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In January 06, 2015, Vietnam Ministry of Defence host Senior Funneral of Major Genneral Hoàng Đăng Huệ
Mr Hoàng Đăng Huệ was born in 1932, in Hiệp Hòa District, Bắc Giang Province
Hoàng Đăng Huệ (1932 - 2015) is a high-ranking Soldier of Vietnam's People Tank and Armored. He held position of Major Genneral. He was one of young soldier serving Presidient Hồ Chí Minh
His real name is Hoàng Nguyên, born in 1932 in Hiệp Hòa District, Bắc Giang Province. Major Genneral Hoàng Đăng Huệ participated in the War of Resistance against French colonialism and American imperialism when he was 15 years old. In the Battle of Điện Biên Phủ, He was the superior of Phan Đình Giót ( a Hero of People's Armed Forces)
His last position was Commisar, Secrectary of Party Committee and Chairman of Housing and Land Board of Vietnam Tank and Armoured Army
Attendants consist of High-ranking Gennerals in Ministry of National Defence and Units under Ministry of National Defence including Lieutenant Đỗ Bá Tỵ, The Deputy Minister of National Defence, Chief of Vietnam Genneral Staff and other Gennerals such as Lieutenant Đoàn Sinh Hưởng - Commander of Military Region No4; Major Genneral Nguyễn Đức Cường - former Commisador of Vietnam Tank and Armored Army

The accepting ceremony for HQ-275 ( soon only the 275 remain , follown the recent change in name ) a TT-400TP class , in this angle we will see the AK-630 with six 30mm barrel for air-defence , an considerable improvement compare to the 10412 Project


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well surely you guys dont need the Su-35 anymore ? no more copying ? wow that a shocking new , what about those WS-10 jet engines of your ? is it in active service yet or still need the AL-31F to power the Shenyang fleet ? :v "VN cant beat China" ? ..................time to learn some history lesson again :)

WS-10 was active since 2005.

So what if some older aircrafts still power with AL-31F?

Really or China still try to buy Su-35, and also steal technology from F-22 and F-35

Who said that we need Su-35?

The Russian media doesn't count since they have the one side wish if we can buy their Su-35.
Aerial Defence over the SC Sea, southern front theater
improved S125-2TM Pechora medium range anti aircraft missile, with earling warning VHF radar P-18 range 250km.








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Talking about the possibility of buying Jet fighters from western countries, as Reuters reports recently, which is the best candidate for the Airforce?

I think we can´t rule out EF2000 or Typhoon. too expensive, delivery issues, many technical flaws, last but not least limited combat roles. Also, french Rafael is an unsuitable candidate: combat proved but the price is out of reach. Egypt orders 2 squadrons (24 jets) for unbelievable $5.9 billion. weapons, training and other necessary stuffs add another $3 billion. crazy.

Egypt Is Buying 24 Rafale Fighter Jets From France

The Gripen is the best European option by far other than possibly second hand Typhoons (but not advisable since the Typhoons have way too many problems in my opinion).

The F-16 Block 52 (second hand) is the most cost effective option overall.

F-16 is nice but still only the latest Block 50+ would prove combat effective , the older model wont do any good to the current strengh of VPAF . Indonesia airforce have about 10 F-16 Block 15 and 8 Block 32 , all need urgent upgrades to stay competitive , so unless we can afford to buy the Block 50+ (which i highly doubt that US will sell us at this stage) , we shouldnt buy any F-16

The Indonesian F-16s are being upgraded to block 52 and the newly bought second hand ones are already upgraded to block 52 also.

You guys are nuts. F-16? Rafale? Eurofighter? All you need is for sale in Russia. Su-27-30-35. Much more effective for air superiority and much more price-effective. I understand the wish to diversify suppliers, but right now Vietnam can't afford 100 million dollar jets. Get a batch of nice Sukhois and call it a day.

That is true about the Sukhois, but the fact is that they are quite expensive to operate and maintain. The whole idea about buying a western aircraft is because Russia no longer produces single engine, light aircraft, so the second hand F-16 as Indonesia bought makes a lot of sense and after that, the Gripen.

carlosa, I hope you come back soon from the ban.
aqsuperman, it will nice if you continue posting in this thread. dito to other viet members.

I have little interest to be the lonely contributor. thinking to stop here. Otherwise.

Thank you bro, I'm back and ready for another fight. :P

UH-1 is one of few weapons still in active despite their root since ARVN time (the others are M113 APC , M101 howitzer and so on) , meaning parts and ammunitions are very very hard to come by after being expended in 1979 war in both front and more than 10 years of small scale skirmish , still recently , the fleet is coming back to regular servive with overhaul from Australia and parts from many third party dealer (US at this time wont sell VN any of these things) .Some picture of them .
Unarmed and armed
View attachment 229710 View attachment 229711

Are you sure the US is not selling spare parts to VN? The UH-1 that crashed recently was upgraded in the US.

My God, old Scud missile , but still work well, US Patriot cant intercept . VN also possess thousand scud missile.



The Saudi Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Shaalan was killed in a Scud missile cross-border attack by Yemeni Houthi rebels on the big King Khalid Air Base at Khamis Mushayt in the southwestern Asir region of Saudi Arabia,DEBKAfile reports. The attack took place on June 6, but his death was concealed under a blanket of secrecy until Wednesday, June 10.

The largest Saudi air base, it is from there that the kingdom has for last two and a half months waged its air campaign to end the Yemeni insurgency. Saudi and coalition air strikes, directed against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, their allies from the Yemeni army and from local tribes, have killed an estimated 2,000 people, some of them civilians, including women and children.
DEBKAfile’s military sources in the Gulf remarked that even the tardy official disclosure of Gen. Al-Shaalan’s death Wednesday left more questions than answers. The terse three-line announcement said: “The Commander of Saudi Royal Air Forces Lieutenant General Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Shaalan died Wednesday during a working trip outside the kingdom from a heart attack.”
No information was provided about the nature of his putative “working trip,” its destination and purpose - or even the date of his funeral.
Our military sources report that the Houthis’ Scud attack caught the Saudis unawares. The only reaction from the air base came from the American teams operating Patriot counter-missile batteries. They tried to shoot down the incoming missiles and managed to intercept only two or three out of a barrage of 15.
The US has deployed Patriots at Khamis Mushayt to shield the special operations units and drones fighting Al Qaeda in Arabia (AQIP
). But since the start of the Yemen civil war, American drones have been feeding the Saudi Air Force with intelligence about Houthi targets and movements.
Saudi air chief killed in Yemeni rebel Scud attack on Khamis Mushayt air base

This event clearly shows that the Patriot, which was a useless piece of crap during the Iraq war, continues to be quite bad even after repeated upgrades. That's why Japan wants AEGIS Ashore.
Kh-29 anti-ship missiles , togerther with Kh-31 and Kh-59 are the primary weapons to destroy enemy warship of the VPAF About 100 currently in service which most remain wingless until get ready for combat , the attaching process usually not take more than 10 mintutes


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WS-10 was active since 2005.

So what if some older aircrafts still power with AL-31F?

Who said that we need Su-35?

The Russian media doesn't count since they have the one side wish if we can buy their Su-35.
then we will see, may be china will purchase Su-35 just in 1 or 2 year, because China need AL-41 engine, WS-10 is a shit, because they need to maintenance just after 200 hours operation, some time may be 25 hours, meanwhile AL-31 is 2000 hours RD-93 is 500 hours
Sr Mod for offtopic, but i cannot withstand some Chinese trolling here
then we will see, may be china will purchase Su-35 just in 1 or 2 year, because China need AL-41 engine, WS-10 is a shit, because they need to maintenance just after 200 hours operation, some time may be 25 hours, meanwhile AL-31 is 2000 hours RD-93 is 500 hours
Sr Mod for offtopic, but i cannot withstand some Chinese trolling here

Again no substantial proof, the first rumor went back to 2006-2008, and now it is about a decade later, nothing happened.

Strategic Simulation - Kommersant Moscow

And don't be jealous that your country is not smart enough to build the diamond of the industrialization like China did.
The Gripen is the best European option by far other than possibly second hand Typhoons (but not advisable since the Typhoons have way too many problems in my opinion).

The F-16 Block 52 (second hand) is the most cost effective option overall.

The Indonesian F-16s are being upgraded to block 52 and the newly bought second hand ones are already upgraded to block 52 also.

That is true about the Sukhois, but the fact is that they are quite expensive to operate and maintain. The whole idea about buying a western aircraft is because Russia no longer produces single engine, light aircraft, so the second hand F-16 as Indonesia bought makes a lot of sense and after that, the Gripen.

Thank you bro, I'm back and ready for another fight. :P

Are you sure the US is not selling spare parts to VN? The UH-1 that crashed recently was upgraded in the US.

This event clearly shows that the Patriot, which was a useless piece of crap during the Iraq war, continues to be quite bad even after repeated upgrades. That's why Japan wants AEGIS Ashore.
welcome back.
Latest from the Sub 185 Đà Nẵng. it has arrived the Sea of Java, heading to the SC Sea.

Just few days left before arriving the Cam Ranh bay. here seen during a sea trail in the Baltic Sea.
Again no substantial proof, the first rumor went back to 2006-2008, and now it is about a decade later, nothing happened.

Strategic Simulation - Kommersant Moscow

And don't be jealous that your country is not smart enough to build the diamond of the industrialization like China did.

well there are also no substantial proof that your WS-10 is in active service , all we see is that "266 engines were produced" , that it . The reliability was claimed to be low on a lot of sources (if it high and no longer require very frequent maintaince , do give a link that show it clearly ) The Y-20 transport aircraft prototypes so far still use the D-30KP-2 , no sight of WS-20 ( which is suppose to be from the development of WS-10)

And yeah , sure your country industrialization went much faster than us and already achieve massive success ,..........but i prefer my country to follown a road of industrialization that the grandchildrens of my childrens can see the sun in broad daylight and breath a normal air , not some thick fog that give them lung cancer and eyes problems :)

A M113 armed with M2 .50 cal and Browning .30 cal , which is weird because we should have switch them to DSHK and PKM long ago , must be a training unit to help troops to familiarize with it or maybe to use the remainh stock of ammunition ? :v


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well there are also no substantial proof that your WS-10 is in active service , all we see is that "266 engines were produced" , that it . The reliability was claimed to be low on a lot of sources (if it high and no longer require very frequent maintaince , do give a link that show it clearly ) The Y-20 transport aircraft prototypes so far still use the D-30KP-2 , no sight of WS-20 ( which is suppose to be from the development of WS-10)

And yeah , sure your country industrialization went much faster than us and already achieve massive success ,..........but i prefer my country to follown a road of industrialization that the grandchildrens of my childrens can see the sun in broad daylight and breath a normal air , not some thick fog that give them lung cancer and eyes problems :)

The Y-20 uses WS-18, a Chinese reverse engineering of D-30.

Even the WS-20 is derived from the WS-10, it cannot be that fast, since it is still under the testing stage.

This is a turbofan engine, not a motorcycle engine, all testing period is long and tedious.

Just look at the F-35, it was developed since 2006, but it hasn't been deployed yet.
2 ships of the K-122 class specialize in transport/support . the 561 is a hospital ship equipped with the best facilities to help both fisherman and troops alike in urgent situaition that cant reach the mainlaind in time


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in the morning June 26th, in the city of Tuy Hoa , Phu Yen province , the Navy held a groundbreaking ceremony to build barracks for Missile Brigade 682. Not much info is revealed, but since Tuy Hoa is somewhat 100km to the Cam Ranh naval base, one can guess, the main task of the brigade is to protect the base against aerial attacks.

June 16th. according to the director of Almaz, Alexander Shlyakhtenko, the new Molniya warships can be equipped by Klub missiles. a much more dangerous version than the current Uran-E. one of the disadvantages if we do so is our Navy has to buy the missiles from Russia, while we can produce the Uran.

Klub-S is a nice toy, a very much deterrence against chinese adventurism. their warships, even the most advanced destroyers have reportely no effective means against Klub-S missiles, if fired by our Kilo subs.

a Molniya with 16 Uran missiles

a Kilo readying for patrol

Sputnik reports Vietnam purchases two of the most modern russian aerial defence systems: Buk and Tor. No info about how many units and delivery date.

length 5,55 m, weight 715 kg, propulsion solid fuel rocket, range 50km, speed Mach 3.7, max service ceiling 25 km, guidance INS (datalink), target acquisition SARH or HOJ, warhead 50 kg splitter.


fully automated anti aircraft system, very quick reaction time (7s), rocket speed Mach 2.8, ability to engage 4 targets simultaneously, target range 1-15 km, anti-jamming commands via radio guidance system, cruise speed range 500km. 15kg warhead. can head to targets flying at Mach 2.

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