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Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1906444 said:
Maybe he means that China and its allies will kick everything and everyone they meet :woot:

If you read his post he is very clear in his statement that North Korea kicked South Korea by sinking its ship, China kicked Japan about the Island dispute, China kicked Vietnam over Island issue now he is suggesting China to kick India to take over Province of India and help Pakistan to get control of Jammu and Kashmir. His both flags are of India. We call individuals like him "TRAITORS".
I did not read the thread, but judging by the thread's title, then what is China waiting for?

If Spratly and Paracel Islands truly does belong to China, then China deserves the territory!
I did not read the thread, but judging by the thread's title, then what is China waiting for?

If Spratly and Paracel Islands truly does belong to China, then China deserves the territory!

Why do pakistanis love encouraging imperialists of the day?
United States and Soviet Union's figures were estimates. Iraqi estimated they killed hundreds of Americans in 2003 invasion too, but then we all know how much of a joke those "estimates" were. On the other hand, China had complete information regarding its own troops. We captured several strategically important positions along the border and razed your infrastructure to the ground. But that's nothing according to you right?

Yeah, yeah, all other sources are rubbish, only Chinese sources are believable :rofl:
What about Vietnamese sources? Vietnam had complete information regarding its own troops :rofl:
China: 62.500 total casualties
Vietnam: 10.000 total casualties
You will call Vietnamese sources are Vietnamese propaganda, that's why I offer US and USSR :azn:
Anyway, only chinese sources are believable, you are right, love your argument :rofl: :rofl:
Any Chinese have any queries about this thread ?, i think that we have sent you all clear information, and we do hope that we will not get more queries about Pham Van Dong letter which signed in 1958...
Any Chinese have any queries about this thread ?, i think that we have sent you all clear information, and we do hope that we will not get more queries about Pham Van Dong letter which signed in 1958...

I have read and fully understand , your excuse is full of loopholes. .
If you read his post he is very clear in his statement that North Korea kicked South Korea by sinking its ship, China kicked Japan about the Island dispute, China kicked Vietnam over Island issue now he is suggesting China to kick India to take over Province of India and help Pakistan to get control of Jammu and Kashmir. His both flags are of India. We call individuals like him "TRAITORS".

How dare you call anyone that disagrees with you a traitor. You are a disgusting hypocrite no better than a Waffen SS member.
I am wondering why your Government did not say that you lost 1 person who killed in that war, see below to know the exact amount:

Chinese soldier total: 300,000
Chinese soldier died: Total: 62,500
- Lạng Sơn: 19.000
- Cao Bằng: 18.000
- Lào Cai: 11.500
- Quảng Ninh, Lai Châu and Hà Tuyên: 14.000
Chinese wounded soldier: over 60,000
Total Vietnamese soldier : 70,000
- Died soldier: nearly 10,000
- Wounded soldier: 30,000
Vietnam suffered more than 200,000 civilian deaths during the Chinese invasion

You are hilarious!

Here is a realistic estimation:
PLA Invasion force and casualties:

Vietnamese sources suggest an invasion force of 600,000 PLA soldiers entering the country, this is unfortunately impossible due to logistics. After 25 years of rapid infrastructural development, in 2003, the PLA managed to deploy 300,000 RRF troops to Xinjiang in 3 weeks. There was simply no way the PLA could've moved 600,000 soldiers with backup troops to the Vietnamese border in 5 weeks in 1979. :taz:

A much more realistic PLA Invasion force into Vietnam numbered 80,000 with another 150,000 remaining on the Chinese side of the border. This is a number quoted from both internal de-classified PLA sources and quoted as an estimate from American/Soviet sources via satillite imagery.

Now as for total casualties. Western Sources estimate a total PLA casualty count of 20,000. PLA indicates 6,900 killed, 15,000 wounded which implies 22,000 total casualties.

Vietnam claims 26,000 PLA troops KIA, 37,000 WIA through the entirety of the war. The KIA is clearly an exaggeration due to the fact that if this was the case, ~80% of the entire PLA invasion force would've been casualties. The WIA could be more realistic however due the border war lasting for 10 years.

Realistic PLA KIA: ~6900 Total
~6300(1979 invasion)
~200 in Operation LanJianI(1982)
~70 in Operation Laoshan(1984)

Vietnamese Defending Force:

Vietnam had 100,000 regular army forces along the border during the 1979 invasion. This point is agreed upon by PLA, Western, and Vietnamese forces. What is also agreed upon by all parties is that Vietnam suffered 12,000 regular forces KIA in 1979 and another 8,000 regular forces KIA for the remainder of the border war until 1988.

The PLA asserts that there were an additional 100,000 Vietnamese militia forces during the 1979 campaign, and that 20,000 of these militiamen were KIA. Western sources appear contradictory on the topic with some agreeing and some disagreeing upon that number. Vietnamese sources claims that there were no guerilla militia forces and that the PLA killed 10,000 vietnamese civilians. But then the Vietnamese army also has sources honoring these same civilians for fighting against the PLA during the 1979 invasion. Specifically they have a memorial for the 10,000 people. So at this point it can be asserted that at least 10,000 non uniformed Vietnamese were killed, whether they were civilians or militia or both is up for question.

It can be assumed that the PLA claim of 20,000 militia KIA is an exaggeration. Due to the ambiguity of the sources, I'll simply take the average from the Chinese and Vietnamese claims => 15,000 Vietnamese militia/civilians killed in 1979

Total Vietamese Casualties: ~35,000
~27,000 (12,000 Regular + 17,000 militia/civilian in 1979)
~1000 regulars in 1982
~4000 regulars in 1984
~3000 regulars from 1985-1988

That is an average kill ratio of 1:5 in favor of the PLA. While the PLA did better in the Indian and Tibetan campaigns, this ratio compares very favorably to the PLA's performance in Korea against U.N forces which was 2:1. So while the war with Vietnam exposed many shortcomings of the PLA immediatly after the cultural revolution. In the acheivement of it's overall objectives(took Vietnamese Land,forced even tual vietnamese withdraw from Cambodia+Laos) with such a casualty ratio, one can argue that the PLA didn't do at all too badly with what they had on hand.

Listen, Vietnamese, "Vietnam had 100,000 regular army forces along the border ". Many of you are fooled to believe that you did not have regular troops along the border but militia and women. :lol:

Above analysis can be corroborated with wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Vietnamese_War
200,000+ (later increased to 400,000[1]) PLA infantry and 400 tanks from Kunming and Guangzhou Military District[2]

70,000–100,000 regular force, 150,000 local troops and militia[3]

Casualties and losses
Chinese claim: 6,954 killed, 14,800 wounded.[4]

Western source: 26,000 killed, 37,000 wounded and 420 tanks destroyed[5]

Western source: 30,000 killed, 32,000 wounded and 185 tanks destroyed[6]

Vietnam claims: 10,000 civilians killed, no figures of military[2]
You are hilarious!

Here is realistic estimation:

Listen, Vietnamese, "Vietnam had 100,000 regular army forces along the border ". Many of you are fooled to believe that you did not have troops along the border but militia and women. :lol:

Why do you know it's realistic? :rofl: :rofl:
As I said, with Chinese, only Chinese sources are believable, other sources are all rubbish :rofl: :rofl:

Take a look of other source:
US sources:
China: more than 26.000 killed
Vietnam: less than 20.000 killed

USSR sources:
China: 30.000 killed
Vietnam: more than 10.000 killed

China sources:
China: 7.000 killed
Vietnam: 30.0000 killed

Vietnam sources:
China: 62.500 total casualties
Vietnam: 10.000 total casualties

Take a look of this one

China gov just made things up with some deceitful numbers :rofl:
Do you think China can only have 7000 deaths when a platoon of Vietnamese militias killed 350 PLA soldiers or a Vietnamese regiment can held up 2 armies in 1 week???
Every one except Chinese know that PLA's perform in 1979 is really really poor with much heavier lost. Anyway, you are not American because you believe in such ignorant things which China Commies gov. brainwash people :rofl:
Listen, Vietnamese, "Vietnam had 100,000 regular army forces along the border ". Many of you are fooled to believe that you did not have regular troops along the border but militia and women. :lol:
So, how many regular men left for Cambodia Campaign bro ?? Or 100,000 men after China retreated coz the conflic stll continue ??

Oki, let see some news about our Regular men during the conflic and see the Big Diffrent with China men.
Vietnam dare to attack our military agents: high-level military evaded

admin on January 20, 2011 in Military World | No Comments »
April 1984, the border of Yunnan army recaptured the old Hill, who rode Thread Yin and other positions, start into the defense.

The local terrain, high and low drop large, so the Vietnamese troops to use firearms is the most important mortar. Vietnamese troops often use the terrain to create false targets, false launch point, induce a waste of our army shells. So our military reported the destruction of the mortar has more than the number of enemy equipment, but the enemy continued to fire the army.

Our military personnel are often sent to bring artillery reconnaissance and observation equipment into an enemy communications behind the right direction for my cannon group goals, and achieved some results, but the artillery reconnaissance personnel at great risk. After our troops from the United Kingdom [Germany] imports a "Xin Bolin" emplacement detection radar (current price for ten million dollars) to deploy to the front.

"Xin Bolin" (Cymbeline) since the 20th century, mid 70s in the UK and German armies, the detection of 81 mm mortar range of up to 10 kilometers, on a detection range of 120-mm mortar up to 14 km . By detecting enemy mortar and to calculate the trajectory, we can accurately determine the location of the enemy mortar position to lead our army artillery to counter and hit the Vietnamese troops was very embarrassed.

Evening of 4 July 1984 23 am, the Vietnamese troops of 406 battalion 821 Secret Mission 7 with a row of elevation points from the 1134 side saddle sneaked into my territory and then, point by point to observation point by point the way forward on the road before dawn on the 5th to the scheduled meeting place - a cave hidden white pyroxenite. 5, hostile white Shiyan, various positions in a close observation of the arrival day and night. At 0:30 on the 6th or so, in addition to a group of white remain as alert and take place inside the cave, Shiyan task, I compiled four group secret enemy approach the target area, were a group of 160 mortar attack on army positions and 41 Teachers 122 Group 9 with three rows. The other two groups from the left-right attack on Kunming Military Region I (now incorporated into the Chengdu Military Region) artillery battalion reconnaissance apparatus, "Xin Bolin" radar position. 2:30, the enemy opened fire at the same time, 2:40 end of the operation, I killed 10 people and injured 49 people, the enemy killed 1 person and injured 10 people.
The fighting, the military high evaded. Deng position: their agents can come in, why can not our scouts in the past? Thus, there is a more than five years on a secret reconnaissance round of fighting.
After the completion of the enemy attack, the attack group retreated to the white line along the original cave, Shiyan, slight casualties treated on the same day before 6 pm outside the original infiltration routes withdrawn.
Place of military knowledge and amusing stories of automobile » Vietnam
if all of you would like to comment about invasion in 1979, make more thread, know that this is not thread for it.

Dear Chinese members, pls read my question and we will clear it, if there are not any comments or questions, for Pham Van Dong letter which signed in 1958, then we will close this thread....
China acknowledged Sikkim then raked up that issue again....so who cares....the reality has changed.......oil
How dare you call anyone that disagrees with you a traitor. You are a disgusting hypocrite no better than a Waffen SS member.

Have you tried to read the definition of "Traitor"? Do that before replying to my post. The second part is I do not launch personal attack on any individual even you inspite your comments towards me. This forum is for us to treat each other with respect and disagree. I hope you will sit back reflect on your act and regret about such a low ball attack on me.

When I wrote the word "TRAITOR" it is for individuals who live in a country and join the enemy country against their motherland.

When you preach tolerance for views from other people, I think it is your Government who should be preached rather than me. Your country has a long way to go when it comes to tolerance of individuals who want the democratic reforms in your country.

In canada we do not censor the Internet that is why so many people from all over the world come to the WEstren countries where they can express their view point with out facing persecution from Government authorities.

Do not ever dictate to me in particular as to what I cab say or not.

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