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That Carlosa is just a joke with his analysis. Just as he was convinced Indian Aircraft Carrier would be finished before CV-17 made him look like a fool. He was also convinced China would be in big trouble after Trump is elected and things between US and Russia would get better and Putin ready to dump China :rofl:
"If Vietnam can beat China once" before, so it can easily do it again. This is not 1979.

Nope, USA is not going to invade North Korea "in the next few months."

Obviously you are not aware of the statement from a top US general a few days ago saying that there will be US military action if the current situation has not changed (and they don't think it will change) in the next few months. Trump already made up his mind.

But nope, you surely know better and have better intelligence about the Pentagon, right?

That Carlosa is just a joke with his analysis. Just as he was convinced Indian Aircraft Carrier would be finished before CV-17 made him look like a fool. He was also convinced China would be in big trouble after Trump is elected and things between US and Russia would get better and Putin ready to dump China :rofl:

Just learning from the biggest chinese joke in PDF, terranMarine, but you always manage to win as such.

"If Vietnam can beat China once" before, so it can easily do it again. This is not 1979.

Nope, USA is not going to invade North Korea "in the next few months."

Here is the info, read and learn something:
Obviously you are not aware of the statement from a top US general a few days ago saying that there will be US military action if the current situation has not changed (and they don't think it will change) in the next few months. Trump already made up his mind.

But nope, you surely know better and have better intelligence about the Pentagon, right?

Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea continue to escalate, but Gen. Joe Dunford, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, warns against engaging in a military conflict with the reclusive Asian nation, reports Time.


Pursuing a military solution rather than one based in diplomacy and economic measures would be, according to Dunford, "horrific."

He further commented, "it would be a loss of life unlike any we have experienced in our lifetimes."

I don't think I know/have better intelligence from the Pentagon regarding NK. However, I think I do understand it better than you when we also consider the real world political, economical and social consequences of such an action.

I don't think I know/have better intelligence from the Pentagon regarding NK. However, I think I do understand it better than you when we also consider the real world political, economical and social consequences of such an action.

Trump's determination to make sure that NK will not become a nuclear threat to the American mainland overrides the political, economical and social consequences of such an action. The guy is a lose cannon and certainly trigger happy. China may end up learning that the hard way.
Trump's determination to make sure that NK will not become a nuclear threat to the American mainland overrides the political, economical and social consequences of such an action. The guy is a lose cannon and certainly trigger happy. China may end up learning that the hard way.
Do you believe the US will attack NK in the future and ignore the diplomatic solution?
Do you believe the US will attack NK in the future and ignore the diplomatic solution?

The problem is that there is no reasonable diplomatic solution that can work for both sides. US demands that he gives up nuclear weapons and he will not, as the article says, they know that's the one thing he will not give up, therefore, if china does not commit to massive economic damage to NK that could possibly bring the regime down (China doesn't want to do that), the US will attack or assassinate him.

US believes that NK will have a reliable ICBM that can hit USA sometime in 2018, that's why they will not wait much longer. Trump had already promised that he will not allow it.

China Won't Help America Subdue North Korea

Increasing Alarm: North Korea's Ballistic Missiles Could Reach US by 2018
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Escalation sees Itu Aba allocated howitzers

EMPTY THREAT?The Vietnamese military has dug artillery positions on Sandy Cay, 13km from Itu Aba, but has not yet occupied them with military pieces, an official said
By Lo Tien-pin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer


The military has given the Coast Guard Administration six 155mm howitzers which it is holding in reserve for deployment on Itu Aba Island (Taiping Island 太平島) if more firepower is needed to bolster the island’s defenses, a defense official who declined to be named said on Sunday.

Itu Aba is the largest naturally occurring landmass in the Spratly Islands (Nansha Islands, 南沙群島), some or all of which are also claimed by China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines.

The coast guard took up the military’s offer to supply heavy guns after reviewing the Ministry of National Defense’s recommendations in April for defending Itu Aba, which is the coast guard’s responsibility, the official said.

The howitzers are to be stored on Taiwan proper and would not be deployed unless nations with military bases near the island decide to undermine the balance of power by reinforcing their garrisons first, the official said.

It is not Taiwan’s policy to alter the balance of power by increasing the firepower of its garrison without provocation, the official said.

The most significant military threat to Itu Aba is Vietnam’s illegal military occupation of Sandy Cay (Dunqian Cay, 敦謙沙洲), which lies 13km from the island, the official said.

The howitzers have an effective range of 14.6km, enough to reach guns the Vietnamese military is rumored to be placing on Sandy Cay, the official said.

Although the Vietnamese military has dug artillery positions on Sandy Cay, it has not deployed artillery pieces yet, the official said, adding the Taiwanese garrison would carefully watch for any developments and respond if the situation changes.

The ministry in April said that coast guards on Itu Aba might need heavy weapons to complement their 20mm and 40mm guns, 81mm and 120mm mortars, AT-4 rocket launchers and small arms.

The ministry report said Itu Aba’s defenses should be bolstered with drones, mobile radar systems, an integrated surveillance and defense system, multiple-launch rocket artillery turrets and double-barrel 20mm guns.
Vietnam wants to acquire 200 T90MS tanks in medium term, assumes Igor Sevastyanov (Rosoboronexport).

US President Donald Trump has nominated Daniel Kritenbrink to be the new US ambassador to Vietnam, the White House said on Wednesday. Kritenbrink once worked as deputy chief of mission in Beijing and is fluent in Chinese and Japanese. He currently works as senior advisor for North Korea policy at State Department.


Vice Admiral Ray Griggs is paying a visit to the army headquarters. It is reported, Griggs will deliver a speech explaining Australia's military buildup.

Vietnam wants to acquire 200 T90MS tanks in medium term, assumes Igor Sevastyanov (Rosoboronexport).

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Don't think too much about that, I had read it also, Its just speculation, what it means is that the Russians believe that there is market in Vietnam to sell up to 200 tanks over the long run, but its just a marketing wish, who knows how it will go. It would be nice though.
A stat. Vietnam lost about 1.2 million soldiers in the three major wars of the last century (France, America and China). The number of civil casualties is much higher.

Don't think too much about that, I had read it also, Its just speculation, what it means is that the Russians believe that there is market in Vietnam to sell up to 200 tanks over the long run, but its just a marketing wish, who knows how it will go. It would be nice though.
It is not a secret to tell Vietnam military acquisition depends on security environment on land, air and sea. Should any of the parameters change, let say a threat at land, the money will flow into the area quickly.
The Guardian reports UK will send two newest aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship HMS Prince of Wales into the waters of South China Sea.

“One of the first things we will do with the two new colossal aircraft carriers that we have just built is send them on a freedom of navigation operation to this area,” Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said in Sydney on Thursday. He said the aim of the commitment is “to vindicate our belief in the rules-based international system and in the freedom of navigation through those waterways which are absolutely vital for world trade.”

Welcome to the party!

@mike2000 is back


The Guardian reports UK will send two newest aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship HMS Prince of Wales into the waters of South China Sea.

“One of the first things we will do with the two new colossal aircraft carriers that we have just built is send them on a freedom of navigation operation to this area,” Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said in Sydney on Thursday. He said the aim of the commitment is “to vindicate our belief in the rules-based international system and in the freedom of navigation through those waterways which are absolutely vital for world trade.”

Welcome to the party!

@mike2000 is back

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View attachment 414434
However, within minutes of the speech he appeared to sow some confusion over his promise. In a question-and-answer session he said: “We haven’t yet quite decided to do that. OK?” He went on: “I don’t want you to to go out and start scanning the horizons. But they are coming, they are coming. Don’t expect them tomorrow.”:coffee:
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