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US weighs dropping Pakistan as an ally

Since 50 years? :) Books such as Crossed Swords by Shuja Nawaz and the Magnificent Delusions paint a different picture, one where Pakistan aggressively courted the US.

So you're saying that the Trump card is the supply lines?
in fact more then fifty years but 50 is good number . do you really unaware how badly paksitani nation want to get rid of USA ? do you love them to see occupied your country ?i think answer is no
So you're saying that the Trump card is the supply lines?
read my comment again the part about Pakistan's influence that was a reference towards what Pakistan can do in Afghanistan other than supply lines.
Thread running in Central Asia section.
Why it won't work now? Can you elaborate on that ? I am expecting the China card or CPEC! Well China just signalled pretty much publicly its displeasure with Pak policies through BRICS declaration. The fundamental question here is the OBAR vision for China, which will fail when there is instability in the region ( includes Afghanistan) perpetuated by Talis on Pak's backing. So you do the math where China stands on all this.
Things were always in the hands of Afghani people. Pakistan has reached to a point that we will not listen to anyone any more, but may be of friends. On our side, enough is enough. No more black mailing by US or any other country. No more free services and sacrifices.
Taliban are mercenaries, and there are many many people out there who want to loot Afghanistan. So? Why name only Pakistan?
If you want to see who is the biggest beneficiary of chaos in Afghanistan, then just look around your self, and see who is earning the most from your country. Pay special attention to Mining industry and construction business. And what Pakistan earns from this Chaos? nothing.
Will Afghanistan turn into Switzerland overnight when the Talis stop fighting? No! of course there are major issues affecting the country regardless of the Talis but the number 1 issue at hand that is fundamental to all is undeclared war through Talis. You stop Talis by pressuring Pak.
Pakistan's mood swings vis-a-vis Afghanistan won't be relevant when we get the breathing space to create strong Afghan state that can stand to Pakistan. That is the time when Pakistan will deal with the Afghan state and not via proxies, in other words Pakistan is not dealing with the Afghan state because it deems her weak and this unconditional commitment by the US provides us that opportunity to create one.

But by your own reckoning (let's assume most-to-all of your assertions are correct) what incentive does Pakistan have to establish a stronger Afghan state with a hostile Afghan elite? None

Or in any non-short term what incentive does America have to prioritize Afghanistan over Pakistan? None

Or how can the glorified-defender-of-the-people ANA numbering a 300,000+ consistently cedes territory to a few thousand armed proxies of a most hated enemy (Pakistan)? I-certainly-have-no-idea

Whatever your stated position is, if you cannot present clear, consistent, non-contradictory answers to questions like this: you will not, even at a bare minimum, be able to convince your supporters that your position has any merit -- winning the war is still a long shot.
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There you go as I predicted in the weeks prior, the drumbeats have started. Pakistan can either ditch Talis and this policy of using proxies or being in the leagues of rogue states such as NKorea.

@Jungibaaz @Kaptaan @pakistani342



The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally

Officials familiar with the Pakistan prong of Washington’s new “AfPak” strategy — which involves an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan

Good, now Afghanistan can finish the job that Pakistan did not do, Clean uncle sam's shoes.... oh wait Afghanistan is already doing it for Indians too.
in fact more then fifty years but 50 is good number . do you really unaware how badly paksitani nation want to get rid of USA ? do you love them to see occupied your country ?i think answer is no

The common man in Pakistan probably, but the leadership has done otherwise.
But by your own reckoning (let's assume most-to-all of your assertions are correct) what incentive does Pakistan have to establish a stronger Afghan state with a hostile Afghan elite? None

Or in any non-short term what incentive does America have to prioritize Afghanistan over Pakistan? None

Or how can the glorified-defender-of-the-people ANA numbering a 300,000+ cede territory to a few thousand armed proxies of a most hated enemy (Pakistan)? I-certainly-have-no-idea

Whatever your stated position is, if you cannot present clear, consistent, non-contradictory answers to questions like this: you will not, even at a bare minimum, be able to convince your supporters that your position has any merit -- winning the war is still a long shot.

1. It is not a question of whether Pakistan wants it or not, its for Afghans to create one and we are creating one.

2. I can't speak for the Americans but what we have done is to convince the Americans that it's in their interest to stay in Afghanistan and offer an unconditional commitment for decades to come in terms of money, training and equipment. This is the stuff we need to create a strong Afghan state. A win for us. You know very well how relentless Pak generals were in running around the capitol hill stating how Afghanistan is a lost cause and the US should cut and run but it seems there were no takers. The ANSF stood!

3. No cause of concerns, the ANSF hold strategic ground that which matters, those remote and insignificant areas will be taken back. The strategic aim of the Talis in the last few years was taking over provinces, shutting down highways, they failed!

It took years for the mighty Pak army to clear South and North Waziristan, so we need to go easy on a young ANSF :)


this country belongs to Pakistanis not leaders . i think its democracy

You go this all wrong my friend :) the masses don't make the decision, its the leadership that does.
The masses like in any country are like sheep being herded by those at the top.
There you go as I predicted in the weeks prior, the drumbeats have started. Pakistan can either ditch Talis and this policy of using proxies or being in the leagues of rogue states such as NKorea.

@Jungibaaz @Kaptaan @pakistani342



The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally

Officials familiar with the Pakistan prong of Washington’s new “AfPak” strategy — which involves an open-ended commitment in Afghanistan

We are an independent & powerful country while your country is a rogue state so be careful while selecting words.
Good, now Afghanistan can finish the job that Pakistan did not do, Clean uncle sam's shoes.... oh wait Afghanistan is already doing it for Indians too.

Dude lets not get sentimental here :) its all about interests.

We are an independent & powerful country while your country is a rogue state so be careful while selecting words.

Of course you are :)
1. It is not a question of whether Pakistan wants it or not, its for Afghans to create one and we are creating one.

Let me repeat the question: what incentive does Pakistan have to establish a stronger Afghan state with a hostile Afghan elite?

For example: The US is the strongest state in the world -- does the Iranian regime have any incentives to deal with a hostile US? Answer: Yes ...

You didn't answer the question ... let me guess why ... because you like me have no answer to the question.

2. I can't speak for the Americans but what we have done is to convince the Americans that it's in their interest to stay in Afghanistan and offer an unconditional commitment for decades to come in terms of money, training and equipment. This is the stuff we need to create a strong Afghan state. A win for us. You know very well how relentless Pak generals were in running around the capitol hill stating how Afghanistan is a lost cause and the US should cut and run but it seems there were no takers. The ANSF stood!

You really believe that. You do, don't you? I think you should read up on the Vietnam war -- you have no idea on how the US works. We simply don't care for Afghanistan. Americans don't care for Pakistan either -- had it not been a negative value now of it's 200 million nuclear armed people.

3. No cause of concerns, the ANSF hold strategic ground that which matters, those remote and insignificant areas will be taken back. The strategic aim of the Talis in the last few years was taking over provinces, shutting down highways, they failed!

Again why do you deflect the question -- the ANSF with a 1/10 superiority should be kicking the butt of the Taliban -- these are a few thousand loathsome oppressors who are backed by a country every Afghan hates with a passion.

You think Afghans can convince Americans with such logic -- you might, on your next trip to the US, walk through the institutes of higher learning, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale where the American elite go for their schooling. They are not persuaded by mumbo-jumbo -- they might be polite and say nice things in public -- but don't take them for fools
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@A-Team any words on Air strikes in Shindand,Kabul,Haska Meena District,Logar and Herat which have,combined killed 100+ civilians and In the first six months of 2017, killed 95 civilians and injured 137.Total number till now accounting Government playing with numbers isn't less then 300,or may be higher.
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