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Vietnam Defence Forum

It is very easy to refute this: what reason do Chinese have to be aggressive to Vietnamese unless provoked? There's nothing you have that Chinese are jealous of, no crimes that you have committed against Chinese, and are no threat to Chinese in any way.

Meanwhile, many Vietnamese have a chip on their shoulder due to their "victimization" by long gone Chinese empires, conveniently forgetting much more recent crimes by other countries.

I don't know what facts you have, but your previous posts were essentially fact-free. I don't like to generalize an entire people, so I do not want to get into a mud slinging contest based on insults and to lower the quality of this thread. However, if you truly want that sort of time wasting activity, I'm happy to oblige.
I am tired about the hating story. Withiout our enforcement, there is no country named Viet Nam. That was a big mistake.
OK. The Vietnamese high school graduation rate in Japan is 40%. The Japanese rate is 99%.

Vietnamese people in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kenya produces equal scientific research despite having 60% of Vietnam's GDP per capita and half the population.

SJR - International Science Ranking

There are some conclusions (in general, of course, the way you think is appropriate) that you can draw from these facts - do you want to start thinking about those?

I'm not worry about any conclusions based on actual facts. There is only one reality, reality just IS and doesn't care how people view things, its blind to that.

I'd like to add that I'm not wearing the pink glasses. I'm very well aware of plenty of things in Vietnam that are wrong or not good.

Time to go back to topic.
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I am tired about the hating story. Withiout our enforcement, there is no country named Viet Nam. That was a big mistake.
what enforcement?

the long served Prime Minister of Vietnam Phạm Văn Đồng revealed how the Chinese delegation to Geneve peace conference betrayed Vietnam by siding with the Western power with the aim to keep Vietnam devided. Yes, your dirty betrayal was one of the reasons for the war with America.

1. There is precedent for ramming and sinking fishing boats in disputed territory - your Japanese allies used that against both Chinese and Taiwanese boats.



By failing to condemn the Japanese actions, your silence legitimizes them.

2. I'm not mocking them. I am pointing it out so that they recognize their objective weakness. Also, it is to point out that science does not have to do with wealth or size - Kenya is both smaller than and far poorer than Vietnam, yet has comparable scientific output.

3. Mexico gave up because it recognized that Britain and the Soviet Union were not going to help take the 1/3 of its territories that got annexed back. China, on the other hand, has annexed precisely zero km of Vietnamese land, settled the land borders dispute completely diplomatically, and only has maritime disputes remaining. Because of these few remaining maritime disputes, Vietnamese are dreaming of building up an IRBM stockpile. And you are amazed when Chinese laugh at this sort of wild dream?

The provocations actually began with Vietnam. Just look at what Vietnamese are saying: "cutting off the SCS" "blocking straits of Malacca" "sinking merchant ships with Kilos". Who sounds like the provocative party here?

LOL ok, you have the most powerful ballistic missile arsenal on the planet.
you are just a clown.

some time ago, a chinese poster claims Vietnam is poorer than Sudan. Now you claim Vietnam has done less science than Kenya. What next? Vietnam has less toilets than Burundi? Even if it is true, who cares? Like many other chinese posters, let me guess you are keen to compare Vietnam with some poor african nations to prove how weak we are? Should I give you some euros to buy a Pho?

we will never give up our territories. if you want ours, then you must start a war. do it, stop barking. sure, we will bring death and sorrow to China if you dare to attack us. Don´t make the mistake and assume we will sit idle and do nothing.
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what enforcement?

the long served Prime Minister of Vietnam Phạm Văn Đồng revealed how the Chinese delegation to Geneve peace conference betrayed Vietnam by siding with the Western power with the aim to keep Vietnam devided. Yes, your dirty betrayal was one of the reasons for the war with America.

you are just a clown.

some time ago, a chinese poster claims Vietnam is poorer than Sudan. Now you claim Vietnam has done less science than Kenya. What next? Vietnam has less toilets than Burundi? Even if it is true, who cares? Like many other chinese posters, let me guess you are keen to compare Vietnam with some poor african nations to prove how weak we are? Should I give you some euros to buy a Pho?

we will never give up our territories. if you want ours, then you must start a war. do it, stop barking. sure, we will bring death and sorrow to China if you dare to attack us. Don´t make the mistake and assume we will sit idle and do nothing.

Who want your territories? China? Half of Viet Nam is under control of China in 1945, did we want your territories? Do you have any envidence to support your dream? WE DO NOT NEED YOUR TERRITORIES. If we want to there is no country named Viet Nam.

The war between Viet Nam and USA is our fault? Whatever Viet Nam attacked USA or USA attacked VN, there was none of our business.
Vietnam Coast Guard

new highspeed vessel, coded CSB 421 build by Viet Czech Technology Joint-Stock Company at the Vung Tau.
13.5m-long, 3.5m-wide, two engines with 600-horsepower, capable of carrying 3 tons of goods and 12 people, costs $570,000.

There are strong pro-China factions in Vietnam, and in fact, I believe they currently govern Vietnam. Instead of encouraging them to bring Vietnam into China's orbit, China has been spitting in their faces by taking advantage of this one-sided friendliness to unilaterally conclude the territorial disputes, knowing the pro-China faction has neither the military power nor credibility with the people to respond. Are you then shocked that Vietnamese feel humiliated, and turn to others for friendship?

you are right, before the Rig came, there are very strong pro-China Factions control the government , Nguyen Tan Dung (PM) Nguyen Phu Trong (Secretary ) Truong Tan Sang ( party leader) even Phung Quang Thanh (minister of defense) , they are all pro-China , Because before the rig , many incidents happens to Vietnamese fishermen, they got rams , shoot, rob them of their equipments and boat , but the government always keep quieted , and when the Rig came , I was happy to see this Rig, I know this rig will be gone soon or late, but this Rig will give Vietnamese realize what happened and like you said "China spitting in those Vietnamese leaders faces by taking advantage of their pro-China ", and then we saws riots and protests gone violent again China everywhere and this is the 1st time since Communist party took over the country in 1945 .
you are right, before the Rig came, there are very strong pro-China Factions control the government , Nguyen Tan Dung (PM) Nguyen Phu Trong (Secretary ) Truong Tan Sang ( party leader) even Phung Quang Thanh (minister of defense) , they are all pro-China , Because before the rig , many incidents happens to Vietnamese fishermen, they got rams , shoot, rob them of their equipments and boat , but the government always keep quieted , and when the Rig came , I was happy to see this Rig, I know this rig will be gone soon or late, but this Rig will give Vietnamese realize what happened and like you said "China spitting in those Vietnamese leaders faces by taking advantage of their pro-China ", and then we saws riots and protests gone violent again China everywhere and this is the 1st time since Communist party took over the country in 1945 .

Nguyen Tan Dung was never pro-China, this guys always proposed to join the Asia-Pacific pivot of the US in order to contain China.

Our rig was working within the EEZ of the Paracel Islands, not the Spratly Islands.

It is your government who was looking to divert attention from its poor economic performance.
Nguyen Tan Dung was never pro-China, this guys always proposed to join the Asia-Pacific pivot of the US in order to contain China.

Our rig was working within the EEZ of the Paracel Islands, not the Spratly Islands.

It is your government who was looking to divert attention from its poor economic performance.
Eez is defined by international law, Unclos. As everybody knows, China illegally seized the Paracels by force. As such the world community does not recognise your occupation, nor Eez around Paracels.

Your deployment of the oil rig was an attempt to challenge the status quo, creating eez. That is the red line for Vietnam. Our government must defend the national interest, no matter the cost, no matter pro or anti China.

Diverting attention from poor economic performance? do you think we will sit idle and accept your aggression if there is a economic boom? what a delusion.
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Vietnam Coast Guard

new highspeed vessel, coded CSB 421 build by Viet Czech Technology Joint-Stock Company at the Vung Tau.
13.5m-long, 3.5m-wide, two engines with 600-horsepower, capable of carrying 3 tons of goods and 12 people, costs $570,000.

View attachment 67827

$570k for that? isn't it overpriced
$570k for that? isn't it overpriced
the vessel is expensive because many parts were imported from overseas. it is the first of this kind. perhaps if we produce more, the cost of a vessel will be cheaper.

Who want your territories? China? Half of Viet Nam is under control of China in 1945, did we want your territories? Do you have any envidence to support your dream? WE DO NOT NEED YOUR TERRITORIES. If we want to there is no country named Viet Nam.

The war between Viet Nam and USA is our fault? Whatever Viet Nam attacked USA or USA attacked VN, there was none of our business.
provide sources showing that China controlled half of Viet Nam in 1945!
sure, you do want our territories as seen in your invasions of Paracels and Spratlys.

what do you mean with the bold part? genocide of our people? is it your dream?
the vessel is expensive because many parts were imported from overseas. it is the first of this kind. perhaps if we produce more, the cost of a vessel will be cheaper.

provide sources showing that China controlled half of Viet Nam in 1945!
sure, you do want our territories as seen in your invasions of Paracels and Spratlys.

what do you mean with the bold part? genocide of our people? is it your dream?
The north Viet Nam was occupied by Chinese troops after ww2. Is there any question?
Eez is defined by international law, Unclos. As everybody knows, China illegally seized the Paracels by force. As such the world community does not recognise your occupation, nor Eez around Paracels.

Your deployment of the oil rig was an attempt to challenge the status quo, creating eez. That is the red line for Vietnam. Our government must defend the national interest, no matter the cost, no matter pro or anti China.

Diverting attention from poor economic performance? do you think we will sit idle and accept your aggression if there is a economic boom? what a delusion.

Paracel right now is ours, so we can do whatever we want, and you should feel lucky if we are not asking you to give back the Spratly Islands which you have illegally occupied.

We re-claimed it from the ROV back in 1974, and your government did acknowledge our sovereignty on Paracel, but you have immediately changed your color after you became united.

Who is the double-faced backstabber here?

Really? I think its the other way around, read this article:

It's Not 2008 For Chinese Companies — It's Worse

It's Not 2008 For Chinese Companies — It's Worse - Yahoo Finance

Sure, according to the West, China is collapsing every year.

It was collapsing since 1949, until now it is poised to take the crown from the US as the largest economy in the world, and it is still collapsing.

BTW, stop derailing the topic, you will be reported.
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