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I'm pretty sure your concern is shared by quite a few within the US defence/foreign affairs establishment and the GoI is aware that the onus will be on India to assuage these concerns. Personally, I see signs that India is slowly beginning to reduce the dependency on Russia by exploring Western options for the next generation of Indian military hardware. The Su-30 and Gorskhov are the major Russian deals in the works, but these are counterbalanced by the P8I deal. The MRCA deal is still anybody's guess. the PAKFA is really still on paper and may indeed not go anywhere. I'm pretty sure India and US can work out some sort of arrangement which safeguards sensitive parts of the technology but gives India the flexibility to build on it.

Overall, the US is probably keen to seize the initiative from Russia and offer an unbeatable "package" that addresses India's defence needs in the foreseeable future. This US-India strategic relationship is a hot topic and I'm excited to see it all coming together.:cheers:

I doubt that the Russians will win the MRCA tender as it would lead to an all Russian fighter force (until the LCA), India is in a nice position as it has flashed it's cash and everybody wants a piece. Whether I think it is for better or worse makes no difference.
I also think the US is going to try and get India on side to counter China a bit (India alone will not be able to do this) and be there in case there is a future problem with Pakistan. I have my theories on why this missile system is being offered...
as per my opinion the us is giving a total package for india
1-the nuclear agreement
2-missile defence sheild
3- yet to be announced...< may be un security council seat permanent non veto-weilding>

return -win contract for the mrca

i think indian diplomacy is doing really well.
I doubt that the Russians will win the MRCA tender as it would lead to an all Russian fighter force (until the LCA), India is in a nice position as it has flashed it's cash and everybody wants a piece. Whether I think it is for better or worse makes no difference.
I also think the US is going to try and get India on side to counter China a bit (India alone will not be able to do this) and be there in case there is a future problem with Pakistan. I have my theories on why this missile system is being offered...

Please do write your thoughts or theories about the missile defence system. Is is keeping in mind China or Pakistan or both. I would love to know your thoughts about it.
Pentagon denies missile defense sales talks with India
Updated at: 0615 PST, Friday, January 09, 2009

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon has had longstanding contacts with India on missile defense issues but is not in talks to sell it missile defense systems, a defense spokesman said.

"The United States and India currently are not discussing the sale of any U.S. missile defense systems to India," said Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Upton.

A U.S. daily, citing U.S. embassy officials in New Delhi, said the United States was in preliminary talks about sales of U.S. missile shield systems to guard New Delhi against nuclear threats.

A U.S. defense official described the interaction with the Indians as being on "a very rudimentary level."

"We have invited them to observe two tests this year to facilitate discussions of the two countries' ballistic missile defense test programs," the official said.

But the official said the invitation was extended with the understanding that it did not signal "U.S. intention or willingness to sell the systems involved."

Pentagon denies missile defense sales talks with India
Hopefully it wont go ahead if India asks for ToT, I am opposed to ToT to un-allied countries like India (that I for one don't trust) and hope for that reason that India goes for the Mig in the MRCA deal. As it least it wont be our or our allies technology being compromised.
There is no permanent friend or permanent enemies here only permanent "interests" till the time interests converge everything is ok. Oops but Eurofighter is also in the race for MRCA right.

From my view India is a useful counter balance to China and could be useful with any future problems with Pakistan as well as being useful on a few other issues but still should not be trusted with our technology.
What this comment meant? The INS viraat is former British carrier right. The harrier junp jets are from British only right. Mirage are in Indian colors right. Italians are working on fleet replenishment tanker for IN right. If you are so worried about your technology then why your companies are drolling around here? Just don't quote for any tender.
**** off from here
do you still wish IAF su-30 alongside usaf to bomb pakistan,s nuclear facilities
as you once sayed on idf,and now you come here with smiles.
ban this troll
You are too young for defence forum
this is the logical extension of the US-Japan-India-Australia axis (which is now kind of defunct) and aims at enhancing Indian security from unstable and rogue nations who are holding credible delivery systems and nuclear weapons in the near proximities of asia. however this proposal for PAC-3 has been there since last year for India with Russia offering S-300V (S-400 now) system as also Israelis with Arrow-2. India already holds a couple of Green Pine radars which it is integrating with its PAD & AAD systems (Prithivi Air Defense and Advanced Air Defense Systems). The long term plan is for own system in place that is why as such no decision has been taken.
A few systems may be purchased as a stop gap measure in wake of need arising post-mumbai where overt nuclear threat by PA has ensured no strikes being launched to take out terror infrastructure.
What this comment meant? The INS viraat is former British carrier right. The harrier junp jets are from British only right. Mirage are in Indian colors right. Italians are working on fleet replenishment tanker for IN right. If you are so worried about your technology then why your companies are drolling around here? Just don't quote for any tender.

The Viraat was out of date when you brought it and I am not aware whether ToT was provided for the SHAR. I do not have issues with selling the equipment but ToT is another matter.
To answer your question, money. You have it and the companies want it.
The Viraat was out of date when you brought it and I am not aware whether ToT was provided for the SHAR. I do not have issues with selling the equipment but ToT is another matter.
To answer your question, money. You have it and the companies want it.
So you accept that if India pay the money which it has it can get what she wants. So nothing much can be done about it :)
So you accept that if India pay the money which it has it can get what she wants. So nothing much can be done about it :)

If India can get what she wants with her money, why can't she "get" ridd of all the poverty and trash on the streets in India?
So you accept that if India pay the money which it has it can get what she wants. So nothing much can be done about it :)

Unfortunately in many cases yes. Some things would never be sold to India though, no matter how much she was willing to pay.
ABMs or BMD will give India an elate sense of security (as one of our nuclear strategists puts it) but here are some important pointers that should not be sidelined. (This is just a general information ... not directed towards India or any other country for that matter).

i. Too expensive to protect a city let alone a country (especially the size of USA, Russia, China, Brazil, India etc ...)

ii. Can only target BM in its terminal stage.

iii. Its success rate has only increased by 5&#37; in past 6 years (from 65% to 70% - there is still 30% to 25% chance it will miss the target coming down at very high speed).

iv. Not effective against Cruise Missiles.

v. Not much effective against MIRVs.

vi. Not effective against multiple missiles (this is why Iran held exercise of multiple missile launch).

vii. Smart Ballistic Missiles are being considered as counter of ABMs and are considered much cheaper-opposite method. Russians have hinted towards working on such system.

India seems to be following the patterns of Bush Administration's "Nuclear Posture Review" especially with regards to ABMs. But the question is; is it feasible for India to continue making model out of NPR-2001 when most of the American nuclear experts are calling on democrats reverse it, especially the BMD section?
Anti missile system THAAD price ranging from 7 to 10 bill USD .I dont think india could afford that much price .I think indians are trying to get old arrow defence system israeli made.

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