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Uttar Pradesh riots: Five more dead in UP riots, toll hits 34

Don't tell me they are all evil yindoos posing as pakistanis.
I never said that,Why are you bringing yindoos into the picture?

I frequently hear how your fellow countrymen gloat over how they raped hindu women,pillaged ,destroyed cities in past and how they were eager to have us as slaves, seems to me they still enjoy that medieval barabarian antics.So they open daily threads on rape and enjoy it, just go through their posts you will know.You seen any Indian gloat over soldiers of enemy killed or how rapes occur in pakistan?
You don't like what they say then report them.And second of all yea i admit some pakistanis here do say nasty things but alot of indians top that with their useless Islamaphobia rants.If they have a problem with pakistanis why drag the entire muslim race into it? And yes I have seen indians gloat over enemy soldiers killed and So called rapes in pakistan but that is irrelevant right now.

What is there to undermine in our media, it is you who got problems with every country in the world some countries don't even have natural boundaries with you still you got problems.
Every country? Dude we are not perfect but our relation with our neighbors are better than yours. What are you gonna tell me next that your media didn't take shots at pakistan:omghaha:

Yes this will go on as even though you got a separate land you are always after our land,One thing for sure we won't vanish as we survived 5000 years as civilization and still going strong, who will vanish most likely the young ones who are on a self-destructive mode.
What do you mean YOU? I don't give a sh*t about your land. Time will tell who will vanish and who won't.
IVC was not your to begin with, do you think ASI people in my avatar were renponsible for IVC? If it wasnt for ANI your kind would still be in jungles. You practice hindusim not IVC religión. Hindusism is also gift given to Indians by our Vedic ancestors, and also at the same time curse called caste system. But what can we do? We admit our ancestors were not perfect.

That plane is Pak navy, and we are proud of IVC.
Do you still worship shiva,vishnu,brahma and other hindu gods?Then how is IVC yours? What is ASI?archeological survey of India?What is ANI? come again?We are vedic still while you aren't(monotheistic).
Yeah knock yourself out,continue believing in Aryan Invasion theory,Who am i to try wake up a person who acts asleep. :D
And Hinduphobia is fine???

These are facts I m stating. Stating facts is not phobia:hitwall: Mr Censor General

I am a woman and I have took a stand against hinduphobia as well.So don't say that to me A'ight.
Your facts are judgemental.
What do you mean YOU? I don't give a sh*t about your land. Time will tell who will vanish and who won't.

Forget it, they think naming their country after our river Indus mean they can claim our history which is 5000 years old or even older if you consider Mehrgarh. I dont see Indonesians claiming IVC, after all british also named them after our river Indus.
Actually i like the way this fórum is run, Indian fórums are exclusvely Indian. They dont allow Pakistanis, they want to discuss everything in their own reality without any opposing views.

I don't think pakistanis should join their defence forum in the first place. We should keep our distance.They wanna talk sh*t about us on their forums.I'd say let them. This is our forum it's for everyone who respects our rules.Not for Islamaphobes or Anti-pakistan posters.
I never said that,Why are you bringing yindoos into the picture?

You don't like what they say then report them.And second of all yea i admit some pakistanis here do say nasty things but alot of indians top that with their useless Islamaphobia rants.If they have a problem with pakistanis why drag the entire muslim race into it? And yes I have seen indians gloat over enemy soldiers killed and So called rapes in pakistan but that is irrelevant right now.

Every country? Dude we are not perfect but our relation with our neighbors are better than yours. What are you gonna tell me next that your media didn't take shots at pakistan:omghaha:

What do you mean YOU? I don't give a sh*t about your land. Time will tell who will vanish and who won't.

1)You asked me if i know them i said no, but i see they got pakistan flags.
2)We report but somehow we get banned for absurd things cos it offended pakistanis while they continue using words like slaves,B*stards etc. but still got nothing,You yourself were laughing over cunnalingus in other thread.:DWe will gloat over your dead soldiers since you start and laugh at it,It's a tit for tat response and we never back down.
3)Yes almost every non-muslim country since you believe you are caretakers of Islam.You have problems with russia,Usa,Phillipines,Myanmar to name a few.
4)"YOU" means exactly what i mean "YOU" if you are clever enough to understand.Time is on our side,we know how to survive but "YOU" on other hand looking at "YOUR" self-destruct mode i doubt they last another 50 years.


They're coming for you Indians.
Do you still worship shiva,vishnu,brahma and other hindu gods?Then how is IVC yours? What is ASI?archeological survey of India?What is ANI? come again?We are vedic still while you aren't(monotheistic).
Yeah knock yourself out,continue believing in Aryan Invasion theory,Who am i to try wake up a person who acts asleep. :D

First of all RSS education has brainwashed you and now every god have become IVC god for Indians. Google it you will learn more about ANI-ASI, aryan migration is fact not theory. The theory was invasión which has been debunked but migration proven by genetic studies. Your ANI genes even little bit of it are proof of it.

The history is in our blood, by converting to Islam one doesnt become arab just like you will never be Vedic or IVC people. But just a hindu who ancestors were converted by vedic brahmins.


They're coming for you Indians.

Yeah the same person who challenged Mr.Modi to dare step in hyderabad?Where was he behind bars and saying "I didn't say it"
Where was he when Mr.Modi adressed the big crowd in LB stadium sitting at home eating biryani?They couldn't do jack then and they can't do anything ever(period).
1)You asked me if i know them i said no, but i see they got pakistan flags.
2)We report but somehow we get banned for absurd things cos it offended pakistanis while they continue using words like slaves,B*stards etc. but still got nothing,You yourself were laughing over cunnalingus in other thread.:DWe will gloat over your dead soldiers since you start and laugh at it,It's a tit for tat response and we never back down.
3)Yes almost every non-muslim country since you believe you are caretakers of Islam.You have problems with russia,Usa,Phillipines,Myanmar to name a few.
4)"YOU" means exactly what i mean "YOU" if you are clever enough to understand.Time is on our side,we know how to survive but "YOU" on other hand looking at "YOUR" self-destruct mode i doubt they last another 50 years.

BS, i have got fractions for responding back to insults by Indians, yes even when the Indians provokes. This fórum isnt run like bharti fórums where they dont allow Pakistanis.
First of all RSS education has brainwashed you and now every god have become IVC god for Indians. Google it you will learn more about ANI-ASI, aryan migration is fact not theory. The theory was invasión which has been debunked but migration proven by genetic studies. Your ANI genes even little bit of it are proof of it.

The history is in our blood, by converting to Islam one doesnt become arab just like you will never be Vedic or IVC people. But just a hindu who ancestors were converted by vedic brahmins.

Look Uncle,I know my history and my gods as i pray to them everyday,While you Don't(period).
Yeah look up for studies where Aryan Migration was debunked IBM human genome project,Science proves facts not ****-n bull stories.
Migration happened from africa to asia and then to europe not from europe asia and India.I donno what they teach you in your Madrassas.Try your theories in a good standard universities you will be laughing stock of all.
Yeah all Indians have same genepool and we claim to be people of same nation, unlike you who claim to be arabs.:cheesy:

I will put it in a easy modern way.
Say you have a property, you gave up the deed willingly, then later how do you claim it as yours when you willingly gave it up?You lost the right to claim as you gave it up willingly.You can claim middle east theories since you embraced it.
You yourself were laughing over cunnalingus in other thread.
LOL why did you bring that here? Now I can't stop laughing again.:lol:
Trust me my reason for laughing was something else.

3)Yes almost every non-muslim country since you believe you are caretakers of Islam.You have problems with russia,Usa,Phillipines,Myanmar to name a few.
Sorry to burst your bubble but people from myanmar come here to train with our navy.We don't hate them We don't like they way they are treating rohingyas. We have an uneasy relationship with US they send us military aid,We only have a problem with their foreign policies that's it. Our ties with russia have improved this year. And a few pinoys don't like us because we are pro-chinese but this forum has alot of pinoys here,They never said anything ill about pakistan. Second of all I was talking about our neighbors man! Those countries ain't even our neighbors.

4)"YOU" means exactly what i mean "YOU" if you are clever enough to understand.Time is on our side,we know how to survive but "YOU" on other hand looking at "YOUR" self-destruct mode i doubt they last another 50 years.
Oh whatever! Let's suppose even if we are on our self-destruct mode Why do you care? Shouldn't you be happy?:rolleyes:
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