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Paracel right now is ours, so we can do whatever we want, and you should feel lucky if we are not asking you to give back the Spratly Islands which you have illegally occupied.

We re-claimed it from the ROV back in 1974, and your government did acknowledge our sovereignty on Paracel, but you have immediately changed your color after you become united.

Who is the double-faced backstabber here?

Take it back, what's stopping you from it ? are you guys scare ? Vietnam control around 27 or 28 of those rocks and islands and China only 6 or 7 , Paracel is not your and never will be, any Vietnamese leaders or governments agree or acknowledge its belong to China will be brought down immediately, Vietnamese people never allows that to happen, look at the rig as an example.
Paracel right now is ours, so we can do whatever we want, and you should feel lucky if we are not asking you to give back the Spratly Islands which you have illegally occupied.

We re-claimed it from the ROV back in 1974, and your government did acknowledge our sovereignty on Paracel, but you have immediately changed your color after you become united.

Who is the double-faced backstabber here?

Sure, according to the West, China is collapsing every year.

It was collapsing since 1949, until now it is poised to take the crown from the US as the largest economy in the world, and it is still collapsing.

BTW, stop derailing the topic, you will be reported.

Typical chinese delusional version of reality.
what enforcement?
some time ago, a chinese poster claims Vietnam is poorer than Sudan. Now you claim Vietnam has done less science than Kenya. What next? Vietnam has less toilets than Burundi? Even if it is true, who cares? Like many other chinese posters, let me guess you are keen to compare Vietnam with some poor african nations to prove how weak we are? Should I give you some euros to buy a Pho?

we will never give up our territories. if you want ours, then you must start a war. do it, stop barking. sure, we will bring death and sorrow to China if you dare to attack us. Don´t make the mistake and assume we will sit idle and do nothing.

Your territories? Good, I see you no longer claim the Paracels are yours. You are learning.

So you're gonna launch an expeditionary war into China?

Take it back, what's stopping you from it ? are you guys scare ? Vietnam control around 27 or 28 of those rocks and islands and China only 6 or 7 , Paracel is not your and never will be, any Vietnamese leaders or governments agree or acknowledge its belong to China will be brought down immediately, Vietnamese people never allows that to happen, look at the rig as an example.

Try landing a ship on the Paracels. The Spartlys are in a temporary state of illegal occupation by Vietnamese forces and the problem will be solved at the time and method of our choosing. No one is scared because Chinese are already winning: Chinese have over half the total disputed islands already and overwhelmingly greater expeditionary warfare capabilities.
Try landing a ship on the Paracels. The Spartlys are in a temporary state of illegal occupation by Vietnamese forces and the problem will be solved at the time and method of our choosing. No one is scared because Chinese are already winning: Chinese have over half the total disputed islands already and overwhelmingly greater expeditionary warfare capabilities.

Where do u got information that Chinese own over half total disputed islands and the Chinese winning? Vietnamese own lots of oil rigs in the area of Paracel Islands and Spartly islands, all in the Vietnamese EEZ zone. I thinks the Chinese scare, they are bunch of gutless thugs just go by the number :). They thinks with overwhelming number is certain win, like the 1979 border war with Vietnamese eh .. :) .
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Where do u got information that Chinese own over half total disputed islands and the Chinese winning? Vietnamese own lots of oil rigs in the area of Paracel Islands and Spartly islands, all in the Vietnamese EEZ zone. I thinks the Chinese scare, they are bunch of gutless thugs just go by the number :). They thinks with overwhelming number is certain win, like the 1979 border war with Vietnamese eh .. :) .

Paracels are not half the disputed islands?

Numbers? No, it is a choice - of not going to total war. Vietnam was only able to kill a tiny fraction of the soldiers in the war: it was unable to launch expeditionary warfare into China and take anything in return, it was unable to surround and destroy all the invading soldiers.

new radar for MIG-21: RP-21 Sapfir
the Mikoyan new radar enables MIG-21 to carry out missions day and night, in all weather conditions. the new radar replaces SRD-5M radar, and is able to scan 20 degrees vertically and 60 degrees horizontally. It is cost saving and better than nothing, but purchase of modern fighters such as SU-35 would be necessary to catch up with the chinese.

Khám phá radar trang bị trên MiG-21 Việt Nam








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You need at least Su27 or Su30
Mig 21 is a very old fighter.
Hardly any effect against modern fighter that China have...


new radar for MIG-21: RP-21 Sapfir
the Mikoyan new radar enables MIG-21 to carry out missions day and night, in all weather conditions. the new radar replaces SRD-5M radar, and is able to scan 20 degrees vertically and 60 degrees horizontally. It is cost saving and better than nothing, but purchase of modern fighters such as SU-35 would be necessary to catch up with the chinese.
You need at least Su27 or Su30
Mig 21 is a very old fighter.
Hardly any effect against modern fighter that China have...
we have 12 Su27, 36 of Su30, and a lot of old fighters Su22 and Mig21. Sure, as the latter are no match to modern combat aircraft, we don´t use them to engage in air combat but to fight ground and sea targets. the Mig21/Su22 aircraft can carry air to surface missile Kh-25/25M (range 10km).



DEFENSE STUDIES: Vietnam Fighter Get More New Missiles
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Enough for Philippine...

we have 12 Su27, 36 of Su30, and a lot of old fighters Su22 and Mig21. Sure, as the latter are no match to modern combat aircraft, we don´t use them to engage in air combat but to fight ground and sea targets. the Mig21/Su22 aircraft can carry air to surface missile Kh-25/25M (range 10km).
Why Vietnam need these anti-submarine aircraft?
If any conflict with China, these planes can hardly survive.
And other southeast Asia countries don`t have submarine in south China sea..

the article says Lockheed P-3 Orion could be the first item the US exports to Vietnam. Do you think the aircraft is sophisticated enough for sub hunting in the south china sea or do we need the new modern Boeing P-8 Poseidon?

besides, the US wants to sell the aircaft with no weapons onboard, unarmed. So the capacity is pretty much limited.
Enough for Philippine...
the pinoys are our friend :haha: we both have agreed to seek a peaceful solution for the sea dispute. unlike you.

Why Vietnam need these anti-submarine aircraft?
If any conflict with China, these planes can hardly survive.
And other southeast Asia countries don`t have submarine in south China sea..
silly question, we will use them for hunting chinese subs. what else? you have too many subs in the inventory. in a conflict, these anti-submarine aircraft will be escorted by fighter jets. that is a common sense.

you missed some info, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have subs. who tells you, they don´t deploy subs into the south china sea?
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Is Philippine your friends? Haha....
These fighters will also be shot down at the first time...
So it make no sense to send anti-submarine aircraft that are more easier to shoot down...

the pinoys are our friend :haha: we both have agreed to seek a peaceful solution for the sea dispute. unlike you.

silly question, we will use them for hunting chinese subs. what else? you have too many subs in the inventory. in a conflict, these anti-submarine aircraft will be escorted by fighter jets. that is a common sense.

you missed some info, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have subs. who tells you, they don´t deploy subs into the south china sea?
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