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USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

Oh, dont rely india on par with US and EU. Hacker hack US and EU for some purpose, and for india? Just for fun. Dont blame the others, blame your lack of internet security knowledge.:lol:

Chinese are the crowned stealers and pirate masters no need to prove, it is already confirmed statement.
In Pakistan a common problem for girls is that while they are using public internet facilities (internet cafes, college facilities), they often run the risk of having all their keystrokes recorded by a keylogger. After they leave, the person who installed it, simply comes back retrieves the log and can see what she typed after lets say Sign In. One of the first things would be the password.

Thrz a simple way to defeat that key stroke recorder...

for eg: if ur password is asim
open another window of browser..
type a in ur password field
type anything in that other browser window
then again type s in psswrd field
then again type **** in browser window
repeat that again..
and before u leave cafe..delete all cookies & offline data & browser history..or after log out
again relogin with something other than the real paswrd...let that remain thr..
I think there should be a international law About Cyber attacks & It should consider a offensive crime against a sovereign country.

It should be the duty of the every country to prohibit such attacks against a group,community or any country from its soil.

but there are many other things government should check also. Today China has hacked a few computer and they are crying, but they should also see what they have offered to the world ( destruction and hatred )

Tit for tat
That "threatening statement" indicates how helpless Americans are against these cyber attacks coming from China. China is only "a kid" in the field of IT and infra structure as compared to Mighty USA but look at this frustration that they have to threat of their "fire power"to stop Chinese geeks hacking their networks. Poor America!
how a country can think to be involved in number of wars,iraq,af-pa,now iran,china etc....how they can have so much money
As regarding Cyber attacks ,is it because of weaker operating systems?
If Yes ,Why Not Move to UNIX*(Linux,BSD...especially hinded towards Openbsd and Debian Gnu/Linux) like Operating Systems for Security Sake?
Is it Pure Network Security that Needs to be Monitored ?:smokin:
This is an absolutely stupid thread. All countries who have a capable Cyber population (which is most) engage in Cyber attacks against other nations.

In fact, China is the victim of MORE cyber attacks from USA than conversely.
That's the name of the game. Don't take it personal.

This is an absolutely stupid thread. All countries who have a capable Cyber population (which is most) engage in Cyber attacks against other nations.

In fact, China is the victim of MORE cyber attacks from USA than conversely.
That's the name of the game. Don't take it personal.


ur sino friendship is really true.:tup::tup::tup:
This is an absolutely stupid thread. All countries who have a capable Cyber population (which is most) engage in Cyber attacks against other nations.

In fact, China is the victim of MORE cyber attacks from USA than conversely.
That's the name of the game. Don't take it personal.

So if a homeless bum commit petty vandalism against your house you would not call yourself a victim?

Here is the reality...The Internet is an American invention. We control the root servers. We can make it either extremely time and effort consuming for anyone to access the Internet, or we can deny them access completely. This applies to the offender's allies as well. Like all things in life, there are gradations of responses to threats and actual harms. Attacks against private interests that serves only segments of American society will not incur US government response. But attacks against vital targets that serves the entire American people, such as military or economic or infrastructure interests will and SHOULD bring on the full might of the American nation, by all means, against the offender. No nation-state take exception to this when it comes to their own national interests. The greater the scope of response capabilities, the greater the damages to the offender(s).
US should plug them off for a day to use internet. thats it. they will learn their lessons.
well..india should prepare its own cyber defence mechanism and Cyber army (for Counter Hack)...we'll see more "Ghost Net" type attacks in the coming years...
this thread has nothing to do with india. why are horde of indians jumping up & down involve themselves acting like they're significant?? lol

remind of this..
India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice

Indians, in fact, seem to talk endlessly about all things China, a neighbor with whom they have long had a prickly relationship, but which is also one of the few other economies that has had 8 percent or more annual growth in recent years.

Indian newspapers are filled with articles comparing the two countries. Indian executives refer to China as a template for development. Government officials cite Beijing, variously as a threat, partner or role model.

But if keeping up with the Wangs is India’s economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.

“Indians are obsessed with China, but the Chinese are paying too little attention to India,” said Minxin Pei, an economist who was born in China and who writes a monthly column for The Indian Express, a national daily newspaper. (No Indian economists are known to have a regular column in mainland Chinese publications.)

Evidence of the Indo-Sino interest disparity can be seen in the two countries’ leading newspapers. The People’s Daily, the Chinese Communist Party’s house organ, had only 24 articles mentioning India on its English-language Web site in the first seven months of this year, according to the Factiva database. By contrast, The Times of India, the country’s largest circulation English-language newspaper, had 57 articles mentioning China — in July alone.
Chinese are the crowned stealers and pirate masters no need to prove, it is already confirmed statement.
Every country has followed this route and became successful ... So no need to cry your eyes out ! Wasn't the US stealing from Germany at one time ? :azn: ... Just because you cant copy , there's no need to play the victim game ...
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