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Uzma Khan Scandal: What is all wrong with us as Society

I see use of excessive force by a PARTY to intimidate and/or harm two unarmed individuals inside a house in PRIVATE CAPACITY. How can this be justified?

In a supposedly civilized society, one citizen should not have the right to 'invade' home of another citizen with the intent to victimize anybody within FOR ANY REASON. Imagine this becoming a norm...

Should WE all adhere to LAW OF THE JUNGLE to address our disputes, or should WE consider CIVILIZED OPTIONS for the needful? I would advice the LATTER option.

POLICE raiding a house on legitimate grounds is completely understandable but nobody should do this in PRIVATE CAPACITY for any reason.

I understand and openly assert that the profession of acting is both over-celebrated and overpaid in Pakistan. While professional actors work hard to ENTERTAIN the masses and deserve a decent living, they are not NATIONAL HEROES by any measure. True NATIONAL HEROES of any country are its scientists, teachers, scholars, and soldiers, all of whom work hard and serve in their respective ways without much fanfare, and many among these are unable to make a decent living regardless. This is a CULTURAL PROBLEM.

Yes, prostitution should be discouraged as a profession and practice in any part of the country but isn't this the responsibility of Pakistani LAW & ORDER system? A citizen can REPORT these occurrences in private capacity but LAW must take its course in addressing these occurrences afterwards.

What kind of a society YOU desire, friend?

I see what your point is "innocent until proven guilty".
In that case PPP MQM PMLN ANP TTP PTM thugs drug lords are roaming around free because the law can not persecute them because they have found loop holes in the system which they have been taking advantage of and not just because of incompetent justice system.

This case is no different from Nawaz or zardari supporters who claim their leader is innocent of any wrong doing because they are simply "innocent until proven guilty"!

It should not take a genius to figure out when a filthy rich mediocre looking man comes home with a new women from a club he is just using his wealth to get what he wants.
Or you cant say that a gold diggers are innocent until proven guilty are innocent and are just looking for a true soul mate and are being misunderstood for going after rich man's money.

In Uzma's case, she was just giving favors to malik's son in law in return for monetary gains.
She along with malik's son in law should be investigated for involvement in prostitution, drugs, and alcohol consumption.
You can not just pass this as a "personal matter" since all three are crimes according to Pakistani law.

No one is mentioning the fact that her husband was with these yateem girls doing cocain and alcohol. The moral value of these bechari actresses.

bro this is what i am trying to say. These kind of stupid stuff get toooooooooo much fking attention in Pakistan and awam want to waist government's valuable time when such deals go bad for them. I bet she is also going to join #metoo movement while actual victim of much more horrific crimes go unnoticed.

Why only Islamic figure?
What would you do if you find out that your house which you spend all your life savings is sitting on top of 1000 year old grave yard that no one knew of until recently?
or how about the fact that densely population countries like Bangladesh where their is hardly any more land left should do when they are running out of place to build new houses for the people who are alive?
Any unattended abandoned grave yard that is over 200 300 years old should be relocated.
What would you do if you find out that your house which you spend all your life savings is sitting on top of 1000 year old grave yard that no one knew of until recently?
or how about the fact that densely population countries like Bangladesh where their is hardly any more land left should do when they are running out of place to build new houses for the people who are alive?
Any unattended abandoned grave yard that is over 200 300 years old should be relocated.

unless a road is to be paved, i would leave it alone.

these illegal concentration camps of bahria town should be confiscated.
2 incidents in few days using Armed Forces of Pakistan's names.

Army Colonel ki biwi and now ISI will pick u up. What it means now!!!!

Is there a SOP defined here.
Is there a SOP defined here.

khawateenz are bhari than zardari.
no panga

also its routine. i once asked a guy to move his car so one can avoid the sewage stream and he said look at the vanity plates it says Badshah and i must wait.
unless a road is to be paved, i would leave it alone.

these illegal concentration camps of bahria town should be confiscated.

But thats not how it works.
When you have over crowded population then such abandoned graveyard should be relocated.
Even in western alot of towns are built on either battle grounds or old grave yards.
I used to live in a house in UK that was haunted and later found out that the entire neighborhood is sitting on top of ancient grave yard.
Apparently, both parties are at fault over here. Two wrongs cannot make a right.

I just wonder, why is there no video for the husband, I mean how influential are these people, they only made viral the stuff which they wanted to. You cannot even find the guy anywhere on social media.

On the other hand, once got caught, I see both actresses wearing proper dupatta, nicely covered up, perhaps, they know how to gain public sympathy.

Further, where be the Mera Jism meri marzi brigade, why don't they come up and speak about the issue on hand?

On another note, I wonder, if this was not Malik Riaz's family which has done it, would the public response still be the same?

What amazes me is that people so easily claim to have contacts with people in state departments, why is the state quiet and do nothing about it, isn't it fishy, they know they cannot or do not want to eliminate this. Hence it stays.

The corrupt elite shall fear the day when they get dragged by common people from their houses for the treatment which they truly deserve.
But thats not how it works.
When you have over crowded population then such abandoned graveyard should be relocated.
Even in western alot of towns are built on either battle grounds or old grave yards.
I used to live in a house in UK that was haunted and later found out that the entire neighborhood is sitting on top of ancient grave yard.

the future is in small stand alone communities.

people will adapt accordingly. give up on the city of dreams
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