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Vedanta to create hub to manufacture iPhones, TV equipment in India

The real semiconductor industry refers to semiconductor materials, semiconductor equipment, chip design and chip manufacturing. But the assembly and manufacturing of electronic products, computers and other different consumer fields can also be regarded as the semiconductor industry in a broad sense. After all, there are chips in these products.

there is plenty of low hanging fruit in electronic assembly. It is a zero sum game versus China here. I am not sure India is up to the challenge here.

Most of the American semiconductor companies have chip design centers in India
I hope this Gujarat love affair ends soon. But for an industry like this, that probably makes sense - especially from a supply chain perspective.

I know of atleast 20 semiconductor manufacturers who announced plans to set up manufacturing plants in India over the last two years.

I think disparity between states is only going to grow.

You mustn't bemoan where investment happens.
It will happen where companies are convinced they can make a profit and will face fewest obstacles.
Other states will be forced to examine their own policies as they watch states like Gujrat steal a march on attracting industries.
This is the only way these laggard states will change, by watching enviously states that have their MOJO organised.
Pleading with companies to invest because we are far behind other states DOES NOT WORK.
As expected, Foxconn's so-called "semiconductor industry" is the assembly line of electronic products. Labor intensive low paid jobs.
Offcourse anything outside China is assembling and inside china is ultra high skill manufacturing :lol:.
Yes they will.
This does not mean India puts all its eggs in capital intensive industries.
It means India , the largest population in the world, needs certain strategic capital intensive industries to back up things like car and truck manufacturing where India is becoming a large manufacturer AND consumer.
All CNC machinery manufactured will need semiconductor components as will all kinds of domestic aids ( washing machines, TV's etc etc.
In UK, where there is are large capital intensive industries, there is a SEVERE shortage of low skilled labour. You cannot get plumbers, electricians etc
Crops are withering in the fields because we have no labour to pick crops.
Wages of low skilled labour surpass that of degree holding graduates.
Capital intensive industries drag the rest of the economy into a higher orbit that includes low skilled labour
Literally not the same place the chip manufacturing is in gujrat the display fab cluster will be in Maharashtra it's thier in the article
I know that Chinese don't have a single idea of the states of India so wanted to clarify
huh? You should hope for other states that are lagging behind to catch up rather than hoping for states that are progressing to fall back.
No. I mentioned this numerous times before. Gujarat is a dry state. No club, pub, fun, hell….not even chicken. Who will want to move to such a place willingly?!
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