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USA is finally out of Afghanistan


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
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Update on Kabul International Airport US will completely withdraw from Kabul International Airport tonight. IEA forces are now entering KIA to take charge. End of US occupation is on its way....

Turkish forces will be coming in i heard. is it true ?
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US State Dept. Live Press Conference coming up. But White House's spokeswoman Jane Psaki just said that right now 'the Taliban are the best and only option' for the evacuation. She also said there will be 'continued engagements' with the Taliban after the evacuation.

Turkish forces will be coming in i heard. is it true ?

Yes, Al jazeera live just confimed Turkish Leadership has over 3 hour chat with with Taliban and that a 'small contingent' of Turkish technocrats are staying behind to run the airport while Taliban secure the airport. But troops will leave as part of evacuation. Taliban don't issue idle demands!
What we know about the Kabul attack

As we just reported, a health official has told the BBC that the death toll from yesterday's Kabul airport attack has increased to 170.

As we seek further confirmation of that figure, here's a reminder about how the attack unfolded:

  • A powerful bomb blast struck the perimeter of Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport at about 18:00 local time (13:30 GMT) on Thursday
  • The single explosion occurred at the Abbey Gate as civilians queued in the hope of boarding flights out of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
  • Thirteen US personnel, two British nationals and the child of a British national were among those killed in the attack
  • A suicide bomber carried out the attack after walking into the middle of families waiting outside the gate, according to UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace
  • Some victims were blown into a sewage canal where Afghans were waiting to be processed, while dozens were rushed to hospital for treatment
  • Wounded US personnel were flown to an American air base in Germany for treatment
Taliban seize $85 billion worth of military equipment

The Frontier Post


WASHINGTON DC (Agencies): The Taliban have seized $ 85 billion worth of US military equipment and gained access to biometric data from Afghans who have helped US Army soldiers for the past 20 years. The American congressman spoke about this.

Former US Navy reservist Jim Banks said there are 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft and helicopters, and 600,000 small arms and light weapons among the vast quantities of equipment and weapons abandoned in Afghanistan.

Speaking in Washington, Banks said: “Today the Taliban have more Black Hawk helicopters than 85% of the world’s countries.” The Taliban also seized night vision goggles, body armor and medical supplies, he said.

Banks is confident in these numbers because he worked as a foreign sales agent, acquiring American-supplied equipment and weapons, and then transferring them to the Afghan military.

“It’s unthinkable for me and others, but now the Taliban have biometric devices with fingerprints, eye scans and biographies of all Afghans who have been on our side and helping us for the past 20 years,” Banks said.

“The administration has no plan to return these weapons. She is not going to demand accountability for this equipment and weapons, – the congressman continued.

“If these weapons are used now or in the future to damage, injure or kill Americans, the blood will be on Joe Biden’s hands.”

His speech was spread on social media by the conservative MP and former soldier Johnny Mercer. “It’s a shame. We gave them the names of those who were preparing to fight them. And we will leave some of them, and they will become victims of the violence that we saw at the airport, ”he said. “A terrible day, causing rage and tears.”

The Taliban have already announced that they have sent an elite unit with high-tech equipment to guard facilities in the Afghan capital.

Militant propaganda channels aired an impressive film about the unit, the 313rd Badri Brigade, stating that it would serve on the streets of Kabul and guard the presidential palace. The footage shows militants in modern helmets, sunglasses, body armor and with machine guns like the Afghan army.

Reports emerged Thursday that US officials had given the Taliban lists of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to expedite airport transfers and evacuations.

The Defense Ministry harshly criticized this decision, which was reported by Politiko. One military official said the Taliban had practically got “death lists”.

“It’s terrible, it’s shocking, it makes your hands look dirty,” he added.

A spokesman for US Central Command declined to comment.

Banks was also outraged by the events near the Kabul airport, to which he responded with the following words: “The responsibility for this tragedy lies entirely with Biden. Because of his incompetence, American blood was shed. This could have been avoided, and therefore it is unforgivable.”
This thread should be the top topic--if Americans are indeed leaving tonight from Kabul. But instead people are putting more effort into hotels in Pakistan being booked out or some PTM person talking about conversion to Hinduism. Sigh!
A few things:
1) Watched both Pentagon and State Dept. Press Conferences in last few hours. Question was asked in both: Are Taliban entering the Kabul Airport. The State Dept guy said to ask the Pentagon. The Pentagon guy called it 'false' and saying the airport is in American control, including entrance gates.
2) State Dept guy said the engagements with Taliban have been 'Positive' and 'Constructive'
3) State Dept guy saying the US would accept 'any govt' which would do some basic required things (on terrorism, human rights, inclusive govt)
4) About supporting the Panjshir Resistance, they said we have been saying about Inclusive Govt. But in a separate interview at Al Jazeera, John Bolton today has said that America might support them! That's his personal wish though.
5) Airport to be handed to 'the Afghan people' upon evacuation and 'a number of countries' shown interest in managing the airport.
6) State Dept: America would continue to provide 'humanitarian support' even after Withdrawal.
7) Mazar e Sharif is being prepared for flights from Pakistan to deliver humanitarian aid. Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) will play a part. Not sure I saw in the press conferences. Been browsing several places.

Update on Kabul International Airport US will completely withdraw from Kabul International Airport tonight. IEA forces are now entering KIA to take charge. End of US occupation is on its way....
Good riddance to bad garbage.

Most Muslim expatriates I have talked to, said if Pakistan was economically like China or Japan, they would never leave Pakistan.
Most Pakistani expatriates I have talked to in Mosques and behind close-doors said they would prefer to live in a Muslim environment. They only leave for economic reasons or for a higher education.

People only leave Pakistan, because the country is not developed enough.

We need to build more universities, vocational schools, develop infrastructure.
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$85 billion is alot of money - Doubt these are accurate estimates more like inflated values.

$85 were spent on 'security' related matters: Training, equipment, contractor fees over TWENTY years. Some of which got destroyed in the conflict. Or had expired. Or gone bad. Also, a bulk was NOT on purchasing equipment bur for services. These wars are a big business in America!! BIG BUSINESS! Various security companies provide 'services' and 'personnel' at exorbitantly high prices and the money mostly ends back in America either to the weapon manuf. or to the security companies. Eventually into the politicians. It's 'jobs' and 'economic activity' in different Congressmen/Senators constituencies. I live in the American South and I kid you not it seems like every 3 or 4 household has a 'veteran' living off taxpayers money without ever even been remotely near the 'combat'. I knew a very close friend in US Navy. Never ever remotely saw any conflict or saw any 'danger'. Was deployed all over the world in cushy office jobs. And retired as a 'veteran' with a chunk of 'benefits'. She is still a very dear friend to me. One day, on my deathbed, I may narrate her story keeping her anonymity. Just follow the money and you will arrive at the right place. But I digress!

So... as for the equipment the Taliban have. I don't think even $10 billion at max. A lot of valuables were already taken out or destroyed when Americans started to leave. Then a chunk ended up in Uzbekistan when the northern front melted away. Per my understanding, Americans didn't trust the Afghan National Army much and so not a lot was left with them as Americans were leaving. Contrast to that, the Soviets left behind tanks, heavy artillery, substantial air assets---and that's partly why Najibullah govt last 3 years after the Soviet withdrawal.
Good riddance to bad garbage.

Most Muslim expatriates I have talked to, said if Pakistan was economically like China or Japan, they would never leave Pakistan.
Most Pakistani expatriates I have talked to in Mosques and behind close-doors said they would prefer to live in a Muslim environment. They only leave for economic reasons or for a higher education.

People only leave Pakistan, because the country is not developed enough.

We need to build more universities, vocational schools, develop infrastructure.
Most of all
1. Law
2. End corruption

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