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Uyghur Concentration Camps?

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Replace China with India and Uyghurs with Pakistanis to understand what a retarded post this is.

Very rich coming from you since your goverment is building ghost cities to inflate GDP growth, yes Turkish economy is a bubble but so is China's, a much bigger one in fact.

Therr is no indian or international concentration camp in Pakistan. You probably mean occupied Kashmiris, well there are human right violation and killings but no concentration camp, nor Indians are stoping them from practicing their culture.. Pakistan always support them and it's due to Pakistan's efforts it's most renowned dispute in the world after Palestine. What about you? You can't do shit for uighur but have big mouth.. you like it or not if the news is true they have two options, assimilat, be Han or leave the place and migrate to neighbouring countries.
Therr is no indian or international concentration camp in Pakistan. You probably mean occupied Kashmiris, well there are human right violation and killings but no concentration camp, nor Indians are stoping them from practicing their culture.. Pakistan always support them and it's due to Pakistan's efforts it's most renowned dispute in the world after Palestine. What about you? You can't do shit for uighur but have big mouth.. you like it or not they have two option, assimilate be Han or leave the place and migrate.
Oh another one who cant comprehend a simple one liner but this one is a bootlicker too.
Another fine exsample of an Islamist who is champion of human rights when it comes to Palestine, Kashmir etc. but backtracks when its about China.

Have some dignity man this is just pathetic.
Can Chinese members explain what's going on here? I'm not in favor of separatism, world has passed that stage and territory is declared. That being said, you should allow those people freedom to practice religion and if those reports of forced marriage are true it does not look good for you. As well as other matters being enforced upon them, you have many other means in trying to get them to be loyal citizens(which most probably are I'm assuming).
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You cant even compherend a simple one liner, pls just let it be.

So was Japan until the crisis hit, Germans have a saying, those who fly high fall deeper.
You probably wont understand this one either so i will just explain what it means, dont be so arrogant.

Read whom i am replying to and see who fits your description better.
I seriously think some Chinese members have serious comprehension problems in this forum

Oh maybe it's you who should see whom i am replying to in the first place
Oh another one who cant comprehend a simple one liner but this one is a bootlicker too.
Another fine exsample of a Islamist who is champion of human rights when it comes to Palestine, Kashmir etc. but backtracks when its about China.

Have some dignity man this is just pathetic.

Maybe it's you who can't communicate..I and bukhari were being realistic, nor your govt neither my govt will break relations with China for sake of uighur. If news is true, they have only options, assimilate or migrate.
So was Japan until the crisis hit, Germans have a saying, those who fly high fall deeper.
You probably wont understand this one either so i will just explain what it means, dont be so arrogant.
Nothing says "arrogance" like Turkey sticking its grubby fingers in a separatist movement a whole hemisphere away. Now we are dismantling what some of your countryman built so you are sore about it.

Can Chinese members explain what's going on here? I'm not in favor of separatism, world has passed that stage and territory is declared. That being said, you should allow those people freedom to practice religion and if those reports of forced marriage are true it does not look good for you. As well as other matters being enforced upon them, you have many other means in trying to get them to be loyal citizens(which most probably are I'm assuming).
This is how reasonable people communicate:

Oh another one who cant comprehend a simple one liner but this one is a bootlicker too.
Another fine exsample of an Islamist who is champion of human rights when it comes to Palestine, Kashmir etc. but backtracks when its about China.

Have some dignity man this is just pathetic.
Speaking of which you should fight against Turkey for the Armenian genocide and oppression of the Kurds. Don’t act like you are a saint and everybody else is a Satan worshipper when you don’t even look at what your people have done.

Lol, one might think China is rich or something...


View attachment 477239

GDP Nominal

View attachment 477240
I hear your currency isn’t doing so well. Have you given up all of your foreign currencies like Edrogen told you to do?
Oh maybe it's you who should see whom i am replying to in the first place
Yep, you dont understand what you read.

Maybe it's you who can't communicate..I and bukhari were being realistic, nor your govt neither my govt will break relations with China for sake of uighur. If news is true, they have only options, assimilate or migrate.
To make it clear, i dont know whether the allegations are true or not but you guys trying to excuse this is pathetic as said.

I hear your currency isn’t doing so well. Have you given up all of your foreign currencies like Edrogen told you to do?
Im not living in Turkey and im one of those who would to the exact opposite of what Erdogan says, i have a free will.
Speaking of which you should fight against Turkey for the Armenian genocide and oppression of the Kurds. Don’t act like you are a saint and everybody else is a Satan worshipper when you don’t even look at what your people have done.
Check this post of mine out, im not like you seeing things in black and white.

To make it clear, i dont know whether the allegations are true or not but you guys trying to excuse this is pathetic as said.

I know there are salafis in Etim and China can execute them for all i care but even you have to admit that not everybody who gets punished is a terrorist, Chinese state is a subduer in the regions it conquered which is not surprising for a communist/socialist state, we have seen this in soviet union i dont see a reason why China should be any different.

Now you will come up with Kurds, yes Turkey made mistakes in the past but that is neither the topic nor does it undo the wrongs of China.

So patriotic of you. Ataturk would have been proud of you.:D:tup:
If Atatürk would be alive today the first thing he would do is getting rid of our politicians.
Yep, you dont understand what you read.

To make it clear, i dont know whether the allegations are true or not but you guys trying to excuse this is pathetic as said.

Maybe communication problem. No one can justify it if news is true and China should be loathed for it.

I understand your perspective on wanting to maintain cultural identity, that being said doubt all those people are suspected of extremism. I have read that suspicion is aroused for things simple as going to pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Which is pretty important to the religion, and I don't see how Chinese people will be influenced by Arabs much. Or if Arabs even have such an intention.

You need to understand, lots of religious people whether Muslims or Christians are more so cultural type religious people so they concern themselves with anything involving other Christians or Muslims and feel they should be activists for their affairs. That is because don't understand Abrahamic religion is not that way, it's not cultural and is all based observing religious tenets and sincerity towards God. Many people see it as a culture, however, and they are misguided. So such comments like that can annoy you(they annoy me too as a Muslim), but it shouldn't cause China to take some over the top measures that aren't helpful or needed.

I personally empathize with all those treated unjustly irregardless of background and religious background is not an issue for me. So I see these people as Chinese who need more freedom to practice but I'm not in favor of separatism or empathizing strictly because of similar background/ethnicity. Anyway my final comments is the world is an ugly place where ethnicity is unfortunately driving force for some people to adopt certain causes, or interests plain and simple. If I could change that I would, but I can't, and the least humans can do is limit human rights violations(ideally) in these war of interests they're having.
Check this post of mine out, im not like you seeing things in black and white.
Ah yes. You don't see things black and white. Things can be anything as long as it helps with your argument. My point was to counter your point that people should have consistent views that are not biased. Look at your quote below.
Oh another one who cant comprehend a simple one liner but this one is a bootlicker too.
Another fine exsample of an Islamist who is champion of human rights when it comes to Palestine, Kashmir etc. but backtracks when its about China.
Ironically this also applies to you, a champion of human rights when it comes to China but "backtracks" when its about Turkey, simply dismissing atrocities Turkey has done as small and inconsequential "mistakes".

Maybe communication problem. No one can justify it if news is true and China should be loathed for it.
You mean just like Pakistan should be loathed for sponsoring terrorism?
Nothing says "arrogance" like Turkey sticking its grubby fingers in a separatist movement a whole hemisphere away. Now we are dismantling what some of your countryman built so you are sore about it.
In case you didnt know Turkey put Etim into terror list.

Turkey declares ETIM a terror group

Do your research before posting BS.

Ironically this also applies to you, a champion of human rights when it comes to China but "backtracks" when its about Turkey, simply dismissing atrocities Turkey has done as small and inconsequential "mistakes".
Dude at the very least i admit there were wrongdoings, this is something i havent seen from any Chinese member so far.
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