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Featured Venezuela sentences U.S. mercenaries to 20 years in prison

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Venezuela Sentences US Mercenaries to 20 Years in Prison

8 August 2020

The U.S. former military officers Luke Denmnan and Airan Berry will face 20 years in prison.

Venezuela's Attorney General Tarek William Saab Friday reported that the two former U.S. military officers Luke Denmnan and Airan Berry, who participated in the failed invasion attempt in Venezuela, were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Denmnan and Berry tried to force their way into Venezuela along with 50 other citizens of the Caribbean country to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro's government.

"The U.S. former military officers confessed to the crimes of conspiracy, association, illicit trafficking of war weapons and terrorism," Saab tweeted.

These crimes appear in Venezuela's Penal Code, and for them, the mercenaries were sentenced to 20 years in prison.

"The former U.S. soldiers, who admitted their responsibility in the events, were accused by the prosecutors in the case of serious crimes," Saab explained.

The U.S. Silvercorp former members were detained in the second attempt of an attack against the Venezuelan coast.

At least eight people died and half a hundred more were arrested during the search and capture of the mercenaries.

Last May, Venezuela's justice system ordered preventive detention for 40 people due to their involvement in the failed invasion attempt.

Idiots are lucky Venezuela didn’t shoot them.
We shouldn't let them back in.

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What a bunch of goofballs

Seth Rogen and James Franco should play them in a movie
Who says these American hillbillies didn’t have the backing of US government or deep state?

So blatant is their meddling. How many Guaido’s does Pakistan have? Look at that American pooch being humiliated. Just like the Kurds the Americans have abandoned yet another ally.
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Just like the Kurds the Americans have abandoned yet another ally.

America is no ally with Kurdish people, they just use PKK/YPG scums according to their benefits. Last week, a Us oil company signed a deal with terrorist so-called general Mazloom for Syrian oil, so they are still allies.
I wish all the best to Venezuela and Maduro.

We Pakistanis should join with Iran and Turkey in supporting this government in Latin America which is our natural ally.
I wish Pakistan had same balls to punish Raymond Davis instead of making him Ghar Jamai.

Couldn't agree with you more.

Furthermore, Raymond Davis wasn't the only one our esteemed government, military and security forces allowed to leave without consequence there was another guy named "Joel Cox" who we captured at the airport years back:

I'm sick of both Generals and Political parties like the PPP and PML-N selling Pakistan and Pakistani's out.

We could have traded those disgusting sacks of sh*t for our honorable sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who still languishes in an American prison:

When Khan was laughing it up with Trump in Washington I wonder if he discussed her unconditional release the same way these morons released Joel Cox and Raymond Davis.

If Americans think we're just going to forgive and forget they've got another thing coming and the deplorable liberal trash in Pakistan that support her being imprisoned and tortured at the hand of Western secular terrorists, just like they supported the violation of our sovereignty and murder of our soldiers and civilians at the hands of US military airstrikes, will pay for their crimes and support to a state sponsor of terrorism like the United States.

I wish all the best to Venezuela and Maduro.

We Pakistanis should join with Iran and Turkey in supporting this government in Latin America which is our natural ally.

Interesting you said that because my view has been that Pakistan should actually be looking into buying our oil and gas from Venezuela but don't trade in American dollars instead we should barter with them based for essential supplies that Venezuela needs.

Right now Venezuela desperately needs food, toilet paper, etc... which we can and do produce and if we exchange that for oil it solves a host of issues for both our countries allowing us to save BILLIONS in foreign exchange.

We pay them fair market value and vice versa, no cheating or exploitation just trade between two peoples seeking the best for each others nations and peoples.

The US can't do shit to us, we can ask China to veto any attempts us at the UNSC and if they attempt to put unilateral sanctions or an embargo on us we can fight them at the WTO and I'm pretty confident we'll win at the very least it shouldn't affect trade with other Western nations, like the EU, who aren't supportive of the US' actions globally and won't follow suit like in the case with Cuba particularly after it joined the WTO in '95.

I'd like to see if this is possible.

How many Guaido’s does Pakistan have?

Well we know of a few like Nawaz Sharif and the PML-N, Husain Haqqani, Bilwal Bhutto and the PPP, etc...

I don't understand why the military and government tolerate these snakes, how anyone could support these disgusting Western secular terrorism supporters.
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Couldn't agree with you more.

Furthermore, Raymond Davis wasn't the only one our esteemed government, military and security forces allowed to leave without consequence there was another guy named "Joel Cox" who we captured at the airport years back:

I'm sick of both Generals and Political parties like the PPP and PML-N selling Pakistan and Pakistani's out.

We could have traded those disgusting sacks of sh*t for our honorable sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who still languishes in an American prison:

When Khan was laughing it up with Trump in Washington I wonder if he discussed her unconditional release the same way these morons released Joel Cox and Raymond Davis.

If Americans think we're just going to forgive and forget they've got another thing coming and the deplorable liberal trash in Pakistan that support her being imprisoned and tortured at the hand of Western secular terrorists, just like they supported the violation of our sovereignty and murder of our soldiers and civilians at the hands of US military airstrikes, will pay for their crimes and support to a state sponsor of terrorism like the United States.

Interesting you said that because my view has been that Pakistan should actually be looking into buying our oil and gas from Venezuela but don't trade in American dollars instead we should barter with them based for essential supplies that Venezuela needs.

Right now Venezuela desperately needs food, toilet paper, etc... which we can and do produce and if we exchange that for oil it solves a host of issues for both our countries allowing us to save BILLIONS in foreign exchange.

We pay them fair market value and vice versa, no cheating or exploitation just trade between two peoples seeking the best for each others nations and peoples.

The US can't do shit to us, we can ask China to veto any attempts us at the UNSC and if they attempt to put unilateral sanctions or an embargo on us we can fight them at the WTO and I'm pretty confident we'll win at the very least it shouldn't affect trade with other Western nations, like the EU, who aren't supportive of the US' actions globally and won't follow suit like in the case with Cuba particularly after it joined the WTO in '95.

I'd like to see if this is possible.

Iranians already cashed this opportunity and even started a couple of Super Stores at there filled with Iranian goods. I wonder when will Pakistanis get a brain?
I wish Pakistan had same balls to punish Raymond Davis instead of making him Ghar Jamai.

Go ask the ISI, who traded Raymond Davis for a bag of cash and/or benefits. Not the first time they done this.

Who says these American hillbillies didn’t have the backing of US government or deep state?

Give the US some credit. They would at least make the attemp more believable than sending in a motley crew of mercenaries led by two idiots.

We could have traded those disgusting sacks of sh*t for our honorable sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who still languishes in an American prison:

Like Raymond Davis, Pakistan sold Dr Aafia Sidduqui to US for bags of cash. In fact, Pakistan has handed over a number of Years akistan citizens this way, no doubt violating their rights. Perhaps you should direct your anger at Pakistan government.
Couldn't agree with you more.

We could have traded those disgusting sacks of sh*t for our honorable sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who still languishes in an American prison:

Aafia is a terrorist Piece of Sh*t.
Good that, She will rot in prison, just like Ramzi Yousef, deep in Colorado supermax.

This B*tch was requested by ISIS for Kayla Mueller, who was raped & killed.
But this B*tch got a better deal than Kayla.
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