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USA is rotting away, it is faltering, it is dying


Apr 19, 2023
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The Rotting of America

Dr. Angela Nicole Parker equates America to a dying tree (Photo/Chris Leipelt)

Dr. Angela Nicole Parker equates America to a "dying tree" (Photo/Chris Leipelt)
Angela Nicole Parker, Ph.D Published: 26 May 2022
angela parker intro
Angela Nicole Parker, Ph.DThere are signs when a mighty tree is dying.
Its green leaves turn brown and fall off; the bark follows, the tree begins to lean as the open woods, and fungus and rot take hold; the roots finally, after bearing witness to years of history gives way and it falls where it stood – black, broken, and sad.
An ugly sight.
America is a dying tree. A nation in decline that is drowning in violence, hate, poverty, selfishness, and indifference.

We stand in line to watch movie stars batter each other in court over who is the most abusive, become ingulfed in the mess and ignorance of others “realities,” care more about likes and subscribers from nameless, faceless “friends” then we care about our neighbors.
We are a nation that’s decaying at its roots.
Some will argue that we have always been corrupted; that a nation birthed in war; built by slavery; nurtured by blood, sweat, and inequity, could ever really thrive.
Yet, we believed we would.

We continue to fight for that more perfect union we so desire, but does a nation that has decided that its children are dispensable, worth nothing more than a weapon to be used in campaigns have a future?
In the past two decades, there has been an estimated 900 incidents involving guns on our school campus and we’ve done nothing and will do nothing. Since 1963, 186,239 children and teens have been killed due to guns violence—four times the number of U.S. soldiers killed in action in the Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars combined. According to statistics provided by the Children’s Defense Fund:
  • In 2017, nine children and teens were killed with guns each day in America—one every 2 hours and 34 minutes.
  • Gun violence was the second leading cause of death for children and teens ages 1-19 and the leading cause for Black children and teens, claiming more child lives than cancer, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, HIV/AIDS and opioids combined.
Yet, politicians will continue to get on television offering thoughts and prayers while doubling down on the policies that lead to this type of carnage, and they will do it with impunity because they know the very people who are hurt by their policies will continue to vote for them because the fear of being replaced is stronger than their desire to live in peace; the pull for some lost past that never existed seems more desirable than a future truly built on liberty and justice for all.
We are a nation decaying at our roots.

We are full of thoughts and prayers that are hallow and hypocritical and perfunctory at this point. We have become like the characters in The Wizard of Oz – on search of heart, courage, and a brain. Zombies who seem more at home in our death cult than we ever did in the light.
Can a dead tree be revived? Yes, but the chances are slim.
I am an optimist.
I’d like to believe that we can turn things around, but I just don’t see the will to do it.
Everywhere I look, I see complacency and a curious resolve to accept whatever new fresh hell tomorrow may bring and while I know that you can never revive the entirety of a tree, you can create new roots and revive the root system, but you must work at it, and the question is, do we as a nation have the collected will to do what is necessary to stay upright.
Will we ever have enough of the violence?
Time will tell, but unfortunately, time is not on our side.
Follow Dr. Angela N. Parker on Twitter.
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her website

Murders in US Are Very Concentrated, and They Are Becoming Even More So​

When it comes to murder, there are three types of counties in the United States. Most counties experience no murders, a smaller set where there are a few murders, and then a tiny set of counties where murders are very common

She should look at this page...
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Wars, terrorism, toppling govt even in "Friendly countries" needs a lot of money, not leaving enough for home. Sadly, this is the only policy US knows for last 80 years so the shift is not only hard but impossible, considering resources needed for retraining are not there anymore. Petro-dollar is dying a slow death, "friendly" countries are smartening up and not falling for more wars, middle east is almost out of war theater. They did find one idiot in Ukraine who fell for it but for how long?
Wars, terrorism, toppling govt even in "Friendly countries" needs a lot of money, not leaving enough for home. Sadly, this is the only policy US knows for last 80 years so the shift is not only hard but impossible, considering resources needed for retraining are not there anymore. Petro-dollar is dying a slow death, "friendly" countries are smartening up and not falling for more wars, middle east is almost out of war theater. They did find one idiot in Ukraine who fell for it but for how long?
fvcking americunt crusaders coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq wars:
The atheistic elites in USA.
HUGE resources, massive pool of talent, but increasing social disparity, not helped by partisan politics and politicians owned by businessmen.
HUGE resources, massive pool of talent, but increasing social disparity, not helped by partisan politics and politicians owned by businessmen.

The disparity is from politicians NOT interested in telling people that if they have no interest in going to college or starting their own business the chances of them doing well in the US are slim.

Many people are completely oblivious to this and think if they work in a McDonalds they’ll be buying a high end Mercedes and yacht. It doesn’t help with Liberals convincing South Americans they will do fine here with no skills. No sorry you will end up barely surviving in some crappy low income neighborhood in a rental apartment owned by a landlord 500 miles away and working menial jobs.
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The disparity is from politicians NOT interested in telling people that if they have no interest in going to college or starting their own business the chances of them doing well in the US are slim.

Many people are completely oblivious to this and think if they work in a McDonalds they’ll be buying a high end Mercedes and yacht. It doesn’t help with Liberals convincing South Americans they will do fine here with no skills. No sorry you will end up barely surviving in some crappy low income neighborhood in a rental apartment owned by a landlord 500 miles away and working menial jobs.

The thing is - you need people to do the crappy jobs. Just because they do crappy jobs doesnt mean thier life has to be shit.

Thats whats it's turned into in the UK - but even as far back as the turn of the millenium - you could get social housing or cheap property to buy, energy and food was affordable, fuel was relatively inexpensive and our manual labourers didn't suffer from poverty.

There is no reason why this should be the case in wealthy countries like ours. Some wealth redistribution and social programs can ensure decent standards of living.

I agree with you on migration - it's a shame it's such a political football. You can't keep the doors open and expect standards and services not to drop.
The disparity is from politicians NOT interested in telling people that if they have no interest in going to college or starting their own business the chances of them doing well in the US are slim.

Many people are completely oblivious to this and think if they work in a McDonalds they’ll be buying a high end Mercedes and yacht. It doesn’t help with Liberals convincing South Americans they will do fine here with no skills. No sorry you will end up barely surviving in some crappy low income neighborhood in a rental apartment owned by a landlord 500 miles away and working menial jobs.
The thing is - you need people to do the crappy jobs. Just because they do crappy jobs doesnt mean thier life has to be shit.

Thats whats it's turned into in the UK - but even as far back as the turn of the millenium - you could get social housing or cheap property to buy, energy and food was affordable, fuel was relatively inexpensive and our manual labourers didn't suffer from poverty.

There is no reason why this should be the case in wealthy countries like ours. Some wealth redistribution and social programs can ensure decent standards of living.

I agree with you on migration - it's a shame it's such a political football. You can't keep the doors open and expect standards and services not to drop.

the 1st world’s main source of issues is socialism

government spending is inefficient and creates a huge bureaucracy that produces nothing

big part of most of the governments nowadays solely exists to leech off private enterprise and redistribute money to themselves and constituents

OECD countries are more commie than any commie society that has ever existed

self proclaimed commies are basically feudal societies

true human advancement and prosperity comes from minimal govt, capitalism, free markets, and liberty, these are the ideal values for humanity
The thing is - you need people to do the crappy jobs. Just because they do crappy jobs doesnt mean thier life has to be shit.

Thats whats it's turned into in the UK - but even as far back as the turn of the millenium - you could get social housing or cheap property to buy, energy and food was affordable, fuel was relatively inexpensive and our manual labourers didn't suffer from poverty.

There is no reason why this should be the case in wealthy countries like ours. Some wealth redistribution and social programs can ensure decent standards of living.

I agree with you on migration - it's a shame it's such a political football. You can't keep the doors open and expect standards and services not to drop.

There’s a big difference between living a modest lifestyle and going off and feeling you “deserve”
a Mercedes and a lifestyle like somebody in some “Cribs” tv show.

Also the wealth gap used to be a measure of some white collar father vs a working class mom and dad.

Now the bar has been significantly raised with more women in the workforce as now it is a white collar mom plus a white collar dad vs a working class mom and dad. The jump in income disparity suddenly becomes ridiculous.

You have families making in one year what working class make in close to 10. The gap is huge. The only way income disparity is going to be solved is to make people aware of why it exists. It isn’t because of some super jump in pay for that white collar Dad. It’s because he likely married a high earner making themselves a dual income family powerhouse that has no problem paying over a million for a house. This is way different than the situation 50+ years ago.
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