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Uyghurs who fled from China shared her experience.

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New Recruit

Jan 9, 2017
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I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

I understand every country has strategic partners, but I want to know Pakistan's perspective on these. What do you think about this, and why is there no major backlash when a million Muslim's are in camps and another few millions have fled the country.

NOTE : I'm not able to find a relevant thread, mods please update.

I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

I understand every country has strategic partners, but I want to know Pakistan's perspective on these. What do you think about this, and why is there no major backlash when a million Muslim's are in camps and another few millions have fled the country.

NOTE : I'm not able to find a relevant thread, mods please update.


Iron Brother is on the state level and was forced on us as China was the only ally that our corrupt politicians could maintain.

Pakistanis do have freedom of speech and individually we do support our Muslim brothers and sisters against the CPC.
I have a few questions from my Pakistani brothers, many of you see India as a oppressive regime. Compare our PM to Hitler. While you call China iron brothers.

This is an article from a Uyghur prisoners who fled from China’s re-education camps, and was granted asylum in Sweden. They were forced to stop religious practices, forced to eat pork, etc etc, at the threat of capital punishment if they don't comply.

I understand every country has strategic partners, but I want to know Pakistan's perspective on these. What do you think about this, and why is there no major backlash when a million Muslim's are in camps and another few millions have fled the country.

NOTE : I'm not able to find a relevant thread, mods please update.

Individual stories on western media are very unreliable, everyone has their version of a story to tell, but if Xinjiang is what the western media claimed, it can never be developing and progressing so fast all across the board, tell me one example in the world history to prove me wrong.
And Xinjiang is very peaceful with zero terrorism, how can that be possible if China acts that bad based on your media? where there is an oppression, there is a revolt, it's always true in whatever countries in the world history. Most law enforced officers in Xinjiang are local Uighurs as well, they are well equipped and armed by the government, why none of them ever turned their guns against the government if China persecuted their people so much? it is just so illogical.
Muslim world used to like China compared to western countries but its not the case anymore, I warned Chinese here on PDF multiple times that their suspected actions (non transparency) against Uyghurs is creating hostility among 1.6 billion Muslims.

as for Iron brother, well its govt thing or you can say propaganda on both sides and its true that both Govt have stood for each other since last 60 years, but its also reality that we dont share culture with east Asia, We are closer to Afghans, Indian Punjabis and occupied Kashmirs, Iranian Balochs then we would ever be with China.
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Muslim world used to like China compared to western countries but its not the case anymore, I warned Chinese here on PDF multiple times that their suspected actions (non transparency) against Uyghurs is creating hostility among 1.6 billion Muslims.
We also have warned you guys not to interfere with China's internal affairs, notice Xi's recent anouncemennt?
China's Xi Jinping warns attempts to divide country will end in 'crushed bodies and shattered bones'
We also have warned you guys not to interfere with China's internal affairs, notice Xi's recent anouncemennt?

whether you like it or not if you allegedly oppress people on mass scale its not anymore your internal affair, people are only asking for transparency not breaking your country, invite UN investigation teams if you have nothing to hide instead of useless threats. useless threats wont help China save its public image in Muslim world.
whether you like it or not if you allegedly oppress people on mass scale its not anymore your internal affair, people are only asking for transparency not breaking your country, invite UN investigation teams if you have nothing to hide instead of useless threats. useless threats wont help China save its public image in Muslim world.
No one can dictate what we should do in China. We are fine with the Muslim world, they all voiced support for China over Xinjiang issue, so no worries.
No one can dictate what we should do in China. We are fine with the Muslim world, they all voiced support for China over Xinjiang issue, so no worries.

its not about dictation, its about perception of China, if you don't want to manage it via transparency, its you who are enemy of China and Chinese people not me.
its not about dictation, its about perception of China, if you don't want to manage it via transparency, its you who are enemy of China and Chinese people not me.
Based on Pew poll, our world image is ok, and not a single Muslim country turned against China over Xinjiang issue, not even Turkey now. As for what some people on the street think, it doesn't matter much to us to be honest.
Xinjiang issue is never a religious issue, we Chinese have next to nothing ideas about religions, we don't love them, we don't hate them, I don't know why so many people are hell bent to make it a religious issue, China has many Muslim groups, Uighurs are not the only one, and not the biggest one either, other Muslim groups like Hui Muslims and Tajiks are so fine with the government.

Xinjiang issue is separatism and terrorism issue which plauged the region as early as a decade ago, and some guys try to convince China to do away with policies which proved to serve Xinjiang so effective and well in the last decade bringing terrorism to zero and economy up to a whole new level. Do they seriously believe that the Chinese government will listen to them?

Wait for newer polls, you will get your answer.
Ok, It's on the rise year on year, the world is not only your region.
Atleast you are worried about our region. i dont know whether US or west like China as much.
China's focus is always on east costal far east and pacific regions, trade relations are what we care more, Look, Maybe you care, but China never cares about world popularity contest, we are a practical country, we know where to put our priorities.
We know our Aukat, Not all Pakistanis are Chinese whores like your kind. Have some self respect, National dignity. you need it badly. more then Chinese loans.

Wait for newer polls, you will get your answer.

You can pretend what ever you want, but a rat can not roar like a lion.

China's focus is always on east costal far east and pacific regions, trade relations are what we care more, Look, Maybe you care, but China never cares about world popularity contest, we are a practical country, we know where to put our priorities.

Remind him that without China JF-17 would not exist just like our economy
You can pretend what ever you want, but a rat can not roar like a lion.

Have some pride and dignity. dont be such a slut, even Chinese would be laughing at your low self esteem.

Remind him that without China JF-17 would not exist just like our economy

Yeah. before China Pakistan never had an economy and Air Force, Your mighty Chinese lords gave us everything.. as i said you need dose of dignity and pride more then Chinese loan.

No one is saying we should cut ties with China or do any harm to China, i only said if China want to win Information warfare, it can only win by being transparent in its actions.
No one is saying we should cut ties with China or do any harm to China, i only said if China want to win Information warfare, it can only win by being transparent in its actions.
We respect Pakistan's sovereignty and never tries to meddle in Pakistan's internal affairs, we simply hope Pakistan can reciprocate and respect ours.
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