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USA !No Longer a Financial Superpower?

No one but the Americans themselves are Responsible for this mess.

I love this one (The head of failed US investment bank Lehman Brothers has told Congress that he took home about $300m in compensation over the past eight years)

BBC NEWS | Americas | Lehman Bros head took home $300m)This guy will never ever feel the pain of average joe on the street.

But the Thing i love the most is during vice presidents debate the most important questions asked was not the Americans or its economy but who will protect ''Israel'' that pretty much says it all that there is no one at the wheel looking after Americans.:usflag:
yes, uncle sam time is over and all, its the time for a free world for all, by the way, yes it could be a worse situation ever pakistan would be facing in case of the Americans going down financialy, but later it will bring more opprtunites for pakistan.:azn:;)
remember AQ KHAN & his bussiness?:lol::partay:;)

I am really amazed at the naive comments of most posters who are expressing glee at the fall of the US Economy.

They are so happy to cut their own nose to spite their own face. USA fails means the end of Pakistan as a nation in the present context and please get that in your head nukes or no nukes.

Lets now see the implications of US failing vis a vis Pakistan.

1. Kiss away the USD 10 billion AID needed to fight the WOT on Pakistan side of the border.

2. Use your own funds to upgrade the US military equipment now being done with US aid.

3. The biggest exports of Pakistan and FE earner and employer is the Textile export. In 2007 Pakistan earned USD 5.2 billion from exports of textiles to the US. If that goes then about a million bread winners with their families will be jobless.

4. In 2007 Pakistan had a growth rate thanks to US of 7 % which was truly impressive and if US fails kiss that good bye and see how inflation takes over.

5. If the US goes bankrupt the Saudi money will flow there to prop it up and not their BROTHER UMMAH Pakistan so you can kiss away defferred payments of your oil bills. Guess what will happen to your infrastructure, transportation and and BOP.

6. Without US backing Pakistan, IMF and ADB and Japan will not re-schedule ur loans.

7. Your export markets are as below. You don't have to be Einstein to note that if US goes so does UK and the EU as we have seen recently. Kiss all your export markets goodbye.

US 21%, UAE 9%, Afghanistan 7.7%, China 5.3%, UK 5.1% (2006)

8. Now lets take the case of China. The biggest importer of its goods are US and the EU. If we and US go bust then China will go thru severe recession which does not mean that they will starve but they will not have enough free funds to build Gwadar and the dams on Neelum. They have to use their funds for their own on going projects.

9. Now if US goes bust the oil prices will tumble from USD 90 to USD 70 ( they have already tumbled from a high of USD 140 to USD 90). At USD 70 both Russians and the Arabs will be hard pressed to complete their own ongoing internal projects and that means more recession. The Arab will dump all their benevolance to pakistan like a a hot potato.

So please cheer on for the US demise.



I am really amazed at the naive comments of most posters who are expressing glee at the fall of the US Economy.

They are so happy to cut their own nose to spite their own face. USA fails means the end of Pakistan as a nation in the present context and please get that in your head nukes or no nukes.

Lets now see the implications of US failing vis a vis Pakistan.

1. Kiss away the USD 10 billion AID needed to fight the WOT on Pakistan side of the border.

2. Use your own funds to upgrade the US military equipment now being done with US aid.

3. The biggest exports of Pakistan and FE earner and employer is the Textile export. In 2007 Pakistan earned USD 5.2 billion from exports of textiles to the US. If that goes then about a million bread winners with their families will be jobless.

4. In 2007 Pakistan had a growth rate thanks to US of 7 % which was truly impressive and if US fails kiss that good bye and see how inflation takes over.

5. If the US goes bankrupt the Saudi money will flow there to prop it up and not their BROTHER UMMAH Pakistan so you can kiss away defferred payments of your oil bills. Guess what will happen to your infrastructure, transportation and and BOP.

6. Without US backing Pakistan, IMF and ADB and Japan will not re-schedule ur loans.

7. Your export markets are as below. You don't have to be Einstein to note that if US goes so does UK and the EU as we have seen recently. Kiss all your export markets goodbye.

US 21%, UAE 9%, Afghanistan 7.7%, China 5.3%, UK 5.1% (2006)

8. Now lets take the case of China. The biggest importer of its goods are US and the EU. If we and US go bust then China will go thru severe recession which does not mean that they will starve but they will not have enough free funds to build Gwadar and the dams on Neelum. They have to use their funds for their own on going projects.

9. Now if US goes bust the oil prices will tumble from USD 90 to USD 70 ( they have already tumbled from a high of USD 140 to USD 90). At USD 70 both Russians and the Arabs will be hard pressed to complete their own ongoing internal projects and that means more recession. The Arab will dump all their benevolance to pakistan like a a hot potato.

So please cheer on for the US demise.




but sir pardon me if you so may shall i say, as i fail to see the reason behind this humble concern because din't the london bridge had already fallen long ago ? oh my fair lady :china:
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but sir pardon me if you so may shall i say, as i fail to see the reason behind this humble concern because din't the london bridge had already fallen long ago ? oh my fair lady :china:

Dear GMB,

Because when US suffers a meltdown its common people like me who suffer all over the world including in Pakistan unless you all are related to Zardari or have his kind of wealth.

it is much more , worse & surly it will going to bring down the brutal & aggresive united states of america, surly world would be facing a dejected & defeted imprealism by it own unjustified course, but surly it will bring better opportunities for every one, which could be a beautifull scene to watch.
above all,ANY DESTRUCTION ALWAYS MAKE'S, A WAY TO CONSTRUCTION, it means that if there is no destruction , there will be no constrution.:D:azn:

Yeah Baby! Lets tear the cruel world down and have a Revolution! Yeehaaa!

I am really amazed at the naive comments of most posters who are expressing glee at the fall of the US Economy.

They are so happy to cut their own nose to spite their own face. USA fails means the end of Pakistan as a nation in the present context and please get that in your head nukes or no nukes.

Lets now see the implications of US failing vis a vis Pakistan.

1. Kiss away the USD 10 billion AID needed to fight the WOT on Pakistan side of the border.

2. Use your own funds to upgrade the US military equipment now being done with US aid.

3. The biggest exports of Pakistan and FE earner and employer is the Textile export. In 2007 Pakistan earned USD 5.2 billion from exports of textiles to the US. If that goes then about a million bread winners with their families will be jobless.

4. In 2007 Pakistan had a growth rate thanks to US of 7 % which was truly impressive and if US fails kiss that good bye and see how inflation takes over.

5. If the US goes bankrupt the Saudi money will flow there to prop it up and not their BROTHER UMMAH Pakistan so you can kiss away defferred payments of your oil bills. Guess what will happen to your infrastructure, transportation and and BOP.

6. Without US backing Pakistan, IMF and ADB and Japan will not re-schedule ur loans.

7. Your export markets are as below. You don't have to be Einstein to note that if US goes so does UK and the EU as we have seen recently. Kiss all your export markets goodbye.

US 21%, UAE 9%, Afghanistan 7.7%, China 5.3%, UK 5.1% (2006)

8. Now lets take the case of China. The biggest importer of its goods are US and the EU. If we and US go bust then China will go thru severe recession which does not mean that they will starve but they will not have enough free funds to build Gwadar and the dams on Neelum. They have to use their funds for their own on going projects.

9. Now if US goes bust the oil prices will tumble from USD 90 to USD 70 ( they have already tumbled from a high of USD 140 to USD 90). At USD 70 both Russians and the Arabs will be hard pressed to complete their own ongoing internal projects and that means more recession. The Arab will dump all their benevolance to pakistan like a a hot potato.

So please cheer on for the US demise.




while the way you put your points is a bit sarcastic, Its kind of true.

The US does support Pak with lots of Aid directly and indirectly and, lets face it guys, as of now though we like it or not, we are tied to US economy.

I do not like some people screaming party songs while the economy falls.. its affecting us too guys.. and yeah I agree that we need some changes from the present economic system.. but not at the expense of having another recession..

For now, lets fight this together and once we are out of it, and safe, we can change it... this looks like a wrong time to sit and clap as the economy in almost every region is nose diving to nothingness.
Someone addressed you as Mrs.Jana ma'am! Correct him soon ;)

Back to the topic.. there has always been some kind of armageddon happening "within the next 6 months".. but People, country have always lived thru it. Remember Y2K? Long long ago, there was a mighty power called as the British Empire, So many economies and countries were tied to it and suddenly one day, it no longer was the Mighty Empire it was.. It lost all its colonies in a hurry and it no longer commanded the Great influence it had on the world.. But did the world stop spinning? No.. Instead a new World Order arrived pushing Great Britain to its back yard.. We saw the emergence of the US and USSR..

USSR, once seen as the mighty opponent to US no longer exists.. How did it affect the World Economy? Did countries disappear?

In the same way, Every superpower has an expiry date, written in small font.. and when that date comes, it has to go.. There will be reverberations.. But nothing of the sort that will make a country go down under.. Like how it is suggested that Pakistan will suffer a great deal..
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All meltdown is result of expensive US war adventures. Rest of the world is bearing the impact as well. It's time nations of the world decide and take a firm decision to minimize their dependency on US economy. It can't be achieved all of a sudden but if they move slowly gradually, it is possible.
Yeah Baby! Lets tear the cruel world down and have a Revolution! Yeehaaa!


The Opinionator
October 7, 2008, 9:18 am
Opportunity Knocks
By Tobin Harshaw

“Nearly six out of ten Americans believe another economic depression is likely, according to a poll released Monday,” reports CNN.

“In response, 21% of those polled say that a depression is very likely and another 38% say it is somewhat likely. The poll also found that 29% feel a depression is not very likely, while 13% believe it is not likely at all. But economists, even many who feel current economic risks are dire, generally don’t believe another depression is likely.”

“Sounds like meaningless, exaggerated fearmongering,” answers Jules Crittenden.

“Sounds like Main Street’s sort of like Wall Street that way, driven by fear and given to panic, egged on by gloom peddlers who are thrilled to have more gloom to peddle. You know how it works in the news business. Bad is good. Worse is better. Depression, well, look on the bright side. Great news! I don’t know about you, but I’m more depressed already … that so many Americans are that clueless and that a major news organization is wallowing in it. ”

And Jonathan Wilde at the Distributed Republic sees opportunity:

Fear has reached epic proportions. I follow market sentiment closely and have for the past 11 years, and I’ve done historical research for the data available before that. This is the greatest acute panic in the market since 1987, certainly far above what I’ve ever seen personally.

Anecdotally, nobody wants to touch stocks. On various message boards I frequent, there are innumerable warnings to wait till the market “stabilizes” before buying, and nobody is recommending buying now. Jim Cramer recommended pulling out all money you might need over the next five years on the Today show this morning. 6 in 10 Americans think a depression is likely.

Many people do what’s called “dollar cost averaging”: dumping money into stocks at regular intervals. If we label these “dumb buys” because they do not take economic analysis or market conditions into account, buying now would certainly be a “smart buy”. There is far, far greater probability of higher than market returns if one buys today than from any prior dumb buy, or when the market was at all time highs less than a year ago.

There’s blood in the streets. It’s time to accumulate. Far-above historical returns await the brave.

The brave who happen to be liquid, that is …

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