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(Video) Yaseen Malik true freedom fighter of kashmir

Wow !!! Support for a terrorist. Then we will also support freedom fighters trying to free Baluchistan and Azad Kashmir!!!
Wow !!! Support for a terrorist. Then we will also support freedom fighters trying to free Baluchistan and ***!!!

Two massive differences; Kashmiris are basically Pakistani in cultural, ethnic and religious factors and have little to nothing in common with Indians; calling them terrorists is like calling 1700's American rebels as terrorists; theyre simply fighting for freedom and they are sympathize by almost every Kashmiri. Balochi Rebels already declined your help; they are hated by all Balochis and they only number in 100-200, theyre surrendering by the masses- while 80% of Kashmiris hate Indian rule and their freedom fighters number in the thousands.

This what you call having GUTS....something which Indian Muslims lack !
lol, imagine if there was a pathan.
Good we need such poodles as Yasin Malik.
Say more,Yasin Malik ;)

We want Kashmir freed from the Indians grip. Pakistanis will support Kashmiris till they are free from the cruel forces of Indians. May God give Kashmiris and their leaders strength to keep this struggle going.
You were giving support since the inception of your nation,what happened?But we did do a wonder in 1971,didn't we? ;)
Do you have the strength for another 1971 situation again? :D
You were giving support since the inception of your nation,what happened?

Control 36% of Kashmir today. ;)

But we did do a wonder in 1971,didn't we? ;)

Yeah with overwhelming advantage. With help of terrorists. Leverage gone decades ago. :)

Do you have the strength for another 1971 situation again? :D

1971 is long gone. That's why we keep fingering you again and again. :D
Control 36% of Kashmir today. ;)

Yeah with overwhelming advantage. With help of terrorists. Leverage gone decades ago. :)

1971 is long gone. That's why we keep fingering you again and again. :D
Finger us without threatening of nukes like real men then we will show you what happens when you challenge a country 3 times your size.
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