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If India can get what she wants with her money, why can't she "get" ridd of all the poverty and trash on the streets in India?

India spends 2.5% of GDP on defense but Pakistan spends 5% on Defence.
Both are equal poor.
but end of day India spends less and trying to do than Pakistan to correct it's mess.

do not tell Pakistan GDP is less it has spend more to match with India.

look at below post to know Pakistan defense lavish living when its people are in poverty
ABMs or BMD will give India an elate sense of security (as one of our nuclear strategists puts it) but here are some important pointers that should not be sidelined. (This is just a general information ... not directed towards India or any other country for that matter).

i. Too expensive to protect a city let alone a country (especially the size of USA, Russia, China, Brazil, India etc ...)

ii. Can only target BM in its terminal stage.

iii. Its success rate has only increased by 5% in past 6 years (from 65% to 70% - there is still 30% to 25% chance it will miss the target coming down at very high speed).

iv. Not effective against Cruise Missiles.

v. Not much effective against MIRVs.

vi. Not effective against multiple missiles (this is why Iran held exercise of multiple missile launch).

vii. Smart Ballistic Missiles are being considered as counter of ABMs and are considered much cheaper-opposite method. Russians have hinted towards working on such system.

India seems to be following the patterns of Bush Administration's "Nuclear Posture Review" especially with regards to ABMs. But the question is; is it feasible for India to continue making model out of NPR-2001 when most of the American nuclear experts are calling on democrats reverse it, especially the BMD section?

Spot on brother. You summed it up in a nutshell. The U.S. government spends $10 billion dollars each year on anti-missile weapon systems that are chronically over budget, behind schedule, and failing technologically. That's the bitter reality.
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This programe of Missile Defence System is under extensive pressure due to current economic meltdown.
In reply to the poster who said at $10 billion dollars its to expensive.

India current defense budget is $27 billion

next year it will rise to $30 billion

by year 2015 india military budget will be in excess of $50 billion.

$ 10 billion sounds a lot but to india who plan to invest over $100 billion on modernisation by 2020 its not a lot at all.
In reply to the poster who said at $10 billion dollars its to expensive.

India current defense budget is $27 billion

next year it will rise to $30 billion

by year 2015 india military budget will be in excess of $50 billion.

$ 10 billion sounds a lot but to india who plan to invest over $100 billion on modernisation by 2020 its not a lot at all.

I guess reading is an art... Read properly. The 10 billion dollars are for anti-missile weapon systems alone and not a whole defence budget. The total US defence budget is the highest in the world. Stop comparing Indian defence budget to US defence budget. You won't reach that figure in a thousand years.
coming back to the topic....the missile shield should be a global collective effort...and should be installed in every country.
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coming back to the topic....the missile shield should be a global collective effort...and should be installed in every country.

If it is a global collective effort every country will know the tech and how to counter it. Anyway we would still have good old air launched nukes, nukes that you could sneak in, biological/chemical warfare etc

Even if it did by magic get rid of the problem of possible nuclear war in the world then more conventional conflicts would arise as countries would have no fear of a conflict escalating to the nuclear level. Not to mention the conventional arms races it would cause as countries seek to find new deterrents.
If it is a global collective effort every country will know the tech and how to counter it. Anyway we would still have good old air launched nukes, nukes that you could sneak in, biological/chemical warfare etc

Even if it did by magic get rid of the problem of possible nuclear war in the world then more conventional conflicts would arise as countries would have no fear of a conflict escalating to the nuclear level. Not to mention the conventional arms races it would cause as countries seek to find new deterrents.

we will always have friends and foes...that is human nature.so we would never have a global collective effort...but the idea seemed nice.
as far as a nuclear strike free world is concerned...the escalation of a war would still depend upon the many other factors like the one that stooped china from reaching new delhi in 1962..or the one that stopped uss enterprise from attacking india(the threat was there back then) in 1971.
see your point that nukes actually prevent wars is valid...that a nuclear capable smaller nation can prevent a bigger country from attacking through the nuke threat.but what if the definition of an 'attack' or an 'invasion' is wrongly misinterpreted?like the time when recently inspite of the IAF and PAf being on hgih alert...two indian jets touched the pakistani border...i mean things like that can lead to a real nuke war.
India spends 2.5% of GDP on defense but Pakistan spends 5% on Defence.
Both are equal poor.
but end of day India spends less and trying to do than Pakistan to correct it's mess.

do not tell Pakistan GDP is less it has spend more to match with India.

look at below post to know Pakistan defense lavish living when its people are in poverty

My post was about India, not Pakistan.
I am not the one rigourously claiming that Pakistan has all the money available to spend on military hardware.
Pakistan should start defence relationship with, Japan and Russia. they need to make their current relationship with EU countries more stronger, Why Japan as they are very advance technology wise and will help Pakistan to be self sufficient in the areas of robotics etc that will give us tactical help knowledge in defence production. We need the russians as they are the only people who knows how to beat the US in arms race thus up dated new missiles to counter us products, We need a healthy relation with EU in regards to latest technology as i think because US is taking strategic steps in providing weapons to Pakistan, they give some equipments to Pakistan which is not that latest or new, usually used or old stuff and then they provide something to India that counters that particular equipment. Plus also providing nuclear weapons to India. If they are so concerned about the nuclear bombs why are they giving it around to other countries.

These are few of the countries that US has provided F 16 fighters in large numbers except Turkey and Israel they have the technology.

74. f16 Singapore Airforce
180 f16 south korea
79 f16 UAE
159 f16 Greece
180 f16 Egypt

When it comes to Pakistan they have been selling old and used f16. In the early
80is the 77 fighter f16 deal that was struck and was not fulfilled by US, they are still in the process of fulfilling that deal let alone getting more f16. Now they are giving f16 to us but old **** and very slow delivery.

Pakistan should just mintain the f16 they have and not buy any more of US products for its defence unless its something special they Pak armforces wants. It should not a major or vital importance for Pakistan defence.
Few fighter that PAF can look into replacing f16 are Swedish Saab Gripian, or French Rafale.
Pakistan should also look into working together with a EU country to come up with a new 5th generation fighter for Pakistan Airforce.

As PAF intents to phase out its current fleet of mirages they should look into the french Mirage 4000 program that was started for the Saudi airforce and was cancelled due to Saudi's taking up the US F15 bid and cancelling the French mirage 4000. Some of the expertise gained in mirage 4000 creation has influenced the Dassault Rafale.

Pakistan could also propose a join venture on the mirage 4000 with the French, modify the design and with new tech and avonics, french radars etc etc we could see a 5 generation twin engine PAF fighter.

Instead in phasing out all of mirages, PAF could induct few squadron of mirages for ground support, till they come up with some better stuff. Would love to see US A10 thunderbolt in PAK defence inventory but would not support the idea of Pak dealing with the US.
Why oh why do I always ask myself are we fightning alongside with the Americans on their war of terror?
They cannot be trusted one single bit.
What use is there to sell these systems to India and help stabilize the South East Asian region?
It will just spark another big arms race between Pak-Ind.
I'm pretty sure if Pakistan was in talks with the U.S. about a similar agreement, we'd have Indian officials crying out loud about it.
I'm interested in the response of Pakistan to these talks.

Maybe the answer lies in WWII -- Russia and US/UK/France all fought together against Germany for different reasons. French had a hard time forgiving UK for pulling out on them at Dunkirk and attack on Oran. The US never trusted the Russians. UK had a gripe against the Soviets for bringing down the Romanovs. But they all fought against a common enemy as allies!!!

It does not necessarily mean that one needs to be completely in-sync with ones allies. Maybe the overriding factor is the threat from a common enemy.:pakistan:

They will do everything to derail our indigenous efforts also earn money from it.
I guess reading is an art... Read properly. The 10 billion dollars are for anti-missile weapon systems alone and not a whole defence budget. The total US defence budget is the highest in the world. Stop comparing Indian defence budget to US defence budget. You won't reach that figure in a thousand years.

This is the kind of mentality that prevents you from going anywhere beyond where you are.

I hope the "thousand years" was a figure of speech. China will catch up within a decade or two and India will follow. As for Pakistan, you can only dream of matching India's current defence budget ..infact some people would be surprised even if Pakistan managed to get out of the taliban mess anytime soon.
wellll tit for tat anyway i think pakistan will make way out of it sooner than latter

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