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Vaccine race-: Where are Islamic countries?

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The whole world is suffering from Covid-19 and many progressive countries are in the race of inventing Vaccine. Yesterday I was searching about it. There are countries like US, India, China, Israel, England, Japan those who are researching on vaccine, but not even one Islamic country. Why?
Islamic countries have made a organization named OIC on the name of religion, but I have found none of them researching on Vaccine. Do you know why?
NOTE- This thread is for highlighting the Islamic World contribution in Covid-19 research. Don't take it offensive.

Your research skills clearly lack;


Iran is preparing to test a homegrown Covid-19 vaccine in people, Health Minister Saeed Namaki said on Tuesday, after a surge in post-lockdown cases of the virus sent fatalities to a record high.

“Most animal tests have been passed and we will work on clinical trials of the vaccine in humans in the very near future,” Saeed Namaki said at a pharmaceutical exhibition, according to a statement on the Ministry of Health’s website. Iranian scientists have been developing the vaccine for four months, he said.


@Dariush the Great
@sha ah


Turkish scientists have come to the animal experiment phase to develop a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, the country's technology and industry minister said on Friday.

Three universities came to the animal experimentation stage for recombinant vaccine, and one even launched trials, Mustafa Varank said in a TV appearance.

"We supported 17 vaccine and medicine projects for the COVID-19 treatment, and eight are vaccine development projects," he said.


@Baybars Han

You might want to see this as well, the 'Turkish way'



Indonesia will be producing a coronavirus vaccine for itself due to concerns about global distribution of foreign-produced vaccines, the head of Indonesia’s national COVID-19 research team announced Thursday.

“It will be by Indonesia, from Indonesia, to Indonesia,” Ali Ghufron Mukti said during a streamed press conference alongside the country’s foreign minister, Retno Marsudi



So this thread wasn't about asking a genuine question, but riding the tide of propaganda that Muslim countries are barbaric , backward and the ultimate reason for this is because they follow Islam.

Dear Iranians, Turks, and Indonesians, this is how now the greater majority of them behave and are like. They have an intense hatred of Muslims and Islam. Go to any anti-Islamic website on the net, anything that disparages Muslim people, cultures, and you will see it full of Indian posters. At times they make up the majority.
Don't take my word for it, heck we don't even want you to side with us. Watch their behaviour on other forums.

We Pakistanis saw this tide of hate coming years back, I hope you do as well, some of you already have.
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