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US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

I think he would feel honored. A confirmation of his works on something much larger then 3 states.
Take for example Ukraine. Everyone is watching what will unfold, the course of events has forced Russia's hand to call parts of the fleet back to Black Sea from the Mediteranean, perhaps giving more room to their opponents for something to do with Syria?


Maybe just a reason for Russia to give up Syria because of....?
You have got a point of thought there.
Most of the money will come from the IMF

IMF dont just hand over pity grants, Even if they're requested it's a long process.. The EU and the Yanks will have to dole out the money they promised to the coup mobs.. Which btw they dont have
How to balance bw pivot to aisia and confront Russia with a shaky economy? How to keep its promise to so called allies?

The American regime is getting reckless because it's debt fuelled money printing Ponzi scheme economic facade is running on thin ice. The regime is doing its best to use its propaganda mouthpieces to talk up it's failing economy. 0% interest rates and $1 trillion in QE can only get 1.9% 'growth'. The labour force participation rate is at all time lows.
Maybe just a reason for Russia to give up Syria because of....?
You have got a point of thought there.

Not to give up, to be sufficiently tied down to not pose any threat. I admit it was my conjecture. but it goes hand in hand with Sun Tzu philosophy of deflecting attention from your true goals by creating smoke somewhere else.
In any case, this whole Ukraine thing eclipsed another attempt for change of power, this time in Venezuela, another anti US fortress. You hardly see anything on the mainstream news but youtube is filled with videos of a totalitarian regime trying to suppress dissent by force. Paramilitary gangs going around at night and all that....
Answer the question,what kind of pain?
What will they do?

can't you read bw the lines? I am not American, How should I know what they do? By their word, It must be a tough decison. Any way, we just make sure Us have to divide its resouces into 2 different situation, which may end up losing both way
Not to give up, to be sufficiently tied down to not pose any threat. I admit it was my conjecture. but it goes hand in hand with Sun Tzu philosophy.
In any case, this whole Ukraine thing eclipsed another attempt for change of power, this time in Venezuela, another anti US fortress. You hardly see anything on the mainstream news but youtube is filled with videos of a totalitarian regime trying to suppress dissent by force. Paramilitary gangs going around at night and all that....

But is Syria worth it ? If you allow Russia to enter Ukraine you've just shoved your two biggest allies in the East under the bus,Poland and Romania as Russia will come next to their borders.Transnistria will declare independence while Moldova will cower in fear back to Russian influence with Russian troops at their borders thus destroying everything we've worked to achieve in there.

Now,it could be possible that the US doen't care about this or their allies but it seems to much for me.
Not to give up, to be sufficiently tied down to not pose any threat. I admit it was my conjecture. but it goes hand in hand with Sun Tzu philosophy of deflecting attention from your true goals by creating smoke somewhere else.
In any case, this whole Ukraine thing eclipsed another attempt for change of power, this time in Venezuela, another anti US fortress. You hardly see anything on the mainstream news but youtube is filled with videos of a totalitarian regime trying to suppress dissent by force. Paramilitary gangs going around at night and all that....
Well the weapons industry won again,damn they are the real power on this planet.
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