I was referring to Syria and U.S presence in there with the excuse of supporting kurds, and as I said 2015 was a turning point for Syria, otherwise you can find thousands of western articles accusing Iran of supporting Assad government (so called brutal regime) against the terrorists (so called righteous rebels) many years earlier, even Hezbollah entered Syria in 2012 and of course during all these years, U.S was supporting these terrorist groups which were founded by U.S.
In 2014 ISIS marched into Iraq and U.S forces did nothing. It was just Iran that quickly responded and stopped ISIS advancement, "saving Baghdad" is a quote from several Iraqi officials, not me.
so don't try to alter the history cause you are no longer the winner!
American's so called air campaign was always against the will of Iraqi popular mobilization forces, and they openly said that they don't want the presence of U.S forces in their operations, in fact in the operations which U.S didn't participate, Iraqi PMF advanced more quickly, but it was U.S which was literally begging Iraqi government to participate in there, the very same U.S which stood still while ISIS column of vehicles were passing beside them without a bullet being fired.
U.S wanted to topple all the pro-Iran governments of Syria and Iraq with a terrorist group which would give the excuse to have a military presence in there, but after Iran intervened, quickly it became clear to U.S that their plot has failed and an inevitable closure between two Shiah country will lead to an strategic alliance between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon that not only will foil all future U.S plots in the middle east, but severely endanger the existence of Zionist puppet of Israel.
so U.S switched to plan B, the role of a savior, while the goal was to boost the separatist groups in Iraq and Syria and save and transfer the terrorists to the more favorable places.