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Usman Bazdar reinstated as Punjab Chief Minister: Punjab Governor rejects resignation

People needs to come out and thrash the pak hight courts and SC. Time is up for them. I mean how much low can we go. What good is judiciary when small thieves are in jail whole big thieves are facilitated. We are a banana republic with nukes.... OMG what a shame.
Bajwa needs to be hanged.
People and PTI ex-ministers are busy on twitter. Tweeting from AC rooms. Why they didn't come to block governor house?
People and PTI ex-ministers are busy on twitter. Tweeting from AC rooms. Why they didn't come to block governor house?
Just wait and watch .... After eid they all will show you the strength of PTI and Imran khan
People and PTI ex-ministers are busy on twitter. Tweeting from AC rooms. Why they didn't come to block governor house?
IK needs to come to street ASAP.
These low life fa/fsc pass are playing politicsl games. I pray that Allah show them misery in their lifetimes. Ameen
Very weak CM by IK. He should have made some strong personality. Many people are happy Buzdar is gone unlike IK. Shah Mahmood Qureshi maybe.

The whole Federal and Punjab bureaucracy are reporting to Sharif family. Punjab Governor house occupied by PMLN and Governor’s orders being ignored. Federal and Punjab Judges working for Sharif family and first ordered immediate swearing in of Shabaz Sharif as PM and now his son as CM Punjab.

I ask. Is this a real country, or a joke?
IK needs to come to street ASAP.
These low life fa/fsc pass are playing politicsl games. I pray that Allah show them misery in their lifetimes. Ameen
People should come. IK said people should come by themselves. Governor Punjab kept tweeting only instead of some real action.
If imported NA speaker can verify resignations (again) of MNAs who already gave resignations & accepted. Why can't Buzdar's resignation be rejected :D
Imported started this shit, its all on them

Problem is, the ethics/constitutional standards of Gooni's are diff for pti & themselves.
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He should keep his mouth shut sometime. No wonder bureaucracy is not supporting PTI.

This is beyond ridiculous.

The PM of the country is on bail in corruption charges, and the CM, his son who was also hiding behind bails and when FIA was about to serve them the arrest orders, got elected as CM, and between them there is about 40 billion Rs. of corruption charges.

Unbelievable nightmare conditions in the country, scares the living daylight out.
Hatred and vengeance devors people intellect and thought process, this is exacly the reason Estab./Bajwa and Shahbaz/Hamza/Marium/Nawaz were all blinded by hate and revenge and they grabbed the power through hook and crook and by all unlawful practices, calling this constitutional right, this and that.

And in the process exposed themselves in font of the people, all of them, earlier people didn't knew how the Estab. plays the dirty games and have high regards for them, all busted now.
The Establishment here has learned how to make use of pliable judiciary and make them complicit and abetters in the their game plan, the earlier Martial Law experiment was done with as that is an expensive exercise.

A nexus of political mafias, plus the Estab., who controls the judicairy and media. Each one is complicit and connived to throw the elected government, and above all here is the US interference as well, a convergence of ideas, the goal was one, their interests was different.
He should keep his mouth shut sometime. No wonder bureaucracy is not supporting PTI.

bureaucracy works for country NOT amritsari yadri de. so by your logic its okay if bureaucracy works for tooi party exclusively?
The whole Federal and Punjab bureaucracy are reporting to Sharif family. Punjab Governor house occupied by PMLN and Governor’s orders being ignored. Federal and Punjab Judges working for Sharif family and first ordered immediate swearing in of Shabaz Sharif as PM and now his son as CM Punjab.

I ask. Is this a real country, or a joke?
You didn't know? Even during Imran Khan govt, Punjab bureaucracy was actually working for Sharif mafia
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