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US wars leave 225,000 dead, cost $4.4 trillion: Study


Dec 14, 2010
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United States
WASHINGTON: US wars launched since the attacks of September 11, 2001 have left 225,000 dead and cost up to $4.4 trillion, according to a new study by university researchers.

The study published by Brown University this week focused on the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and counter-terrorism campaigns in Pakistan and Yemen, which came in the wake of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

The authors argued that governments almost always go to war underestimating the potential duration and costs of a conflict while overestimating "the political objectives that can be accomplished by the use of brute force."

The study said "an extremely conservative estimate" of the casualty toll was about 225,000 people killed and 365,000 wounded in the wars so far.

The number of soldiers killed comes to 31,741, including about 6,000 Americans, 1,200 allied troops, 9,900 Iraqis, 8,800 Afghans, 3,500 Pakistanis as well as 2,300 US private security contractors, it said.

The civilian toll was much higher, with an estimated 172,000 dead, including about 125,000 Iraqis, 35,000 Pakistanis and 12,000 Afghans, it said.

The study acknowledged that estimating the number of dead was difficult, particularly the toll for insurgents, putting the number at between 20,000 to 51,000 insurgents killed.

The report found that 168 reporters and 266 humanitarian workers were among the dead since the United States launched its "war on terror" after 9/11.

The wars also have triggered a massive flow of refugees and displaced persons, with more than 7.8 million displaced, mostly in Iraq and Afghanistan, it said.

The study estimated the financial cost of the wars at a minimum of $3.7 trillion and up to $4.4 trillion, which represents about a quarter of the country's current debt.

The researchers arrived at a much larger figure than the Pentagon's previous estimates, as they included spending by the Department of Homeland Security to counter terrorist threats, government projections for spending on wounded veterans through 2051 and war-related funds from the State Department and the US Agency for International Development.

The US government has previously cited the price tag for the wars at about one trillion dollars.

"Our estimate is larger because we include more than the direct Pentagon appropriation for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the larger global war on terror," said the study.

"Wars always cost more than what the Pentagon spends for the duration of the combat operation."

US wars leave 225,000 dead, cost $4.4 trillion: Study - The Times of India
cost up to $4.4 trillion, oh man! + Libya, then Syria, drone attacks (whole world), and others.

$$$$$$ and more bloods.
225K is bs
way more people died

You live in Canada, come down and check out our empty cities (living in the west you know damned well you can't "disappear" casualties, the press would be all over it.)
5% of that could have helped alleviate poverty/HIV/AIDS in Africa.....it could have gone to the American domestic manufacturing industry which is in the decline. List is so endless

real tragedy is that the world is even more dangerous now --and some of that is because of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan --not to mention the counter-productive policies in the middle east such as blind support for certain countries at the expense of others (which is only fuelling divides, frustration and anger)

American people have sadly been misled into wars which have cost their country (and others) greatly --in monetary and non-monetary terms

very sad....especially for the shell-shocked American who wonders why they are constantly being lied to and expending huge sums overseas for no real benefit
5% of that could have helped alleviate poverty/HIV/AIDS in Africa.....it could have gone to the American domestic manufacturing industry which is in the decline. List is so endless

real tragedy is that the world is even more dangerous now --and some of that is because of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan --not to mention the counter-productive policies in the middle east such as blind support for certain countries at the expense of others (which is only fuelling divides, frustration and anger)

American people have sadly been misled into wars which have cost their country (and others) greatly --in monetary and non-monetary terms

very sad....especially for the shell-shocked American who wonders why they are constantly being lied to and expending huge sums overseas for no real benefit

Its sad to see the Muslims being misled into Jihad. Hence hundred of thousands have been killed by their own brethren.
Americans have at least sown the seeds of change...which one of us thought ill about Hizbul this and Taliban that? We were feeding and training them even after Lal Masjid ops, these ilk. SWAT residents and many forum members across the world ran towards the Taliban peace deals and Shariah nonsense. It took slaughter of innocent women and children for these numbscull online personalities and strategists within our establishment to see otherwise. We only see the light when we see the blood first. Thank God someone came along and said, hey bahi, these people are going to turn on you and eat you up one day.

If they were so sincere to Pakistan, they would not use the excuse of American presence in Afghanistan to destroy our infrastructure and engage our military in needless slaughters.
Its sad to see the Muslims being misled into Jihad. Hence hundred of thousands have been killed by their own brethren.

The Jihad against the Soviets then was correct, yes? We have your leaders on file giving positive statements regarding the ultimate sacrifice one can give, and that's in self defense on the battlefield. The concept of armed Jihad never involved tactics of unilateral and provoking military action, policies that the USA hinges on. Therefore, Jihad is not in this discussion, rather the efforts of demented Muslims which can be labelled as terrorism and war-crimes, is a better way of labeling things. But please explain to me why the USA is so interested in provoking Jihad" against conventional and justified targets like Communist Soviet troops, who were also someone's children? Jihad is okay then when it fits America's interests and thinking?
Its sad to see the Muslims being misled into Jihad. Hence hundred of thousands have been killed by their own brethren.


to a large extent, Muslim societies have been robbed of the opportunity to realize their full potential because of shoddy leaderships (often, supported blindly by those with an interest in maintaining certain favourable status quos and 'equilibriums' at the expense of the people on the ground who really matter)

there needs to be more on the part of MAINSTREAM MUSLIMS to openly condemn and confront extremist elements within -- and this goes for all other religious groups as well --because religious extremism exists among members of all religious groups. This is an indisputable reality.

as for "jihad" --- well as of late, there have been plenty of recruiting tools that jihadi masters and their foot soldiers can exploit --- not limited to just the illegal and unjust wars (knee-jerk reactions) waged on Iraq and Afghanistan.

You see, there's only so much one can do in that scenario. Obviously there will be people who are radicalized by foreign boots --especially in Muslim majority countries, some of which know only wars and insurrections (those 2 countries are among the top of the list)

it is indeed sad to see Muslims being led into "jihads" when the real jihad lies within the individual him/herself, and there struggle to be good Muslims. However it is also sad that the roots were sowed to cause radicalization --especially among poor people who are not able to achieve their aspirations -- so instead they look for the "easiest way"

the easiest way to what we can ask......recognition, feelings of pride for 'accomplishing' something, feelings that he/she are simply doing the right thing --a noble, righteous cause. They are led to believe these things.

and as long as there are sufficient recruiting tools, it will be difficult to contain these threats.

The US/NATO has the luxury of being in far away places; they can pack up and go whenever they please...who picks up the tab --who cleans up all the shards of glass on the ground and deals with the aftermaths

if history is to repeat itself -- people like the Afghans, their immediate neighbours -- will pick up the tab and live with the repercussions.

so my advice to American foreign policy makers --- dont go against your own nations principles.....because that will lead to an inevitable, slow downfall. I say this as a friend of American people, as they get ready to celebrate a festive independence day in less than 72 hours.
The Jihad against the Soviets then was correct, yes? We have your leaders on file giving positive statements regarding the ultimate sacrifice one can give, and that's in self defense on the battlefield. The concept of armed Jihad never involved tactics of unilateral and provoking military action, policies that the USA hinges on. Therefore, Jihad is not in this discussion, rather the efforts of demented Muslims which can be labelled as terrorism and war-crimes, is a better way of labeling things. But please explain to me why the USA is so interested in provoking Jihad" against conventional and justified targets like Communist Soviet troops, who were also someone's children? Jihad is okay then when it fits America's interests and thinking?

We supported the Jihad against Soviet troops. Not encouraging them to go kill their own Muslim brothers and sisters and claim Allah is Great. Simple as that.
We supported the Jihad against Soviet troops. Not encouraging them to go kill their own Muslim brothers and sisters and claim Allah is Great. Simple as that.

Amen my job here is done. Next topic please.

to a large extent, Muslim societies have been robbed of the opportunity to realize their full potential because of shoddy leaderships (often, supported blindly by those with an interest in maintaining certain favourable status quos and 'equilibriums' at the expense of the people on the ground who really matter)

there needs to be more on the part of MAINSTREAM MUSLIMS to openly condemn and confront extremist elements within -- and this goes for all other religious groups as well --because religious extremism exists among members of all religious groups. This is an indisputable reality.

as for "jihad" --- well as of late, there have been plenty of recruiting tools that jihadi masters and their foot soldiers can exploit --- not limited to just the illegal and unjust wars (knee-jerk reactions) waged on Iraq and Afghanistan.

You see, there's only so much one can do in that scenario. Obviously there will be people who are radicalized by foreign boots --especially in Muslim majority countries, some of which know only wars and insurrections (those 2 countries are among the top of the list)

it is indeed sad to see Muslims being led into "jihads" when the real jihad lies within the individual him/herself, and there struggle to be good Muslims. However it is also sad that the roots were sowed to cause radicalization --especially among poor people who are not able to achieve their aspirations -- so instead they look for the "easiest way"

the easiest way to what we can ask......recognition, feelings of pride for 'accomplishing' something, feelings that he/she are simply doing the right thing --a noble, righteous cause. They are led to believe these things.

and as long as there are sufficient recruiting tools, it will be difficult to contain these threats.

The US/NATO has the luxury of being in far away places; they can pack up and go whenever they please...who picks up the tab --who cleans up all the shards of glass on the ground and deals with the aftermaths

if history is to repeat itself -- people like the Afghans, their immediate neighbours -- will pick up the tab and live with the repercussions.

so my advice to American foreign policy makers --- dont go against your own nations principles.....because that will lead to an inevitable, slow downfall. I say this as a friend of American people, as they get ready to celebrate a festive independence day in less than 72 hours.

My advice to the Pakistani people as a friend. Make sure you don't allow another 9/11 on U.S. soil. Many hundreds of thousands of people have died. Remember what happened to Japan. Germany thought they could do the same thing. Didn't understand why Hitler declared war on the U.S. Sure its unfair that casualties tilts to U.S. favor. But we tend to be proud of that as you have seen in past wars where the enemy suffers more when messing with the U.S. or attacking a weak ally. Things don't go exactly as planned for the terrorists.
My advice to the Pakistani people as a friend. Make sure you don't allow another 9/11 on U.S. soil. Many hundreds of thousands of people have died. Remember what happened to Japan. Germany thought they could do the same thing. Didn't understand why Hitler declared war on the U.S. Sure its unfair that casualties tilts to U.S. favor. But we tend to be proud of that as you have seen in past wars where the enemy suffers more when messing with the U.S. or attacking a weak ally.

Isn't the responsibility of preventing 9/11 squarely rested on the shoulders of various local, state and federal agencies, some of whom neglected their job like NORAD and told anti air assets to get lost? We never tell the US to do more when people rock themselves off in our country.
You live in Canada, come down and check out our empty cities (living in the west you know damned well you can't "disappear" casualties, the press would be all over it.)

The US changes history all the damn time and the press doesn't say anything about it. They burned the Korean war records and revised their casualties downwards (but forgot of course that the real casualties are permanently carved in solid granite rock at the Korean War Monument). The population records for the 1930's disappeared to hide the 7 million Americans, 10% of the population, that starved to death even as barges of food were sent to the ocean to dump them. And of course the legality of the US existing is quite in question, as the US settlers have engaged in the greatest genocide in the world, conquered the sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii, conquered California from Mexico and is still occupying the sovereign nation of the Confederate States of America to this day.
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