It seems this intern / young lady had sexual connection to another senior anchor (not disclosed) , and the black guy was fired from channel because he stated folks commented racially against him ....
The pair had kept their relationship under the radar , at the station , disclosed only on interview after shooting that yes these two were active couple
Black guy was more senior person ....
So the pro-dominantly white channel , fired the black guy who knows may be the boyfriend of the girl pitched in some "positive reviews" for his gf , to get that job
The guy also was angry at church shooting of Black folks by white folks
or May be the black guy was sick in Mind !!!! He took out a preety cheerful lady who seemed to be loved by all folks !!!
You be the judge
But from pictures it seems the women was very licked person by people and the black person was mantally disturbed
The Reporter is dating the anchor-man at the time of the dead, it is not about who's senior or not, it's just different job title. The Black guy (the shooter) was also a former reporter himself.
The blackguy was fired from his job approximately 2 months prior the shooting, the black guys have received several complaint by other employee as well as audience and the Affiliation have given him 2 prior warning before terminating his job in the Station.
The shooter had sent a 26 pages manifesto to ABC before he shot himself, claiming Racial discrimination, Sexual discrimination (He is gay) and revenge from the Charleston shooting.
No information yet on whether or not the shooter and victim have any prior altercation or relations prior to shooting
Mental screening. It would be tedious but it might show up. Same basic screening process that takes place for the US mil.
the thing is, Basic Psychological Profiling does not usually works.
Psychological Screening can only detect a small spectrum of mental illness, things such as anti-social behaviour or autism can be write out, almost any other kind of violent mental disorder would not be surface via basic psy profiling (disorder such as Bi-Polar Disorder, Hyperactivities and Schizophrenia) especially when the patient is under medication.
Another thing is, there are more people buying gun a month then people joining the military in a whole year, it is quite not practical to conduct a nationwide psychological profiling.
And how has that worked? Well......Okay....not so much?
The key thing to note here is, that no amount of psychological screening can show if the person is going to harm another one or not. Yes, you can take indicators like depression, social withdrawal, aggression......but you may end up declining them a means to legitimate self defence when it might be needed.
One way to look at this would be, why is America crazy with guns while other developed nations are not?
To be honest, only a handful of develop country have a stricter gun law than US, most have equal or lax law on gun than even in the US
I have written an article about US Gun law a few weeks ago.
Understanding US Gun Law
In fact, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland have even lax gun law than in the US, almost all other is about the same, whatever you can get in the US, you can get it in the Balkan or France or Italy.