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Use of bio-weapons in Pakistan

Oh man, you must have pulled alot of strings to complete NDA and then get to wing commander rank in just 2 years with this English!

Yaar theee engalish isant evereething.
Who knows he may have been an expert in 6 other languages or may have some extraordinary talent up his sleeves. :smokin:
so Pakistan is being bombed by India's biological drones(mosquitoes) ..........next time beware will will send in the super bug......lol
Yaar theee engalish isant evereething.
Who knows he may have been an expert in 6 other languages or may have some extraordinary talent up his sleeves. :smokin:

But you dont have to be a master in German and nil in English, if you want to go to the rank of wing commander. Also, NDA to WC in 2 years?
A strange and shocking news report today about this: Virus may be part of Bio-warfare

This is unbelievable. I hope people see what is happening. Someone, some entity or organization is bound and determined to manipulate the intellect and emotions of the people of Pakistan. I can't believe this is just a normal evolution of thought. Someone wants Pakistanis to think the U.S. wants to kill you all. Over the time I've been here, we've been blamed for every imaginable natural disater... weather, earthquakes, floods, drought, and now disease. Next on the list - wait for it - is solar flares and solar radiation. Somehow the U.S. will be accused of controlling the sun.

While the linked article doesn't flat-out say "the U.S. is behind it", the implication is obvious.

Who stands to benefit most by a massive schism between the USA and Pakistan?
Sir we switch off our radars during night time...on the western border....how are we suppose to fight bio-weapons? let alone detect them...

Come again ? Where did you get that idea ?
Bio-Terrorism is a recognized form of terrorism but the recent outbreak of Dengue Virus is not one of them, here's why:

1) Aedes Aegypti, the mosquito that carries the virus is not that common in Pakistan, it would be much more practical to use the Anpheles mosquito whose habitat is much more wide spread through out Pakistan.

2) Aedes has a much smaller time of activity, again not a very practical vector for Bio-Terrorism.

3) Dengue has a complication rate of only 5%, others recover only after experiencing flu-like symptoms.

4) Out of those 5%, only 1% are fatalities, others make a full recovery within three weeks on infection.

5) There are more virulent viruses for Bio-Terrorism, Dengue will not be on my top-100 list if I am to chalk up a plan for a Bio-Terrorism Program(Note: I do no such work, this is an example only). Even Dysentery can be considered a more practical Bio-Terrorism vessel.
A strange and shocking news report today about this: Virus may be part of

That NEWS is totally wrong I am damn sure abt it. They blabbering something ,usually bio-weapon can delivered through water ,food materials or RARELY air ,not by different host and they use deadly virus. I think most of the people know abt Ring-a-ring-a-roses rhyme and the story behind . that is one kind of classical delivery of Bio-weApon
Bio-Terrorism is a recognized form of terrorism but the recent outbreak of Dengue Virus is not one of them, here's why:

1) Aedes Aegypti, the mosquito that carries the virus is not that common in Pakistan, it would be much more practical to use the Anpheles mosquito whose habitat is much more wide spread through out Pakistan.

2) Aedes has a much smaller time of activity, again not a very practical vector for Bio-Terrorism.

3) Dengue has a complication rate of only 5%, others recover only after experiencing flu-like symptoms.

4) Out of those 5%, only 1% are fatalities, others make a full recovery within three weeks on infection.

5) There are more virulent viruses for Bio-Terrorism, Dengue will not be on my top-100 list if I am to chalk up a plan for a Bio-Terrorism Program(Note: I do no such work, this is an example only). Even Dysentery can be considered a more practical Bio-Terrorism vessel.

Good post. I have some doctors in my family, well, the whole family is full of doctors, and according to them, Dengue is not at all a deadly virus. It just needs to be treated in time. And it has a low mortality rate. Even if Fever gets unchecked and not treate, it will kill as well.

On a side note, there were reports that doctors had recommended apple juice for dengue victims, so , the prices of apples have hit the sky. Is it true? Are we really this much downgraded?

Dengue fever in a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. It does not happen everytime.
Good post. I have some doctors in my family, well, the whole family is full of doctors, and according to them, Dengue is not at all a deadly virus. It just needs to be treated in time. And it has a low mortality rate. Even if Fever gets unchecked and not treate, it will kill as well.

On a side note, there were reports that doctors had recommended apple juice for dengue victims, so , the prices of apples have hit the sky. Is it true? Are we really this much downgraded?

Dengue fever in a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. It does not happen everytime.

I'm not a doctor, but from what I know, it's for helping to boost your immunity against secondary bacterial infections. Has nothing to do with Dengue Fever.
Good post. I have some doctors in my family, well, the whole family is full of doctors, and according to them, Dengue is not at all a deadly virus. It just needs to be treated in time. And it has a low mortality rate. Even if Fever gets unchecked and not treate, it will kill as well.

On a side note, there were reports that doctors had recommended apple juice for dengue victims, so , the prices of apples have hit the sky. Is it true? Are we really this much downgraded?

Dengue fever in a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. It does not happen everytime.

Apple is rich in vitamins and minerals.Especially folate which plays impt role in immunity and antioxidants vitamic C which repair damaging cell . Thats y they recommending apple juice instead u can take vit.tabulates.
If anthrax can be bio weapon than why not dengue virus?

Due to difficulty of TTP operating in Lahore, bhartis decided to go with bio tools.

Unfortunately they accumulated only disappointment.

Flawed thinking. May be a visit to Doctor will help you and like minded people. Think and research before spreading rumours and lies. Do not torture fellow citizens with anxiety attack. Have compassion for yourself and fellow human beings.
Name-sagar gogoi
Completion of NDA-2009
rank-wing commandore
Order given-to follow and respect the advice of our honorable President under
let everyone know what will happen,

Do you think you can get away with what you have posted on the forum regarding your graduation and the rank. I can get you checked out by a very high ranking brother of my class mate. He is AVM in IAF. So do yourself a favour try not to make a statement which can destroy your credibility for life. I can forgive you for the mistake.
I'm not a doctor, but from what I know, it's for helping to boost your immunity against secondary bacterial infections. Has nothing to do with Dengue Fever.

Well, neither am I. But it does have some benefits regarding the fever.
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