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USA Will Bomb Syria With Long-Range Bombers B-2 & B-52, Official Says

New Recruit

Aug 14, 2013
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An American national security official has reportedly outlined Washington’s war strategies for Syria, saying the US administration is preparing to use B-2 and B-52 bombers for a potential military strike against the country.

President Barack Obama’s national security team is preparing for a “significantly larger military attack than most had anticipated,” ABC News reported.

The unnamed official told ABC News the military action could do more damage to forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “in 48 hours than the Syrian rebels have done in nearly two years of civil war.”

“The air campaign which is expected to last at least two days will potentially include an aerial bombardment of missiles and long range bombs fired from B-2 and B-52 bombers flying from the United States,” according to the ABC News report by Jonathan Karl.

US B-52 bomber

“That in addition to a relentless assault of Tomahawk missiles fired from those four Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean. Those ships are loaded with nearly 200 missiles, plans call for firing the vast majority of them,” it added.

In an interview with CNN, a US official also characterized the long-range bombers as options.

“You can employ stand-off weapons from an aircraft, just as easily as from a ship or submarine. Aerial assets can be used from a distance,” he said.

Other reports also indicated that the US military was preparing to employ greater firepower to reach shifting military targets.

“The revised options under development include the use of Air Force bombers to supplement US destroyers in the Mediterranean,” The Wall Street Journal said.

The B-2 and B-52 bombers are equipped with joint air-to-surface missiles, designed to destroy both mobile and fixed targets. The missiles’ primary advantage is that they allow pilots to operate outside the lethal range of most hostile air defense systems.

US will bomb Syria with long-range bombers, official says | EUTimes.net

Great..........Uncle Sam please......you must burning and destroyed all syria into ash......and after that all arab kingdom and arabian peninsula will destroyed one by one into chaos and war...

so the emergence of Al-Mahdi & Prophet Isa will faster......hoho............


SYRIA WAR WILL MAKE THE WORLD CHANGE FASTER.................Im Happy........
Yes you're right let's bomb Israhell to make the world change

MOSSAD troll detected

Two Crazies Fighting.



One of them is a former banned lunatic that reappears again and again under different usernames writing the same nonsense (like he is impossible to detect, LOL) and the other is a mental patient that escaped from a local psychiatric ward and obviously a false flagger.

It's amazing how they are still able to spread their lunacies around here. They are a danger for sanity.
How war is a solution??
Is there any peace in Iraq, Afghanistan after war??
2+ Million people Killed in Iraq in the name of Chemical weapons.................. Where are chemical weapon in Iraq?
How war is a solution??
Is there any peace in Iraq, Afghanistan after war??
2+ Million people Killed in Iraq in the name of Chemical weapons.................. Where are chemical weapon in Iraq?
The criteria of Syrian war is much different then Iraq and Afghanistan , Should I need to remind you that Pakistan government had supported america in Afghan and Iraq war , Now syria is out of her business, They always decides so recklessly .
Source????????????????? Any link??
Can you please elaborate this..
After the terror attacks on America in September 2001, Musharraf was offered large U.S. aid packages in exchange for breaking ties with Afghanistan's Taliban. In exchange for additional aid, Pakistan provided some logistical support for America's war against that nation and, later, against Iraq.

Pervez Musharraf
dont worry in imam mahdi era...........peace will come.......1441++ Hijri

and Muslim Army will conquer india & al-aqsha when prophet isa back to earth......

We Need Great war to kill all zionist & kill all stupid arab khawarij...........

only after that the true peace will coming

The Great War Mathamah Kubra Is Testing For Humanity............

Conquest of India

Thawban said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Allah has protected from the hellfire two groups of my Ummah: a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with Jesus son of Mary - alaihima salat wa salaam- (peace be upon them) ." (Ahmad, Nisa'i, and Tabarani)

Abu Huraira said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned India and said, "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open (conquer) it for them to the extent that they (Muslims) bring its (India's) kings chained. Allah will forgive their (Muslim fighters') sins. When they (Muslim fighters) return back (from India), they will find Son of Mary (meaning Jesus has descended) in AshSham (Syria)." (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abu Huraira said, "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم promised us the conquest of India. If I come across that (in my life time), I will spend my soul and wealth. If I get killed (in the conquest of India), then I will be among the best of martyrs. And if I return (alive from the conquest of India), then I will be Abu Huraira, the freed (meaning a man who has been freed from Hellfire)." (Ahmad, Nisa'i, and Al-Haakim)

Muslim World not need fake peace/temporary peace................we need true eternal peace.............
and the peace only come after the Great World War..............Mathama kubra...........
We Must prepare ourself the era of Imam Mahdi & Prophet Isa emergence..........is near.............
Ok then we should continue to support U.S.A and make alliance with them....
There should be no U turn policy..... U.S.A is our friend from 1950s.... They also helped us in wars.....
I told you before that the criteria of previous war were different , Now If we again need to Poke our Nose according to iranian interest then sure we should dive in like we always do. We had supported the attack against Saddam now we must not show double standard on syrian matter.

I believe that the time has come to take measures against insanity before this forum is flooded with the likes of @XENOHARMONIA DRAGON and @Sun Piwa.

We both know that the first individual is a former banned member that reappears again and again under different usernames while writing the same nonsense.

Something should be done for the sake of this section.
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I believe that the time has come to take measures against insanity before this forum is flooded with the likes of @XENOHARMONIA DRAGON and @Sun Piwa.

We both know that the first individual is a former banned member that reappears again and again under different usernames while writing the same nonsense.

Something should be done for the sake of this section.

Explain the interests of muslims moderators to help an obvious zionist disguised like you who wants to kill all muslims?
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Explain the interests of muslims moderators to help an obvious zionist disguised like you who wants to kill all muslims?

Should you not return to your psychiatric ward? You are a VIETNAMESE IMMIGRANT living in France if we take the information here for granted. You are neither an Arab or local to the Middle East or even a Muslim to begin with. You are a annoyance that pretends to care about us Arabs and Muslims. Go run to your masters in Mullahistan or Russia, commie.

Worry about Laos, Cambodia or some other irrelevant polytheistic countries that are identical to your own commie country in Vietnam.

Tired of reading your lunacies and meddling.

Btw, did a Jew rape you by any chance or beat the crap out of you?

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