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USA: Syrian WMD

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
This is part of the 'Movie' played by the West and the so called FSA, USA claiming that Syria is moving the stockpile to use it, however the FSA gained chemical weapons from Libya and they will use it, but of course like always they will blame the government, this way the west will make the move, it's a Hollywood script written by the West, acted by the GCC and its terrorists FSA.

‘WMD’ + ‘ethnic cleansings’ = case to bomb Syria?

US officials say Damascus is moving parts of its chemical weapons arsenal, an allegation denied by Syrian authorities. Some in Washington imply that the weapons may be used for “ethnic cleansing”.

Syria is believed to have a large arsenal of chemical weapons, including sarin nerve agent, mustard gas and cyanide, which is undeclared due to the country not being a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

The Wall Street Journal cites unnamed US officials as saying that parts of the arsenal are being relocated from their storage facilities.

The Syrian government denied the alleged move when asked for comments.

"This is absolutely ridiculous and untrue," said Syria's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdissi. "If the US is so well-informed, why can't they help [UN envoy] Kofi Annan in stopping the flow of illegal weapons to Syria in order to end the violence and move towards the political solution?"

The White House, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon declined to comment.
But WSJ sources insist that it is happening, although they differ on the reasons for the claimed relocation. Some believe Damascus is doing it to secure from being taken over by the armed opposition. Others say it is a veiled threat against potential supporters of the rebels – both inside the country and abroad.

The most pessimistic say the Syrian military are preparing to use the chemical weapons against the rebels and civilians.

"The regime has a plan for ethnic cleansing, and we must come to terms with this," one US official said. "There is no diplomatic solution."

"This could set the precedent of WMD [weapons of mass destruction] being used under our watch," another one said. "This is incredibly dangerous to our national security."

The source did not specify which of the many ethnic groups mixed in Syria the government may wish to attack with the highly indiscriminate weapons in a move which would doubtlessly provoke international condemnation.

The search for weapons of mass destruction was the main stated reason for the 2003 American occupation of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The weapons which the dictator was allegedly prepared to use against Europe never materialized. The necessity to stop ethnic cleansings in Bosnia in the 1990s was one of the reasons why the US got involved in the war there.

The new intelligence may be used to bolster calls for international action to remove Assad, another official said, but also to underline the risks of intervening against a military armed with weapons of mass destruction.

The official did not say what threats the weapons could pose to military aircraft delivering air strikes against Syrian targets from their bases in other nations and aircraft carriers. The scenario for a possible intervention is most likely as evidenced by the bombing campaign in Libya.

Earlier some Israeli top brass said they would use force and secure Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles if they are at risk of falling into the hands of Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda. The US military also held joint drills with Jordanians, exploiting a scenario that involved taking over a Syrian chemical weapons storage facility.
‘WMD’ + ‘ethnic cleansings’ = case to bomb Syria? — RT

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report

The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.

The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given.

The Libyan stockpile of chemical weapons was a matter of great concern during last year’s civil war in the country. There were fears that they may end up in the hands of the terrorists and used elsewhere in the world. However unlike Libya’s portable surface-to-air arsenal, no reports of the weapons going missing was made public.

Syria has a greater number of chemical weapons than Libya. Military experts say the agents in the Syrian stockpile are also more modern that what Gaddafi had produced for his military. Syria also didn’t join the Chemical Weapons Convention and is not obliged to declare what chemical weapons it possesses.

The chemical framing plot allegations comes days after British journalist Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news accused a Syrian opposition group of trying to set him and his crew up to be killed by government forces. He said a western journalist death would give bad publicity for Damascus.

Syria is sliding back into violence after a UN-brokered peace plan failed to bring the rival forces in the country to negotiation table. The worst of the incidents of renewed bloodshed were two massacres of civilians in the villages of Houla and al-Qubair.

Opposition blame the killings on pro-government paramilitary forces, while Damascus says both incidents were provocations carried out by terrorist groups. The UN observer mission currently deployed in Syria failed to establish for certain who committed the atrocities.
Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus
US of A would find different reasons to attack Syria or Iraq whether you have WMD's or Nukes or Nuthing...One word they would attack if they want to...US is like a mad dog running here and there with rabies to bite some one...But the question is when..
In the end its upto syrian people to unite and fight against all odds..
OMG did I fall down the rabbit hole? Why does this sound so familiar? Oh yeah, because it was used already, and more than once, to justify attacking a sovereign nation not attacking us!

"Saddam had bioweapons labs mounted on trucks." Remember Colin Powell?
The butcher Bashar is blaming FSA in advance of any incoming use of WMD...

The regime who shell entire cities like this will not hesitate to use anything else to keep himself in power.

And the people who sold their country and people have no place in the new Syria, Free Syria...
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And the people who sold their country and people have no place in the new Syria, Free Syria...

That's why the 'defect' ( get paid millions of dollars) and run to turkey, because they are cowards and have nothing in SYRIA.

The butcher Bashar is blaming FSA in advance of any incoming use of WMD...


lol USA is already accusing Syria, did you read the Article? USA claiming the Syria is moving the stockpile to use it, USA is playing the the movie
That's why the 'defect' ( get paid millions of dollars) and run to turkey, because they are cowards and have nothing in SYRIA.

lol USA is already accusing Syria, did you read the Article? USA claiming the Syria is moving the stockpile to use it, USA is playing the the movie

A traitor calls free fighters cowards. So, you are suggesting they are paying their lives for money? knowing that the probability of them getting killed or captured is very high? What else do you have other than calling your countrymen cowards, terrorists and cheap? no wonder...a traitor is a traitor...
A traitor calls free fighters cowards. So, you are suggesting they are paying their lives for money? knowing that the probability of them getting killed or captured is very high? What else do you have other than calling your countrymen cowards, terrorists and cheap? no wonder...a traitor is a traitor...
Its in your blood, your king Hussein taught it you guys very well. A traitor to humanity is a person who call terrorists freedom fighters, what kind of freedom fighters commit massacres and blame government, those are cowards, what kind of freedom fighter hide their faces? TRAITOR
Its in your blood, your king Hussein taught it you guys very well. A traitor to humanity is a person who call terrorists freedom fighters, what kind of freedom fighters commit massacres and blame government, those are cowards, what kind of freedom fighter hide their faces? TRAITOR

Cut to the chase
Look, you can play your game on anybody but not on me. You are a Christian and you are just afraid of Muslims getting the rule in Syria. You know they are not terrorists, but you are just backstabbing them. You and your likes have no place in Syria.
Cut to the chase
Look, you can play your game on anybody but not on me. You are a Christian and you are just afraid of Muslims getting the rule in Syria. You know they are not terrorists, but you are just backstabbing them. You and your likes have no place in Syria.

They are terrorists, and my religion has nothing to do with overall safety of my mother Syria, see only a person like you who lives in Jordan will worry about religion, but in Syria that never mattered we lived together forever, you are racist, and your cause is not real democracy but instead blood and taking Syria 1000 years back.
They are terrorists, and my religion has nothing to do with overall safety of my mother Syria, see only a person like you who lives in Jordan will worry about religion, but in Syria that never mattered we lived together forever, you are racist, and your cause is not real democracy but instead blood and taking Syria 1000 years back.

Bashar can end this by calling free and fair elections.... what is stopping him to do this? Why clinging to power and causing more bloodshed on the expense of his rule?
Bashar can end this by calling free and fair elections.... what is stopping him to do this? Why clinging to power and causing more bloodshed on the expense of his rule?

elections in this chaos???, the only way to have election is to end chaos and to end that is west and gcc stopping supporting terrorism and sending terrorists to Syria.
"The regime has a plan for ethnic cleansing, and we must come to terms with this," one US official said. "There is no diplomatic solution."
So the first use of WMDs in the Middle East will not be against Jews but against Arabs who permitted their leaders to acquire them on the grounds they were for use against Jews.

Once again Jew-hatred is exploited in the cause of murderous tyranny. Plenty of Pakistanis know the score: in reality there are no grounds for condemning Israel for anything since the truly aggrieved always get their fair day in Israel's courts but the flag of Jew- and Israel-hatred must be waved for murderous and greedy racist, political, and sectarian reasons.

Pakistan sits on the U.N. Security Council but its contribution has been obstructionist; it insists that if action is to be taken against Syria action must be taken against Israel as well. link Yet Pakistan receives little support since there is no "action" against Israel that can justly be taken.

In part due to Pakistan's position tens of thousands more Muslims in Syria are likely to be needlessly slain in their civil war. But hey, it's "the land of the pure" and as such it's the birthright of its politicians, generals, and subjects that they can do no wrong, right?
So the first use of WMDs in the Middle East will not be against Jews but against Arabs who permitted their leaders to acquire them on the grounds they were for use against Jews.

Once again Jew-hatred is exploited in the cause of murderous tyranny. Plenty of Pakistanis know the score: in reality there are no grounds for condemning Israel for anything since the truly aggrieved always get their fair day in Israel's courts but the flag of Jew- and Israel-hatred must be waved for murderous and greedy racist, political, and sectarian reasons.

Pakistan sits on the U.N. Security Council but its contribution has been obstructionist; it insists that if action is to be taken against Syria action must be taken against Israel as well. link Yet Pakistan receives little support since there is no "action" against Israel that can justly be taken.

In part due to Pakistan's position tens of thousands more Muslims in Syria are likely to be needlessly slain in their civil war. But hey, it's "the land of the pure" and as such it's the birthright of its politicians, generals, and subjects that they can do no wrong, right?

Bro You Mad? Bitten By a mad american bull dog? you completly went haywire your brain system crashed?
Bro You Mad? Bitten By a mad american bull dog? you completly went haywire your brain system crashed?
I don't think so. I guess your brain is too boggled to seriously evaluate what I wrote. Perhaps if you take some deep breaths...?
I don't think so. I guess your brain is too boggled to seriously evaluate what I wrote. Perhaps if you take some deep breaths...?

Solomon I think the Russian vote had a lot more to do with things than the Pakistani one.

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