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Vietnam blogger jailed for posts about China deported

@mike2000 made some plausible points. I don't like the way some VNese teaching the party is above the state, or the party and the state are one. Still being a democracy nation hardly matters on the issues with China, as you can see Philippine cry for US help, then get into trouble with the US hanging around doing nothing. US is not the solve-all-problem master key. We cannot depend on others to protect our interest.
Thank you to the Vietnamese government for being hilarious.

The funny thing is I don't know any Chinese person who cares if a Vietnamese blogger is anti-China, that's hardly a surprise.

But the Vietnamese government will send them to jail anyway.
in Vietnam there is a law: politics belongs to politicians. is there any difference to China?
anti-China or not is not really a matter. even if he is anti-Moon inhabitants and plays politics, that is forbidden :D
VCP and CPC are very close despite fighting each other. They have a little brother vs big brother relationship. They can fight and hate each other but they are still family and have a special bond.

VCP is more pro-CPC than other Han Chinese governments like Hong Kong or Taiwan.

When big brother CPC pushes around little brother VCP to show who is the big brother, little brother gets angry because little brother want the power and respect big brother has.

That's why Chinese men prefer to marry Viet girls than from other Han Chinese places like Hong Kong or Taiwan. It's partly due to income disparity but there is more of a bond between Vietnam and Mainland China than Mainland and Hong Kong/Taiwan.

For once in my life i completely agree with you on all points. :D
I couldnt agree more on this point you made: 'VCP is more pro-CPC than other Han Chinese governments like Hong Kong or Taiwan'.
Ironically as it might seem, This is indeed the truth. VCP to the dismay of most vietnamese is more prp CCP than hong kong or Taiwan can ever be. This might sound funny but its true. :undecided:
Vietnamese need to get rid of their Communist party and repllace it with a nationalist one .
For once in my life i completely agree with you on all points. :D
I couldnt agree more on this point you made: 'VCP is more pro-CPC than other Han Chinese governments like Hong Kong or Taiwan'.
Ironically as it might seem, This is indeed the truth. VCP to the dismay of most vietnamese is more prp CCP than hong kong or Taiwan can ever be. This might sound funny but its true. :undecided:
Vietnamese need to get rid of their Communist party and repllace it with a nationalist one .
mike, there is a basic rule in Vietnam that is since more than 2,000 years in place:

whoever regardless of man or women, capitalist or communist, religious or atheist...liberates the country from invaders, unites the people and nation becomes the new master/ruler of Vietnam. the actual communists did it, so they deserve to rule the country.

even if one dislikes communism, he/she accepts this unwritten law. many citizens critize corruption, mismanagement and so on, but just a few wants a revolution. Or in this case, one critizes the government as being to soft to China.
Hello sir..I think you forgot Mr.Snowden and what do you think of the dissident?
As your boss' puppet,why not stand out to confront your boss?
Snowden unveiled a lot of useful information to common civilians and governments.Your western allies has strongly expressed discontentment but why not accept Mr.Snowden?
It is kind of sacarsm to the honest and rightful democratic nations??!!
I am glad the Vietnam government did the right thing, thank you very much. They know how to preserve the peace.

you are naive. Dieu Cay is truely democracy activist, like Chen Guangsheng in China. anti-china is part of democracy movement in Vietnam.
you are naive. Dieu Cay is truely democracy activist, like Chen Guangsheng in China. anti-china is part of democracy movement in Vietnam.

Anti-China is a kind of democracy??Your comment is kind of hiliarious.I don't know if you hold this idea.But this movement is rather funny.
You love the western democracy and China will not hold you back.Just do it.
You should organize your civilians to achieve the color revolution which is happening in Ukraine.You will become happy and democratic.We will not support any part in your country.Just do it.
But China is not your threshold of democracy.Our dispute is just over the territory.Don't give too much on our relationship.
Anti-China is a kind of democracy??Your comment is kind of hiliarious.I don't know if you hold this idea.But this movement is rather funny.
You love the western democracy and China will not hold you back.Just do it.
You should organize your civilians to achieve the color revolution which is happening in Ukraine.You will become happy and democratic.We will not support any part in your country.Just do it.
But China is not your threshold of democracy.Our dispute is just over the territory.Don't give too much on our relationship.

ant - chinese aggressors, not all chinese people.
Some "victory" those Viets had. Now China owns their entire government and decides which Viets go to jail and which Viets are free to eat fish poop for another day. :dance3:
you eat too much of the stuff as your nick name suggests.

I think he was gonna say Vietnam's democracy movement involves China-hate.
no, it is not related.
ant - chinese aggressors, not all chinese people.

OK,it sounds reasonable.
But anyway anti-Chinese aggressor is not for democracy.It is two parts.
Democracy has many ways but not only the western democracy.
Hope your country could find the democracy which is suitable to your civilians.
Don't bring too much violence and discontentment to the majority.
Democracy should be based on the majority.
you come with me and we both demonstrate against china, ok? :-)

have you joined in this demonstration in German ?

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