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Vietnam blogger jailed for posts about China deported

Down with the VCP!

Vietnamese Bloggers Plan Protest Over Hanoi Fireworks Celebration

Vietnamese bloggers display signs demanding government transparency in a “We Want to Know” campaign, Sept. 2, 2014.
Photo courtesy of the Network of Vietnamese Bloggers.
Emboldened by pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, Vietnamese activists are rallying for demonstrations against government plans to hold an elaborate celebration marking the 60th anniversary of Hanoi’s liberation from French rule.

The government has organized fireworks displays in 30 districts of Hanoi as part of the celebration on Friday evening.

But activists say the celebration should not be held at a time when the country’s economy is reeling from a slowdown due to weak demand and a high levels of bad debt in the banking system.

“In the context of the dismal economy, we have seen so many children who cannot go to school, especially ones in remote areas,” blogger Pham Thanh Nghiem told RFA’s Vietnamese Service.

“Many people don’t have access to clean water, many companies have gone bankrupt, and the unemployment rate has been high.”

“It would be very inconsiderate and unsuitable for us if we have to spend a huge amount of money from the state budget—money paid by the people—on a fireworks show,” she said. “Instead, we should invest that money in education or health care, which are essential for life.”
Signs of demonstrations

Vietnamese authorities are moving to block any demonstrations against the Hanoi anniversary celebrations in the wake of the pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong, and have questioned some activists on the issue.

Blogger Nguyen Huu Vinh told RFA that local officials had come to his home to tell him not to join any such demonstrations in Vietnam.

“But I protested,” he said. “I told them that democracy was the first value recognized by our national emblem, which refers to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.”

“Such behavior shows their confusion and concerns ahead of a turning point in the world’s democracy movement, which is having a huge effect on Vietnam,” he said.

Nghiem said plain clothes police have guarded her home and followed her after bloggers across Vietnam launched an online campaign in early September demanding that their authoritarian government keep the people informed about national and foreign policies.

The “We Want to Know” campaign quickly spread on the Internet through Facebook and other social media sites, but did not call for any demonstrations, she said.

“The government is always worried about people expressing opinions that are opposite of its own,” she said. “They are afraid of demonstrations, especially peaceful ones.”


The image used in the statement by the 22 Vietnamese groups supporting the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. Credit: RFA
A deep awareness

Meanwhile, nearly two dozen Vietnamese activist groups issued a statement Tuesday expressing the hope that the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement would serve as inspiration for freedom-loving people in their one-party communist state.

The statement, entitled “Hong Kong today, Vietnam tomorrow...,” backed the peaceful civil disobedience campaign by students and other protesters in Hong Kong over the last 10 days, saying it would boost the democracy movement in Vietnam.

Signed by representatives from 22 groups, the statement featured an image of an umbrella, the symbol of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.

“We wish Vietnamese youth to have a deep awareness of democracy, great courage and a broad spirit of unity, and would like to see many committing themselves to changing the status quo, which is a thousand times more undemocratic and hostile to human rights than it is in Hong Kong,” the statement said.

Last week, Le Phu Khai, a journalist who used to work for Vietnam Television, told RFA that the widespread coverage of the Hong Kong protest in the Vietnamese media indicated that Hanoi did not feel threatened by the example the event set for the Vietnamese people.

But he did not rule out a clampdown on the coverage in Vietnam if the Hong Kong protest continued to grow.

Reported by An Nguyen for RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin.

Vietnamese Bloggers Plan Protest Over Hanoi Fireworks Celebration
take care of yourself. if the chinese stop buying your commodities, you are dead.

That's the good thing about the free market (which you probably don't support you dirty commie) there's always a market for our goods.

But seriously the VCP has been dragging Vietnam through the mud and you actually support this kind of government that does this kind of shit to its people.
That's the good thing about the free market (which you probably don't support you dirty commie) there's always a market for our goods.

But seriously the VCP has been dragging Vietnam through the mud and you actually support this kind of government that does this kind of shit to its people.
well, even the most die-hard communist haters among overseas vietnamese visit vietnam and send money back home as much as they can. and the vietnamese government welcomes such "haters" at home and even gives visa-free to them.
well, even the most die-hard communist haters among overseas vietnamese visit vietnam and send money back home as much as they can. and the vietnamese government welcomes such "haters" at home and even gives visa-free to them.

They send money back home to their family not the government. Oh sure they let them in & then they put them in prison when they started talking about Freedom.

Vietnamese Engineer-Activist Treated Like a ‘Slave,’ Humiliated in Jail

How people support such a thing (CCP or VCP) is beyond my enlightened mind to comprehend.
They send money back home to their family not the government. Oh sure they let them in & then they put them in prison when they started talking about Freedom.

Vietnamese Engineer-Activist Treated Like a ‘Slave,’ Humiliated in Jail

How people support such a thing (CCP or VCP) is beyond my enlightened mind to comprehend.
talking politics is dangerous in unfree countries such as vietnam and china. but they have no choice, and learn to live with it. but anyway, the people enjoy rising prosperity. I believe sooner and later the government will give more freedoms to individuals. S Korea is the best example of that.
talking politics is dangerous in unfree countries such as vietnam and china. but they have no choice, and learn to live with it. but anyway, the people enjoy rising prosperity. I believe sooner and later the government will give more freedoms to individuals. S Korea is the best example of that.

Rising prosperity, bah! The only one that can enjoy rising prosperity while living under the shadow of an Autocratic government is China. Not in Vietnam where its politic is about as worse as its economy. You guys are below Philippines 4 goodness sake.

Don't compare yourself to South Korea you ain't South Korea. When you guys are more like North Korea. In that regard the Philippines is more like South Korea.
Rising prosperity, bah! The only one that can enjoy rising prosperity while living under the shadow of an Autocratic government is China. Not in Vietnam where its politic is about as worse as its economy. You guys are below Philippines 4 goodness sake.

Don't compare yourself to South Korea you ain't South Korea. When you guys are more like North Korea. In that regard the Philippines is more like South Korea.

Not exactly; while we may appear "democratic", if you are going deeper in researching about Philippine society, we mirror North Korea in some way - particularly in the way how Filipino (well the majority) revere the Aquino-Cojuangco family in the same way as how North Koreans revere Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jon-Il and his son minus the "being pointed with gun."
Not exactly; while we may appear "democratic", if you are going deeper in researching about Philippine society, we mirror North Korea in some way - particularly in the way how Filipino (well the majority) revere the Aquino-Cojuangco family in the same way as how North Koreans revere Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jon-Il and his son minus the "being pointed with gun."

in comparatione (in comparison)
Rising prosperity, bah! The only one that can enjoy rising prosperity while living under the shadow of an Autocratic government is China. Not in Vietnam where its politic is about as worse as its economy. You guys are below Philippines 4 goodness sake.

Don't compare yourself to South Korea you ain't South Korea. When you guys are more like North Korea. In that regard the Philippines is more like South Korea.
you compare vietnam to north korea? you have really humor.
is indonesia now a superpower rivaling to china? you make fun of the chinese?

as I said if China stops buying your commodities, you are more dead than alive because 60% of your exports are commodities. and the chinese are in very bad mood now after you refused to join the new infrastructure bank.
by the way I bet our exports will surpass yours in the next 1-2 year.
you compare vietnam to north korea? you have really humor.
is indonesia now a superpower rivaling to china? you make fun of the chinese?

as I said if China stops buying your commodities, you are more dead than alive because 60% of your exports are commodities. and the chinese are in very bad mood now after you refused to join the new infrastructure bank.
by the way I bet our exports will surpass yours in the next 1-2 year.
it is interesting to see that even philippines and viets jumped on the board, while indonesia not as the only country in ASEAN.

considering China is the largest export market for indonesia, time to categorying it into US-japs camp and deal with it accordingly, let it suffering econimically from China at one end and being bullied stratigically from west-backed Aussie at another end
you compare vietnam to north korea? you have really humor.
is indonesia now a superpower rivaling to china? you make fun of the chinese?

as I said if China stops buying your commodities, you are more dead than alive because 60% of your exports are commodities. and the chinese are in very bad mood now after you refused to join the new infrastructure bank.
by the way I bet our exports will surpass yours in the next 1-2 year.

Why would China stop buying their commodities? China's all about business and China certainly isn't mad about the infrastructure bank thing.
Why would China stop buying their commodities? China's all about business and China certainly isn't mad about the infrastructure bank thing.
of couse China will have a say. Do you think only US know how to use the weapon of sanction? don't forget now China is the largest trading country in the world, surpassing America.
Why against China? You are responsible for your homeland. You should be the sponsor of those movement, because you are rich.
I said you once I am a poor man, can only afford a bowl of pho per day :cry:

of couse China will have a say. Do you think only US know how to use the weapon of sanction? don't forget now China is the largest trading country in the world, surpassing America.
you are right, why only bully vietnam? it is time to move on and put sanctions on others. Indonesia is a good target :haha:
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