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Video ‘proves vote was rigged,’ say Yes voters

Not to mention how much money the British government poured into the No campaign and paying people to vote No.
And as was said by them, this was just a sorting process not the count.
More video evidence of blatant voter fraud. I mean there is a vote counter, from england, just filling out paper ballots himself and adding them to the pile. Wtf?

A video of a female vote counter appearing to place Yes votes in the No pile at a polling station has led to allegations by Scottish nationalists that the independence referendum was rigged.

Supporters of Scottish independence on social media – dubbed ‘Cybernats’ – have claimed that the video, taken at a Dundee polling station, and an image of a Clackmannanshire counting table show evidence that there was foul play in the election process.

Oh! Stop being a sore loser.

It was widely understood even before the vote that Scots would stay within the Union; Only margin was in doubt. There may have been some mistakes made during counting, but you people would need more than one odd video to prove rigging on mass scale ,in order to justify gap between Yes and No.
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Oh! Stop being a sore loser.

It was widely understood even before the vote that Scots would stay within the Union; Only margin was in doubt. There may have been some mistakes made during counting, but you people would have more than one odd video to prove rigging on mass scale ,in order to justify gap between Yes and No.
Who gives two monkeys about the outcome, i just shared a video and news which surfaced after the referendum. However it's interesting to note that if English don't benefit from Scotland, why are they desperate to hold on, so much so that the Queen had to make a plea. .... in any case it has proven that almost half the Scots want independence.
Dharna time...but that does not happen in civilized countries... well maybe some east end glasgow folks might just do it.. or stab people around to protest
@Oscar, we got a preview of that last night, there was a big brawl in George square last night between the two groups. i tell you for a weekend, it's damn quite around here.

Now stop being butthurt about it.
Here's more gems being revealed...... apparently around a million votes casted in small islands around Scottish coast , while being transported by ferry and tugboats have been lost in journey and here's a personal touch, one of my local friend, who is a driver in a big well known private coach hire firm, tells me that his company was transporting vote counters all during the night as they were brought in from England. !!

The population of Scotland is 5 million :unsure:
The United Kingdom is not a Banana Republic, hence vote rigging does not occur in the country.

I think the disappointed anti-UK, all doom and gloom wishers (mainly commies and socialists), need to get a life and hold referendums in their own countries for the many oppressed people they treat as second class citizens... starting with Chechnya.
alex salmond already accepted defeat, if there was large scale fraud (or even small scale) he is not the type of person to be silent.
I get it that people from countries where impartial institutions are lacking might believe in stupid conspiracy theories, but am pretty sure this went quite smooth, and everybody accepts the verdict.
alex salmond already accepted defeat, if there was large scale fraud (or even small scale) he is not the type of person to be silent.
I get it that people from countries where impartial institutions are lacking might believe in stupid conspiracy theories, but am pretty sure this went quite smooth, and everybody accepts the verdict.

True, the Chinese/Russians dont seem to like this to much, maybe because they have never had a fair election themselves.
they should contact Imran to plan their future dharna actions
Western democracy at work.

The ruling class occupies the foot folks life with a big sharade of a voting festival and make believe story they have rights and can influence politics or decide who is in power.

Only stupid sheeps and paid shills still defend it.

Western democracy at work.

The ruling class occupies the foot folks life with a big sharade of a voting festival and make believe story they have rights and can influence politics or decide who is in power.

Only stupid sheeps and paid shills still defend it.

I'm SURe we should adopt shining china example and have millions killed.

IK and TuQ should step down

at least from their container

if not from the high horse $hit they have been spreading for so many weeks.

Pakistanis never accept they are wrong. That's the problem.

Western democracy at work.

The ruling class occupies the foot folks life with a big sharade of a voting festival and make believe story they have rights and can influence politics or decide who is in power.

Only stupid sheeps and paid shills still defend it.

Western democracy isn't perfect but its still better then dictatorship.

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