepare a list of which technologies and experts they are interested in. Based on this, expert groups to supervise the building of the company will be established.

The Ministry points to the fact that Vietnam is the 14th most important trade partner for Slovakia and that Slovak companies have already participated in large investment projects in the country.

During his March visit to Vietnam, Kaliňák offered his Vietnamese colleague the possibility of healing his wounded Vietnamese policemen at Slovak healthcare and rehabilitation facilities as well as training for Vietnamese security services in Lešť.


Từ thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhà báo độc lập Quang Hữu Minh nói với VOA:

“Việt Nam muốn Mỹ phản đối việc Trung Quốc áp đặt đường lưỡi bò trên Biển Đông, cụ thể là phản đối Trung Quốc đe dọa Việt Nam thực thi quyền khai thác tài nguyên trong vùng đặc quyền kinh tế (EEZ) 200 hải lý. Việc khai thác dầu của công ty Repsol nằm trong vùng EEZ của Việt Nam. Nhưng phía Mỹ im lặng.”

Nhà báo Hữu Minh cho rằng đại sứ Mỹ có một thông điệp muốn gửi cho phía Việt Nam:

“Việc ông đại sứ Osius gặp đại tướng Ngô Xuân Lịch là Mỹ muốn thông báo với Bộ Quốc phòng Việt Nam rằng an ninh hàng hải vẫn là tiêu chí mà Mỹ đặt lên hàng đầu. Nếu như Việt Nam và Trung Quốc có va chạm thì Mỹ sẽ có động thái để hai bên giảm thiểu căng thẳng.”

Meeting with the US ambassador Ted Osious in the army headquarters. Vietnam is apparently a bit disappointed because the US remains silent after the Chinese threaten to attack Vietnamese positions in the Spratlys. Osious reportedly says maritime security in the South China Sea is the top priority for the United States. Should the situation between Vietnam and China get out of control slipping into a military clash, the United States will move in to mitigate the tension.

Now a smart idea for Vietnam is needed in addition to have put batteries of EXTRA land attack missile in the Spratlys.




Từ thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhà báo độc lập Quang Hữu Minh nói với VOA:

“Việt Nam muốn Mỹ phản đối việc Trung Quốc áp đặt đường lưỡi bò trên Biển Đông, cụ thể là phản đối Trung Quốc đe dọa Việt Nam thực thi quyền khai thác tài nguyên trong vùng đặc quyền kinh tế (EEZ) 200 hải lý. Việc khai thác dầu của công ty Repsol nằm trong vùng EEZ của Việt Nam. Nhưng phía Mỹ im lặng.”

Nhà báo Hữu Minh cho rằng đại sứ Mỹ có một thông điệp muốn gửi cho phía Việt Nam:

“Việc ông đại sứ Osius gặp đại tướng Ngô Xuân Lịch là Mỹ muốn thông báo với Bộ Quốc phòng Việt Nam rằng an ninh hàng hải vẫn là tiêu chí mà Mỹ đặt lên hàng đầu. Nếu như Việt Nam và Trung Quốc có va chạm thì Mỹ sẽ có động thái để hai bên giảm thiểu căng thẳng.”

Meeting with the US ambassador Ted Osious in the army headquarters. Vietnam is apparently a bit disappointed because the US remains silent after the Chinese threaten to attack Vietnamese positions in the Spratlys. Osious reportedly says maritime security in the South China Sea is the top priority for the United States. Should the situation between Vietnam and China get out of control slipping into a military clash, the United States will move in to mitigate the tension.

Now a smart idea for Vietnam is needed in addition to have put batteries of EXTRA land attack missile in the Spratlys.

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China, Vietnam: comrades until it comes to oil & gas
Beijing's reported threat of force against Hanoi's energy exploration in the South China Sea threatens to douse recently warming relations
By Helen ClarkJuly 27, 2017



A Chinese natural gas drilling platform in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea, southeast of Zhuhai, Guangdong province, China, July 9, 2017. Picture: Reuters/Stringer

While territorial tensions are common in the South China Sea, China has never in recent years explicitly threatened to attack Vietnam for its energy prospecting activities in the disputed maritime area.

According to a July 24 BBC report, China threatened to use armed force if Vietnam did not stop its exploration of block 136-03, where Spanish oil company Repsol was jointly exploring for oil with a Vietnamese state-owned energy firm. Hanoi has since asked Repsol to leave the area.

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Carlyle Thayer, emeritus professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy and a renowned Vietnam expert, has since said he has been told several times that actual threats were an overstatement, though China had asked Vietnam to stop drilling and it complied.

The kerfuffle was not raised in the state-controlled Vietnamese press, as there as a likely gag order on reporting on the BBC story. Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not responded to requests for clarification on the alleged threat. Interestingly, though, there was no immediate denial from China.

China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry did say that it urged “the relevant party to cease the relevant unilateral infringing activities and with practical actions safeguard the hard-earned positive situation in the South China Sea.”

What that “hard-earned positive” situation is as open to interpretation as China’s nine-dash-line expansive map which claims most of the South China Sea as its territory and cuts deeply into Vietnam’s 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), where the 136-03 block in question sits off the country’s southern coast.


China’s nine-dash-map lays claim to nearly all of the South China Sea. Image: AFP
Though actual force was apparently not threatened, Repsol’s decision to vacate the contested area reverses the strides Vietnam has made in its oil and gas exploration in recent years.

China had previously intimidated all other multinational and state-run oil and gas companies, (save the US’s Exxon-Mobil, until recently run by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson), out of the disputed maritime area.

What was notable then, however, was that China used a carrot and stick approach directly towards the companies, not Vietnam, by suggesting their interests in and with China might be hit if they continued to explore with Vietnam.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 18, 2017 in Beijing, China. Photo: Reuters/ Lintao Zhang
China has been displeased with both Vietnam’s deal with Exxon-Mobil to develop the $10 billion Blue Whale (Ca Voi Xanh) project off central Quang Ninh province, where an estimated 150 billion cubic meter of natural gas lies, as well as with Hanoi’s recent two-year extension for exploration granted to Indian state oil company ONGC Videsh Ltd.

Though India’s chief of navy V.K Joshi suggested to Indian media in December 2012 that his forces would defend its Vietnam-given energy exploration interests in the South China Sea – a view that was not obviously shared at the time in Indian foreign policy and military circles.

India values keeping China occupied in the South China Sea to slow its expansion into the Indian Ocean and to maintain a rules-based global maritime order. But it hardly wants to open another front with China, particularly at sea, as the more strategically crucial Sikkim border dispute escalates.


A Vietnamese naval soldier stands quard at Thuyen Chai island in the Spratly archipelago in a file photo. Photo: Reuters/Quang Le
The Repsol incident has raised questions if Exxon-Mobil will be next. The US company’s interests in Vietnam would likely require American war ships to protect from a Chinese threat, a scenario that would send ripples of instability through the region despite Vietnam’s positive view of US’ commitment to freedom of navigation patrols in the area.

Tillerson, the US oil giant’s former chief executive, said during his Senate confirmation hearing last year that the US would send Beijing a “clear signal” over its island-building in the South China Sea, which strategic analysts warn could eventually shift the region’s balance of power in China’s favor.

The Donald Trump administration has not yet followed up those firm words with actions. Last weekend two Chinese fighter jets reportedly intercepted a US Navy surveillance plane over the East China Sea, with one of the jets coming within about 300 feet of the American aircraft, US officials said on Monday, according to Reuters.


A Chinese aircraft carrier in a live fire drill in a December 14, 2016 file photo. Photo: Reuters/Stringer
While Vietnam and China’s relationship is as complicated as ever, both sides have aimed to keep ties on a cordial track, seen in a constant stream of bilateral meetings and agreements. Hanoi works especially hard to state its positions clearly when incidents crop up, often publicly agreeing to disagree to diffuse delicate situations.

For its part, China has spent three years repairing charred and smoking bridges with Vietnam after the HYSY-981 oil rig incident of May 2014, when the giant exploration vessel moved into waters visible from Vietnam’s shores, a move seen then as a flagrant betrayal of friendship and ties.

Nationalistic protests in Vietnam targeted Chinese commercial interests in the country, leading to the evacuation of hundreds of Chinese nationals.


China’s HYSY-981 oil rig is seen in the South China Sea off the shore of Vietnam in this May 14, 2014 file photo. Photo: Reuters/Minh Nguyen/File Photo
China and Vietnam have a cooperative comprehensive strategic partnership, the highest echelon of ties, one cooperative notch above Hanoi’s relations with Russia and India. China is also Vietnam’s largest trade partner, a major investor (though still lagging South Korea) and an increasingly important tourism market.

In April and May this year, relations were seemingly on an upswing with various high-level meetings, including on the sidelines of the Belt and Road initiative summit in Beijing.

Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang also met Chinese leaders Le Keqiang and Xi Jinping, an occasion where Xi spoke highly of the bilateral relationship by referring to the nominally communist nations as “comrades.”


Vietnam’s President Tran Dai Quang (L) and China’s President Xi Jinping during a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on May 11, 2017. Photo: AFP/Jason Lee
China also agreed to address the two sides’ trade imbalance, where Beijing enjoys a massive and growing surplus in two-way trade estimated last year at US$100 billion last year. In January this year, China notched a US$ surplus of around US$2 billion.

A joint statement signed by Quang and Xi also agreed to better manage their maritime disputes by not taking “any actions to complicate the situation or expand the dispute and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.”

Still tensions have remained, witnessed in General Fan Changlong’s, Vice Chairman of China’s powerful Central Military Commission, early departure from a meeting Hanoi earlier this month. His truncated trip came two days after China deployed a rocket defense system on a Fiery Cross Reef island, part of the Spratly island chain that both sides claim.


Chinese construction on Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands. Photo: CSIS/AMTI DigitalGlobe/Handout via Reuters
Vietnam is apparently keen to keep the latest row out of the media to avoid a repeat of the anti-China protests that turned violent in mid-2014.

While Hanoi has previously allowed small groups of usually orderly activists to march to the Chinese embassy to show their polite displeasure over perceived slights, the 2014 attacks spun dangerously out of control resulting in deaths and destruction.

The timing of China’s apparent threat is delicate for Vietnam. Should China’s belligerence increase, there will likely be more spontaneous protests at a time the regime is already cracking down hard on dissent.

Bloggers critical of both the government and China have recently been handed harsh prison sentences or forced into exile. It is thus not a good time for Hanoi to allow anti-China protests that could morph into something larger.
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