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Video of Iran's anti tank missiles in Yemen!! Amazing

Of course you would choose the saudis who re openly now in the court of Israel and the US.... but if you had a functioning brain, you would ask yourself why you are supporting the zionist side.... maybe you are not intelligent enough to ask yourself this question...

And I am very happy that Iran is giving payback to the lizer eaters of Arabia for their support of Saddam and zionism.

Those who help the enemes of Islam are the enemes of Islam... but tards will not undrestand this simple fact.
If you care so much about people's choice then why are you supporting Assad? Why have double standards for Syria but when it comes to Bahrain you have a different statement? Why 10,000 people killed in Yemen are more important to you than 500,000 in Syria?

Let me tell you why. You are the biggest bigots in this world. Right next to Jews and Hindus. Zionists and your lanati Khameini and his policies are the same. To kill as many Muslims as possible while creating division among Muslims.

I would choose a Saudi King a 1000 times over your hypocrite two faced supreme leader.
Syria, was a test bed for the CIA and Mossad, they were trying to kill multiple birds with one stone, the Mossad knew Syria was an Iranian ally and it was a linchpin, important geographically because it was a route to supply Lebanon. The entity that worries Israel the most after Iran. The CIA wanted to overthrow Assad for their Zionist buddies and at the same time deliver a blow to the Russians by denying them their naval base in Syria. Win-win, especially if the only people doing the fighting are soft brained Muslims. The Arabs have always been our weak spot in this region, they're the reason any power thinks they can come and bomb and invade. After the Al Saud house goes away, the region can become a powerhouse, until then, more Muslims must die.
Syria, was a test bed for the CIA and Mossad, they were trying to kill multiple birds with one stone, the Mossad knew Syria was an Iranian ally and it was a linchpin, important geographically because it was a route to supply Lebanon. The entity that worries Israel the most after Iran. The CIA wanted to overthrow Assad for their Zionist buddies and at the same time deliver a blow to the Russians by denying them their naval base in Syria. Win-win, especially if the only people doing the fighting are soft brained Muslims. The Arabs have always been our weak spot in this region, they're the reason any power thinks they can come and bomb and invade. After the Al Saud house goes away, the region can become a powerhouse, until then, more Muslims must die.
True enough,but its not just the saudis and wahabism tho these do need to be expunged from the region,ALL of the western arab vassal regimes have to be removed,only then will the region have any hope of achieving its enormous potential rather than being nothing more than a collection of weak easily exploited vassal states,basically just a western version of the old cold war era soviet eastern bloc.
True enough,but its not just the saudis and wahabism tho these do need to be expunged from the region,ALL of the western arab vassal regimes have to be removed,only then will the region have any hope of achieving its enormous potential rather than being nothing more than a collection of weak easily exploited vassal states,basically just a western version of the old cold war era soviet eastern bloc.
Perhaps, it's a tall order, too many countries fall into that category. I may sound anti west, but I am not, I'm anti stupid..stupid policies, stupid strategies, stupid governance. I think we need to adopt a lot of the western policies, they are acting on their own best interest. We should or the region should be smart enough to act on our own best interest. Instead we have a few rich Sheiks who want to hold on to power, stifle democracy and transparency for their own sake. Look at what happened in Egypt all of those people died to get rid of Mubarak and now they got Sisi for life. Now look at Libya, all of those people died to get rid of Qaddafi and now their getting General what's his face...both of them courtesy of the Saudi government. These poor people can't catch a break.
Majority of the Missiles in the video were old AT-4/5s from Yemeni stock. We did not see any Toophan missiles to indicate Iranian supplied weapons. I personally wish Iran was supplying the houthies with as much material support as the Saudis claim!
Iran is supplying Houthis less than Saudis claim, but more than you think. US state dept already put some of the Iranian weapons in Yemen on display.
If you care so much about people's choice then why are you supporting Assad? Why have double standards for Syria but when it comes to Bahrain you have a different statement? Why 10,000 people killed in Yemen are more important to you than 500,000 in Syria?

Let me tell you why. You are the biggest bigots in this world. Right next to Jews and Hindus. Zionists and your lanati Khameini and his policies are the same. To kill as many Muslims as possible while creating division among Muslims.

I would choose a Saudi King a 1000 times over your hypocrite two faced supreme leader.

Because Assad problem was foreign backed regime change and the alternative was ISIS or Al-Queda not a legitimate alternative government.

Also Sunni’s need to wake up and realize they are causing Islamophobia in the West. Every major terrorist attack in the West has been caused by sunnis most with the same ideology as Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism). Sunni’s have killed innocent people all around the world. Routinely cause suicide attacks on innocent civilians in Muslim world and in the West and Europe. Something is wrong in the minds of some in Sunnis sect.

But of course Shiites are the problem and Iran is the problem. What a joke. Explains why most of the Muslim world is uncivilized baboons. If they can easily be duped into a Sunni vs Shiite war because Arab monarchs are afraid to lose power then they all deserve what they get, Iran included.
Iran is supplying Houthis less than Saudis claim, but more than you think. US state dept already put some of the Iranian weapons in Yemen on display.
still not enough. Are you talking about those movie props they put on display?
Well, l hate getting mired into the Sunni vs sheite thing,it's lose-lose proposition, but since it's already been breached. Let me ask a few question to remind everyone where the problems lie...Who is responsible for the M.E. being a subservient region to the west in the past 50 yrs? Who was bankrolling Al Qaeda and then ISIS? Who bankrolled Saddam? Who is bombing Yemen? Who's ideology has the entire Muslim world marked as uncivilized and blood thirsty? Whose regime is so corrupt that they will do anything to prevent democracy spreading in the Middle east?
If you care so much about people's choice then why are you supporting Assad? Why have double standards for Syria but when it comes to Bahrain you have a different statement? Why 10,000 people killed in Yemen are more important to you than 500,000 in Syria?

Let me tell you why. You are the biggest bigots in this world. Right next to Jews and Hindus. Zionists and your lanati Khameini and his policies are the same. To kill as many Muslims as possible while creating division among Muslims.

I would choose a Saudi King a 1000 times over your hypocrite two faced supreme leader.
In my viewpoint;i can say all these words about saudi arabia.......and at the last to say i love khamenaei and prefer his policies..........it's the definition of fitnah(the state that haq and batil are mixed together)
Why do these missiles move like a humming insect? They are not going straight or at a speed but in an arbitrary path at quite a slow speed which is comparable to that of cars. What kind of anti-tank ammunition is it?
Why do these missiles move like a humming insect? They are not going straight or at a speed but in an arbitrary path at quite a slow speed which is comparable to that of cars. What kind of anti-tank ammunition is it?

Generally Anti Tank missile (low cost old versions) follows the gunner's Line Of Sight (LOS). The gunner is looking through a high power optical sight with a crosshair embedded in to the lens (if you ever done that with a binocular you will know it is hard and shaky from a distance of lets say 2 km away when target is a jeep moving fast).. Missile does not see the moving target . In the American TOW version the the launcher electronics looks at the back of the missile (4 IR diodes) and knows where the missile is... it also know where the LOS is.
It calculates the angel between the LOS and where the missile is as it is flying towards the target. If the angle between the missile line and target LOS is Zero then missile will hit the spot the gunner is looking at. so the job of launcher electronics is the make this angle ZERO by moving the control surfaces in the missile ...that is why when the missile is fired its initial movements are jerky (error angle is high)..as the error angle becomes smaller and smaller the missile goes in a more straight line (simple negative feedback control system for engineers!)...
On the old Soviet Sagger type AT missiles no automation.. the poor gunner had to keep the LOS and look at the tail end of the missile ..he had a joystick and by moving the joystick he brings the missile on the LOS...( and all of this so that some poor arab boy will manage to kill another poor arab boy riding on a toyota so few Fat arab men in Riyad and Dubai can enjoy swimming in their villas and drink their coolaids!)...:astagh:
Majority of the Missiles in the video were old AT-4/5s from Yemeni stock. We did not see any Toophan missiles to indicate Iranian supplied weapons. I personally wish Iran was supplying the houthies with as much material support as the Saudis claim!
Damn right,a little payback for syria is in order I think...with interest.
Why do these missiles move like a humming insect? They are not going straight or at a speed but in an arbitrary path at quite a slow speed which is comparable to that of cars. What kind of anti-tank ammunition is it?
Some of these missiles also rotate several times a second which tends to make their flight look further erratic,its also hard to judge the speed based on the videos,as accurately judging the distance that the missile is traveling in these videos can be difficult,but these are not slow weapons with the wire guided ones traveling at around 200m/s[700kph!] which means it only takes around 20-30s to reach its target from up to 4-5kms away,so they are traveling quite a bit faster than a car.The non wire guided ones like the laser beam riding at12/kornet are capable of traveling at over 350m/s [1260kmh] which is supersonic.These are very nasty weapons and can do a hell of a lot of damage when deployed in large numbers.
If you care so much about people's choice then why are you supporting Assad? Why have double standards for Syria but when it comes to Bahrain you have a different statement? Why 10,000 people killed in Yemen are more important to you than 500,000 in Syria?

Let me tell you why. You are the biggest bigots in this world. Right next to Jews and Hindus. Zionists and your lanati Khameini and his policies are the same. To kill as many Muslims as possible while creating division among Muslims.

I would choose a Saudi King a 1000 times over your hypocrite two faced supreme leader.
It's not just Yemen ..it's Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya even Saudi wanted to invade Qatar ..next to crack down of Bahraini ppl or Lebanon's PM kidnapping ..'cause no one did what you did to Libya & Syrian & Yemen to Bahrain???
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