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Use of NASR and retaliation by India (if Any)


Jan 11, 2011
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I was having a discussion on the thread https://defence.pk/threads/solution-for-indian-occupied-kashmir-liberation.442740

The matters turned to Nuclear Option (as usual ;) )The Pakistani members started talking about NASR and how it will be used against India. I countered by saying any use of NASR will lead to massive nuclear strike by India.

@hellfire countered that it may not always be the case.

This thread is to discuss possible uses of NASR and reactions (if Any) by India

Scenario 1 Attack on column of tanks breaching the pakistani mainland and moving towards one of the top cities

Let me give you one small example.

A 1 Kt yield device on say their favorite weapon Nasr, will give a yield of frontage about 1-1.5 kms maximum. That wont affect even half a squadron of Tanks. That means, not even 6 to 7 tanks.

So if a deployment takes place in desert where there is no fallout on nearby city/towns, India may not retaliate then if the situation favors India tactically.

The strike by any side will be undertaken only to exploit a result. It will not be undertaken to prevent a result, as once a strike is carried out, the situation moves out of domain of tactical considerations to strategic employability by the opposing force.

This scenario assumes that the attack will happen on Pakistani soil against a column of tanks. The casuality figures seem very less to me. Why use a nuke if you are going to just destroy 6-7 tanks. Forgive my ignorance about military tactics I dont think that if a column of tanks is attacking then only 6-7 tanks will be in area of 1 - 1.5 KM. My understanding is atleast 20-25 tanks will be in that zone and use of a nuke to destroy that many tanks and to halt the progress of the rest of column ( to save from nuclear fallout) is a good use of a tacticle nuke

India's Reaction - My understanding is that in case of such high casualities India will retaliate with full Nuclear Strike

Scenario 2 use of NASR on Airbases/ Indian army columns within Indian territory

This scenario seems a bit difficult given the short range of NASR. To do this the missile has to be brought directly to the border itself

India's Reaction A nuclear attack (tacticle or strategic) within India's border will definitely lead to a massive nuclear retaliation.

Scenario 3 A sea based version of NASR used to attack and destroy an Aircraft Carrier

I dont know if a sea based version of NASR exists. But if it does it will be a very effective "Carrier Killer" (if it manages to get in range without being detected and stopped) Given the short range of NASR this scenario seems very difficult. No Aircraft carrier will come within 60-70 KM of the coast and any ship carrying the missile will be intercepted and destroyed before it can do the damage. However if it succeeds then

India's Reaction A nuclear attack on an Aircraft Carrier will lead to a full scale Nuclear Reaction

I dont want this to be a troll thread. I want discussion on these of any other scenario(s) where NASR can be used. What reaction will India give for such a use
I was having a discussion on the thread https://defence.pk/threads/solution-for-indian-occupied-kashmir-liberation.442740

The matters turned to Nuclear Option (as usual ;) )The Pakistani members started talking about NASR and how it will be used against India. I countered by saying any use of NASR will lead to massive nuclear strike by India.

@hellfire countered that it may not always be the case.

This thread is to discuss possible uses of NASR and reactions (if Any) by India

Scenario 1 Attack on column of tanks breaching the pakistani mainland and moving towards one of the top cities

This scenario assumes that the attack will happen on Pakistani soil against a column of tanks. The casuality figures seem very less to me. Why use a nuke if you are going to just destroy 6-7 tanks. Forgive my ignorance about military tactics I dont think that if a column of tanks is attacking then only 6-7 tanks will be in area of 1 - 1.5 KM. My understanding is atleast 20-25 tanks will be in that zone and use of a nuke to destroy that many tanks and to halt the progress of the rest of column ( to save from nuclear fallout) is a good use of a tacticle nuke

India's Reaction - My understanding is that in case of such high casualities India will retaliate with full Nuclear Strike

Scenario 2 use of NASR on Airbases/ Indian army columns within Indian territory

This scenario seems a bit difficult given the short range of NASR. To do this the missile has to be brought directly to the border itself

India's Reaction A nuclear attack (tacticle or strategic) within India's border will definitely lead to a massive nuclear retaliation.

Scenario 3 A sea based version of NASR used to attack and destroy an Aircraft Carrier

I dont know if a sea based version of NASR exists. But if it does it will be a very effective "Carrier Killer" (if it manages to get in range without being detected and stopped) Given the short range of NASR this scenario seems very difficult. No Aircraft carrier will come within 60-70 KM of the coast and any ship carrying the missile will be intercepted and destroyed before it can do the damage. However if it succeeds then

India's Reaction A nuclear attack on an Aircraft Carrier will lead to a full scale Nuclear Reaction

I dont want this to be a troll thread. I want discussion on these of any other scenario(s) where NASR can be used. What reaction will India give for such a use

U do know that tactical nukes can be placed on other missiles apart from nasr?? For e.g they can be placed on cruise missiles against carier battle group and indian air bases...

A full scale retaliation will end up in MAD scanario...thats the argument
A 60 km range rocket is certainly a game changer in the sub continent.

Nasr don't even have the tactical warheads

It's conventional missiles

Pakistanis always bring in NASR as a game changer- a deterrance for India. I want to hear their views on the possible uses of the same
One of the issues with tactical nukes in a theater where the hostilities are between nuclear states that are on each others doorsteps is that there may simply be no time.

The enemy could be within one of your major population centers, in force.

Are you going to sacrifice a city? Which is then, as mentioned by @Soumitra above, going to invite a full scale nuclear reprisal? In the hope of what? The advancing column has been killed. But you have lost the initiative. And the next move is no longer yours.
Kindly quote source for this stupidity?
Don't engage, I would rather let them believe that and live in fool's paradise. I wish their establishment and planners also think like that. But they cry and ran to their daddy USA for help but daddy just issued a statement or two and became silent.
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Kindly quote source for this stupidity?
nasr is a tactical nuclear device planned against indian cold start doctarine. it will be only used against invading forces inside pakistans territory. its our right to do what we want in side our country.
incase of retaliation from india. actually it will be india using nukes first against pakistan as pakistan won't be nuking indian territory. so the result will be that the world will miss mumbai and dehli too.
I was having a discussion on the thread https://defence.pk/threads/solution-for-indian-occupied-kashmir-liberation.442740

The matters turned to Nuclear Option (as usual ;) )The Pakistani members started talking about NASR and how it will be used against India. I countered by saying any use of NASR will lead to massive nuclear strike by India.

@hellfire countered that it may not always be the case.

This thread is to discuss possible uses of NASR and reactions (if Any) by India

Scenario 1 Attack on column of tanks breaching the pakistani mainland and moving towards one of the top cities

This scenario assumes that the attack will happen on Pakistani soil against a column of tanks. The casuality figures seem very less to me. Why use a nuke if you are going to just destroy 6-7 tanks. Forgive my ignorance about military tactics I dont think that if a column of tanks is attacking then only 6-7 tanks will be in area of 1 - 1.5 KM. My understanding is atleast 20-25 tanks will be in that zone and use of a nuke to destroy that many tanks and to halt the progress of the rest of column ( to save from nuclear fallout) is a good use of a tacticle nuke

India's Reaction - My understanding is that in case of such high casualities India will retaliate with full Nuclear Strike

Scenario 2 use of NASR on Airbases/ Indian army columns within Indian territory

This scenario seems a bit difficult given the short range of NASR. To do this the missile has to be brought directly to the border itself

India's Reaction A nuclear attack (tacticle or strategic) within India's border will definitely lead to a massive nuclear retaliation.

Scenario 3 A sea based version of NASR used to attack and destroy an Aircraft Carrier

I dont know if a sea based version of NASR exists. But if it does it will be a very effective "Carrier Killer" (if it manages to get in range without being detected and stopped) Given the short range of NASR this scenario seems very difficult. No Aircraft carrier will come within 60-70 KM of the coast and any ship carrying the missile will be intercepted and destroyed before it can do the damage. However if it succeeds then

India's Reaction A nuclear attack on an Aircraft Carrier will lead to a full scale Nuclear Reaction

I dont want this to be a troll thread. I want discussion on these of any other scenario(s) where NASR can be used. What reaction will India give for such a use
no need to start a new one just search it in the forum it has been disscussed billion times
there is no sea based version of NASR
NASR in Pakistan is precieved as last detterence option my take is that it will be used without nuke warheads on advancing Indian Army on Indian soil
but i m no expert
try to watch earlier threads it has been better disscussed there

Nasr don't even have the tactical warheads yet

It's a conventional missile as of now
then india have nothing to fear
then india have nothing to fear
why do we fear of something not exist yet

No with a very little non-nuclear warhead NASR is useless, NASR designed to carry out nuclear strike with 0.5 KT to 1KT nuclear warhead to fry advancing Indian tanks.
Prahaar is designed to carry even more sophisticated payload to laarge striking distance
No with a very little non-nuclear warhead NASR is useless, NASR designed to carry out nuclear strike with 0.5 KT to 1KT nuclear warhead to fry advancing Indian tanks.
as one of our frand have suggested u up above
there is no need to engage in this useless thread
and certainly not with an aggressive attitude
just let them win the keyboard war against NASR
they are clearly obsessed with it
So asking for scientific evidence and facts is stupidity on PDF

We already field tested tactical nukes

Unlike you guys who are only make claims on media blogs and write ups

With zero technical substance

India to has 50MT Thermonuclear bomb but we make it seceret prove me wrong

I'm appalled at your utter ignorance and stupidity. Lookup on the internet about the 30 may 1998 tests of Pakistan where we tested compact plutonium warheads. If you chose to remain ignorant and want to belittle pakistani contribution by saying Pakistan doesn't have capability miniaturize nuclear warheads up to the level of Nasr. You are welcome to try out any misadventure to find out

On the other hand. Give me proof India has miniaturize and cold tested nuke warheads so much so that it can be fitted on Prahaar missile.
India's position is extremely clear..

Forget Nasr,even Pakistan use Rocket Launcher or Grenade armed with nuclear warhead,India will consider it as "First Strike" and will commence Full Retaliation.And its not just the case of Pakistan,its for any other country.

Those who doesn't know what a situation of this looks like,watch this movie...

The Sum of All Fears
Firstly for Pakistan tactical nuke has only one purpose, to keep advancing Indian troops at bay. I don't believe they will use it to attack Indian mainland or AC knowing well enough that India will then respond with full-force.

I believe the primary purpose of tactical nuke for Pakistan is to scare India to not to escalate, its like telling India look this can go bad real fast. But if India chooses to escalate will they use in on Indian troops in their own territory, I highly doubt it.
no need to start a new one just search it in the forum it has been disscussed billion times
there is no sea based version of NASR
NASR in Pakistan is precieved as last detterence option my take is that it will be used without nuke warheads on advancing Indian Army on Indian soil
but i m no expert
try to watch earlier threads it has been better disscussed there
NASR is mainly a tactical Nuclear Weapon (TNW) and it is not the last deterrence. It is a tactical weapon that can be used when the needs arises while the strategic nuclear weapons are the last resort.

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