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USA and Israel out of UNESCO: Al-Aqsa must come down


May 27, 2015
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I see this move as a clear declaration of war and a clear declaration of their intentions to destroy Al-Aqsa. Soon we will observe big changes around the globe, and big wars are expected in near future, as this is impossible that Jews destroy Al-Aqsa and muslims keep silent.
Secondly, USA has an equal share in all this circus.
Muslims around the globe, get ready, for another "protest". Make beautiful play cards and banners. They will construct their temple, while you will be protesting.

@MastanKhan @BHarwana @Mentee @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Slav Defence @Dubious
Well they already bombed Muslim Heritage sites in Syria and Iraq , it is only fair the intentions have come out. I have never been to Syria but I would have imagined it would have had many world heritage sites important to Muslim and Islamic history

And as usual the US media will not cover this story :agree:

Quite a disturbing story but such events are expected
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If i were an influencial muslim i would try to convince the jews and muslims to build a temple that is has two portions one for jews and one for muslims till the messiah of the jews comes.

They could take down the aqsa its just a building with no dis-respect human beings are more imortant the creation of Allah is more important than just a building that human beings want to build or habe alrrady built.

But i think its a hard task human beings .. They are so violent and greedy and arrogant. Jews would want the whole site and muslims would want the whole site and mosque not destroyed.

Im an Arab Hashimi Muslim. But iv got no influence on such matters i can just see u foolish jews and foolish muslims fight and kill eachother over a city, or a building both claim same Creator of the universe calls home to.... Aqsa holds more importance to the jews than we muslims. Although its very important as well 2nd most imortsnt site after mekka's kabah.

But human beings have science and logic and understanding yet they prefer to kill the other group and take all there is for the taking. And both groups believe that they are the good guys other group bad...

While in truth both are bad guys as they kill eachother.. And spread hate and violence against eachother.

Go ahead fools be my my guest destroy eachother and the land of mine and your fore-fathers..
I wonder how u will explain ur actions when u are called forth infront of God of Abraham the Creator of the universe. What will u say o muslims and jews? Sorry??? We were fools?
To be honest if the jews dothat no jew globally will be safe.
Dont expect anything from the arabs...they will have ameeting have lamb biryani and back to the walrus of a wife
If i were an influencial muslim i would try to convince the jews and muslims to build a temple that is has two portions one for jews and one for muslims till the messiah of the jews comes.

They could take down the aqsa its just a building with no dis-respect human beings are more imortant the creation of Allah is more important than just a building that human beings want to build or habe alrrady built.

But i think its a hard task human beings .. They are so violent and greedy and arrogant. Jews would want the whole site and muslims would want the whole site and mosque not destroyed.

Im an Arab Hashimi Muslim. But iv got no influence on such matters i can just see u foolish jews and foolish muslims fight and kill eachother over a city, or a building both claim same Creator of the universe calls home to.... Aqsa holds more importance to the jews than we muslims. Although its very important as well 2nd most imortsnt site after mekka's kabah.

But human beings have science and logic and understanding yet they prefer to kill the other group and take all there is for the taking. And both groups believe that they are the good guys other group bad...

While in truth both are bad guys as they kill eachother.. And spread hate and violence against eachother.

Go ahead fools be my my guest destroy eachother and the land of mine and your fore-fathers..
I wonder how u will explain ur actions when u are called forth infront of God of Abraham the Creator of the universe. What will u say o muslims and jews? Sorry??? We were fools?
That is not how the world works mate, stop imagining it from the nib of a dellusional scholars pen.
To be honest if the jews dothat no jew globally will be safe.
Dont expect anything from the arabs...they will have ameeting have lamb biryani and back to the walrus of a wife
Lol Muslims broke Buddha nothing happened to Muslims , how can you harm Jews ?
That is not how the world works mate, stop imagining it from the nib of a dellusional scholars pen.

Im not dellusional but a scholar of Quran and both bibles old and new bible.

I don't hold ur true to world 2019 view points. To you i may seem a lunatic dellusional, but thats what they called my father too Abraham Peace be upon him. And thats what they called Jesus son of marry peace be upon hum and thats what they called Mohammad peace be upon him.

I hold the Quran dear. I hold the bibles dear and i hold the humanity dear. I know for a fact that ur Allah or their Adnoi YHWH is the one and same. And i know for a fact they will destroy that building and make a new one will change its name from Aqsa mosque to Temlpe mount. Later very soon they themselves will turn in into a mosque and those jews sons of Israel (Yaqoob) peace be upon him will rule the middle east and the world from that place called aqsa mosque or temple mount.

Its a promise present in old bible, new bible and the Quran latest bible. Promise of Allah is never false. Allah made a promise to the jews and to Muslims as well.

You humans of 2019 muslims or jews just don't comprehend it.

Musab Bin Hashim Al Qureshi is my name and i wrote this in 2019 2nd january. Christian calander
1440 26th Rabi II Muslim calander.
God willing this will happen one day sooner or later as told by not only 1 Messenger of God by Many messengers told us.

Problem is u guys read quran in arabic but u can only comorehend urdu and English. Read quran in English sometimes be a scholar for once see whats written in there . and then see if people around u , ur brother ur father ur friends and urself are muslim?

The world doesnt work that way because we don't make it work that way.

We are the masters of this earth we can make the earth work however we want. It is a God Given right.

(We=human beings)
All it needs is for Pakistan to send 3 divisions, Iran sen 3 divisions and a few other Muslim states a division each and all this Zion sh!t would come to an end.
Lol, wtf mate.
Im not dellusional but a scholar of Quran and both bibles old and new bible.

I don't hold ur true to world 2019 view points. To you i may seem a lunatic dellusional, but thats what they called my father too Abraham Peace be upon him. And thats what they called Jesus son of marry peace be upon hum and thats what they called Mohammad peace be upon him.

I hold the Quran dear. I hold the bibles dear and i hold the humanity dear. I know for a fact that ur Allah or their Adnoi YHWH is the one and same. And i know for a fact they will destroy that building and make a new one will change its name from Aqsa mosque to Temlpe mount. Later very soon they themselves will turn in into a mosque and those jews sons of Israel (Yaqoob) peace be upon him will rule the middle east and the world from that place called aqsa mosque or temple mount.

Its a promise present in old bible, new bible and the Quran latest bible. Promise of Allah is never false. Allah made a promise to the jews and to Muslims as well.

You humans of 2019 muslims or jews just don't comprehend it.

Musab Bin Hashim Al Qureshi is my name and i wrote this in 2019 2nd january. Christian calander
1440 26th Rabi II Muslim calander.
God willing this will happen one day sooner or later as told by not only 1 Messenger of God by Many messengers told us.

Problem is u guys read quran in arabic but u can only comorehend urdu and English. Read quran in English sometimes be a scholar for once see whats written in there . and then see if people around u , ur brother ur father ur friends and urself are muslim?

The world doesnt work that way because we don't make it work that way.

We are the masters of this earth we can make the earth work however we want. It is a God Given right.

(We=human beings)
Mate no scholar of Quran could be this stupid, after what u actually wrote i will not waste my words on u. U have a lot to learn, i suggest u get right on it, Scholar!!!, lol. What a prat
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