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Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

Investigation is ongoing and details are surfacing accordingly.

It is not in my nature to 'accuse' people of immortality unless I notice something which might indicate as much. I have studied a lot about human relationships, and have practical experience in this domain.

This lady fell for bad company and ruined her 1st marriage consequently (I feel sorry for her kids from earlier marriage TBH). I do not condone domestic abuse, but this woman was not right in the head either (figuratively speaking). I hope she learned a lesson from this saga, and turn to the right path.

This video surfaced just a few hours ago:

Janab, police station mein jaa kaar barey barey bahaut kuch bata detey hain. Police ka danda aisa hota hai.

Why should we ignore husband's account? his wife is not clean either. They had a fight and he went too far in punishing her, and now the lady is crying wolf.
there is a hell lot of difference between dancing of your own accord, and being forced to dance
and obviously the bruise marks, torture marks and shaved head were her own doing
there is a hell lot of difference between dancing of your own accord, and being forced to dance
and obviously the bruise marks, torture marks and shaved head were her own doing
Do you really think that I do not understand the difference? Asma Aziz was subjected to considerable level of domestic violence by her husband, which is NOT OK, and he deserve punishment for his excesses, period.

But what about Asma's excesses? She was taking drugs and enjoying her immoral lifestyle, until she had a fight with her husband. And now she is CRYING WOLF on the media.

Why you fixated on the domestic violence part, and ignoring the whole story? Making excuses for immorality now?

In the much touted riyasat-e-medina (Imran Khan's favorite theme), both would have received punishment for their excesses (donnu kee khoob chitrol hoti).
This woman first marriage and her husband first marriage to someone else.
They met on some dope party and get mingled.
So this guy divorced her first wife.
& She divorced her first husband.
It is being said this current husband and wife were addicted to Methamphetamine aka ice.
So their marriage was hooked due to meth stuff.

For those liberal. People on meth have no morality because It damages you so much.
There are things abt it I don't want to disclose.
These people need some serious help. Liberalism truly is a mental disease.

The sooner Liberalism can be quashed the better it will be for society.

But what about Asma's excesses? She was taking drugs and enjoying her immoral lifestyle, until she had a fight with her husband. And now she is CRYING WOLF on the media.
Liberal mindset at work: you cannot hold the woman to account regardless of her equal involvement in the events that led up to the current state of affairs.
Do you really think that I do not understand the difference? Asma Aziz was subjected to considerable level of domestic violence by her husband, which is NOT OK, and he deserve punishment for his excesses, period.

But what about Asma's excesses? She was taking drugs and enjoying her immoral lifestyle, until she had a fight with her husband. And now she is CRYING WOLF on the media.

Why you fixated on the domestic violence part, and ignoring the whole story? Making excuses for immorality now?

In the much touted riyasat-e-medina (Imran Khan's favorite theme), both would have received punishment for their excesses (donnu kee khoob chitrol hoti).
the same immoralities were committed by the husband too
or should they be ignored?
Even in secular US, 70% women file for divorce. This is alarming trend and one of the factors why a proportion of American men are reluctant to marry anymore.

Who wants to throw his hard-earned assets into dustbin for the 'mera jism, meri marzi' types?

#Freedom of expression - for productive set-of-behaviors only. Not for selfishness, irresponsibility and immorality.

Here in West, the woman has to just give sworn statement, without evidence, that her husband has assaulted her. The man is immediately charged without investigation and many live for the rest of their lives with police record.

Also, the home, even if its owned by man is considered woman's home. So lets say a woman with a ill intention to occupying a property of her husband calls 911 and says that he assaulted her, the man has to vacate the home as there is immediate restraining order. Women do this here to occupy home and also take away children.

These are just few examples of how law here empowers, unjustifiably, a woman without much taking responsibility. There are 'domestic violence detectives' in police who actually do nothing to investigate. A few tears from a woman are just enough to get man in trouble, a lot of trouble.

Women use police and laws here to take advantage over men in divorce. Actually woman stands to gain a lot if she files for divorce or gets divorce. Thats is why men who dont want to live with women cant divorce as they lose everything. Women keep blackmailing and milking men as they know if he divorces, he will lose everything.

Thats is why men who were divorced here are living in shared rental homes, living with some relative and women live in big houses with children.

So men here a generally reluctant to marry. What they is have a short fling with women, have sex with them, and then break up. The system here encourages such illicit behaviour.

This is what 'freedom' means here as this is what Pakistani feminist want enforced in Pakistan.
first and foremost she should file for a divorce immediately
she should have taken the day he started abusing her
drag him in courts, dont let him show his face to the public ever again
this is the reason that people should be taught that divorce is not a bad thing, it is way better than remaining in an abusive relationship

are you a divorce lawyer?

maybe this is cultural?

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