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Use of bio-weapons in Pakistan

Kargil is our border ,why ur boys came there? just for fun? . v having enough rights to use any kind of weapons for killing terrorists ,no ethics applicable .

Where IA and Kashmir are concerned.. there were never any ethics.
It came down to the individual commanders.. and their characters on how they behaved.
Where IA and Kashmir are concerned.. there were never any ethics.
It came down to the individual commanders.. and their characters on how they behaved.

I told clearly wen v killing terrorists no ethics applicable. Why u r more concerned abt our state Kashmir and their people ? .Like others that people having state government ,civic local bodies, separate policies etc. they enjoying all rights like other Indians. Only problem is cross border terrorism that problem will be sort it out .
Now Please done't blame to RAW.... India has capabilities but it will never use it on civilian....Its very SAD to say the impact of Bio weapon. Dengue outbreak may not be Bio weapon....it does not spead through air... Its Musquito.

If anthrax can be bio weapon than why not dengue virus?

Due to difficulty of TTP operating in Lahore, bhartis decided to go with bio tools.

Unfortunately they accumulated only disappointment.
If anthrax can be bio weapon than why not dengue virus?

Due to difficulty of TTP operating in Lahore, bhartis decided to go with bio tools.

Unfortunately they accumulated only disappointment.

If u don't knw abt the basics of bio weapons better stay clam .
If anthrax can be bio weapon than why not dengue virus?

Due to difficulty of TTP operating in Lahore, bhartis decided to go with bio tools.

Unfortunately they accumulated only disappointment.

i thank you for such an important post . you have once again proved your superior intelligence.:disagree:

i have a suggestion to combat this horrible "bio tools" as you call them .
try to keep your surroundings as clean as possible .
do not let water stagnate .
and above all try fumigation . (of your house not brain ):woot:
Well, Dengue is not a really big and deadly virus. Just like swine flu. Influenza/Fever still kills more people than these two. Remember the the outcry when Swine flu and bird flu came.

I have realtives who got infected by dengue. She works at Jinnah hospital as a house job doctor. She gotit, but if treated promptly , then it is nothing. Neither is swine flu or bird flu. Now, the diagnosis period is to be taken into consideration. Fever has a longer, Influenza still longer, but Dengue has less than both of those. Now, if you dont treat any disease in time, you die.

Stop making these theories. Unhygienic places are the cause.
I wonder what kind of conspiracy theorists have we all turned into,There's a Lal topi inside everyone of us.

Couldn't agree more...

Flood.....caused by HAARP,USA.
Dengue.....caused by USA or India
Karachi unrest.....caused by Israel (WTF has Israel gotta do with Karachi?)

We have to blame ourselves,our poor sense of responsibility and administration for some events atleast...
As a defence personal i know that india also hv bio-weapon but it is secret,usa too hv ,and many big countrys...but no ordinary people will believe it becase it is unbelieveable...haha
I blame it on the Flood waters , from last year mosquitoes that laid egges probbly hatched in years time who knows

But there is no shortage of ****** areas in Pakistan that can breed mosquitoes including our parliment
Select PA units have chem masks.. some tank battalions were supposed to be issued NBC suits..
However it is unknown what came of that.

As for the civilian population.. Allah Malik.

The Indians used some chem rounds on our boys during Kargil.

White Phosphorus?
As a defence personal i know that india also hv bio-weapon but it is secret,usa too hv ,and many big countrys...but no ordinary people will believe it becase it is unbelieveable...haha

you are a defense personal?:azn: by the way whats so un believable?
If there any cases of Pakistani citizens infected with superbug ,then we can discuss something
If anthrax can be bio weapon than why not dengue virus?

Due to difficulty of TTP operating in Lahore, bhartis decided to go with bio tools.

Unfortunately they accumulated only disappointment.
grow up kid dn't be silly.. refer google.there is some thing called route of entry... that is d main factor for a bio weapon...
and this dengue is not new we too are suffering from this
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